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OILS FOR MANUAL TRANSMISSION手动变速箱油1. TITANIS SUPER变速箱油SAE 80W/90 API GL-4/GL-5; MT-1Chloric-free gear oil designed for gears, particularly hipoidal, in passenger cars and other mechanical vehicles working in extreme conditions, that is at high speed and swept loads. It provides efficient operation of drives where oils API GL-5 SAE 80W/90 are required and of transmission where oils API GL-4 SAE 80W/90 are required为齿轮设计的无氯齿轮油,客车和其他机械车辆在极端条件下,在高的速度和席卷负载工作的,尤其hipoidal设计。它提供高效运作的油API GL- 5 SAE80W/90是必需的,传输油API GL- 4 SAE80W/90需要的驱动器属性:确保传输的完美清洁确保在低温下容易开始防止沉积物和积炭的形成降低传输组件的磨损项目参数值单位1在100的运动粘度13.8mm2/s2流动温度- 33C3闪点216C4布氏粘度在-26 C120000mPa*s5粘度指数110批准:MAN 3343 MZF TE-ML 02B,05A,12E,16B,17B,19B符合要求:ZF TE-ML 01, 07A, 08, 16CScania STO 1:0; Mack GO-JArvin Meritor; DAFRenault; IVECO包装:4l, 50kg, 180kg, 1 ton2. LOTOS TITANIS变速箱油SAE 80W/90 API GL-5Chloric-free gear oil designed for hipoidal gear in passenger cars and other mechanical vehicles working in extreme conditions, that is at high speed and swept loads, at high speed and small torque and at small speed and high torque.无氯齿轮油,在乘用车和其他工作在极端条件下,高的速度和席卷负载在高速,小扭矩,小高速度和高扭矩的机械车辆hipoidal齿轮设计。属性:具有完善的抗氧化和防腐性能高发泡形成阻力保证完美的传输清洁降低传动部件的磨损项目参数值单位1在100的运动粘度 13.8mm2/s2流动温度- 33C3闪点216C4布氏粘度在-26 C120200mPa*s5粘度指数110批准:ZF TE ML 05A, 16B, 17B, 19B包装;1l, 5l, 50kg, 180kg, 1 ton3. LOTOS TITANIS LS变速箱油SAE 80W/90 API GL-4/GL-5Chloric-free gear oil designed for hipoidal gear in passenger cars and other mechanical vehicles working in extreme conditions. Friction modifiers present in this oil reduce oil layer discontinuity on lubricated surfaces at higher speed of oil flow or at changeable load and direction of movement. Oil activities in drives with auto-blocking differential gear are particular examples of the phenomena无氯齿轮油,在乘用车和其他机械车辆在极端条件下工作的hipoidal齿轮设计。这种油中的摩擦改进剂减少在较高的油流速度或油润滑表面层的不连续性,在多变的负荷和运动方向。在驱动器自动阻止差速齿轮油活动的现象特别的例子属性:确保传输的完美清洁确保在低温下容易开始防止沉积物和积炭的形成降低传输组件“穿降低油润滑表面层的不连续性,在多变的负载和方向噪声降低传输活动在系统提供高效的工作与参考油滑动的现象油流和驱动器的运动方向项目参数值单位1在100的运动粘度 13.8mm2/s2流动温度- 33C3闪点216C4布氏粘度在-26 C120000mPa*s5粘度指数110Approval:ZF TE-ML 05C, 12C包装:4l, 50kg, 180kg, 1 ton4. SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL GL-5 75W/140变速箱油SAE 75W/140 API GL-4/GL-5Chloric-free synthetic gear oil GL-575W/140 is produced from synthetic oils enriched with selected additives. It is designed for the application in hipoidal gear in passenger cars, trucks, buses and other mechanical vehicles working in extreme conditions, that is at high temperatures and great loads.无氯合成齿轮油GL-575W/140是从精选添加剂丰富的合成油。它是专为轿车,卡车,公共汽车和其他机械车辆在极端条件下,在高温和巨大的负载工作的应用程序hipoidal齿轮。属性:确保传输的完美清洁确保容易在极低的温度下开始降低传输组件“磨损”专为车辆和机器的驱动器的使用项目参数值单位1在100的运动粘度 7.5mm2/s2流动温度- 47C3闪点224C4布氏粘度在-40 C150000mPa*s5粘度指数124Packages:1l, 5l, 26kg5.SEMI-SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL GL-4; GL-5 75W/90变速箱油SAE 75W/90 API GL-4/GL-5Chloric-free semi-synthetic gear oils are designed for use in hipoidal gears of passenger cars, trucks, buses and other mechanical vehicles. GL-4 oil is designed for use in hipoidal gears operating in very difficult conditions, that is at high speed and small torque or small speed and high torque. GL-5 oil is designed for use in hipoidal gears operating in very difficult conditions, that is at high speeds and swept loads, at high speeds and small torques or at small speed and high torque.无氯的半合成齿轮油,设计用于轿车,卡车,公共汽车和其他机械车辆hipoidal齿轮。 GL- 4油是专为使用在非常困难的条件下,在高速小扭矩或小的速度和高扭矩经营的hipoidal齿轮。 GL-5油是使用在非常困难的条件下,在以很高的速度和小扭矩或小的高速度和高扭矩,高的速度席卷负载经营的hipoidal齿轮设计。属性:确保传输的完美清洁确保容易在极低的温度下开始降低传输组件“磨损”专为车辆和机器的驱动器的使用项目参数值单位 GL-4 75W/90 GL-5 75W/901在100的运动粘度 14.4 16mm2/s2流动温度- 45-45C3闪点236224C4布氏粘度在-40 C150000150000mPa*s5粘度指数135 124Packages:1l, 5l, 26kg, 180kg, 1 ton6. PARUS变速箱油SAE 80W/90 API GL-4Chloric-free gear oils are designed for use in hipoidal gears of passenger cars, trucks, buses and other mechanical vehicles. GL-4 oil is designed for use in hipoidal gears operating in medium load conditions. This oil provides efficient operation of drives, where API GL-4 SAE 80W/90 is required and in industrial drives, where gear oil VG150 (viscosity) and L-CKC/CKD; DIN-CLP (quality) is required.无氯齿轮油,设计用于轿车,卡车,公共汽车和其他机械车辆hipoidal齿轮。 GL- 4油是专为使用在中等负荷条件下经营的hipoidal齿轮。这种油提供的驱动器,高效运行的API GL- 4 SAE80W/90是必需的,在工业驱动器,齿轮油VG150(粘度)和L-CKC/CKD; DIN- CLP(质量)是必需的。属性:确保传输的完美清洁确保容易在极低的温度下开始降低传输组件“磨损“专为车辆和机器的驱动器的使用项目参数值单位1在100的运动粘度 14.5 15.5mm2/s2流动温度- 33C3闪点225C4布氏
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