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机电工程学院毕业设计外文资料翻译设计题目: 散粮装车机喂料部分结构设计译文题目:有关带式输送机的驱动装置设计的一些研究学生姓名:刘延涛 学号:20054740218 专业班级:车辆工程0502 指导教师:徐 芸 正文:外文资料译文 附 件:外文资料原文 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日出自:The South African Institute of Materials Handling有关带式输送机驱动装置设计的一些研究J.H. Rall 理工学硕士, 汉森变速器(控股)有限公司董事P. Staples 理工学硕士, 输送机知识与信息科技(控股)有限公司(CKIT)董事、总经理摘要:这是是一篇关于探讨运送大量颗粒物质的动力和平板橡胶输送带之间的驱动装置的综述。它关注的是大批量的物料输送,而不是像喂料或计量输送带,大倾角式输送机等特殊情况。它主要研究电机联轴器和驱动滚筒之间的减速器,带速,轴承寿命,使用因数,制动器和逆止器等。 1. 概述The ever increasing rate of consumption of earths raw materials has brought with it a need for faster movement of these materials from the point of extraction to the point of process or usage and transporting these materials through the process plant and disposing of the waste in the shortest possible time.地球原材料的消耗越来越多,那就需要很快地将这些材料从一个地方转移到使用它的地 方,而且要通过一定的工艺来运输这些物料并且要在最短的时间内处置废物。许多物料输送的方法是从轮手推车送到自卸卡车或接送的车辆上,或是依靠一定的空气流在空气导管中进行散料输送。这种输送方式中,在限制成本的前提下,在可靠的长距离的物料输送中带式输送机发挥了非常重要的作用。 Each method of material conveying has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the problems with belt conveyors is that soft friable material can be degraded, particularly in loading and unloading.每一种物料输送都有其优点和缺点。带式输送机的问题之一是,输送带柔软易降解,特别是在装货和卸货的时候。如果维持整体尺寸是很重要的话,那么照目前的技术来说这在复杂的输送系统中是很困难。 Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so.输送系统已变得越来越大,越来越复杂,驱动系统也已经历一个演进过程而且会继续演进下去。Bigger belts require more power and has brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives such as 4 drives of 1000 kW each on one belt.大带要求很大的驱动力。不仅需要更大的独立驱动装置,同时也需要多驱动装置比如一个带需要4个各1000KW功率的驱动器。完整驱动装置中轴的安装是另一个变化,它要求更紧凑重量更轻的驱动装置。这往往倾向于在输送带和硬齿面齿轮旁边配置一个直角驱动器来减小驱动器的尺寸和质量。2. 传动比与带速Depending on the quantity, size, distance and characteristics of the material to be conveyed, the absorbed power, width, tensile requirements and top cover thickness of the belt will be decided.根据待输送物料的数量,规模,输送距离和其特点的不同决定了带的吸收功率,宽度,拉伸要求和厚度等。 Large volume conveyor belts run in the range of 2 to 6 metre/second and the allowable bend radius of the belt determines pulley diameters which for large belts is of the order of 0,8 to 1,5 m giving pulley speeds between 50 and 125 rpm. 大部分的传送带带速范围在26m/s,并且由带允许的弯曲半径决定了托辊的直径。大型传送带的托辊直径在0.81.5m之间,托辊速度在50125rpm之间。 Assuming that 4 pole motors are used, this gives a reduction ratio required between 12:1 and 30:1.假设使用4极电机,这能提供12:130:1之间需要的减速比 。 Most modern gear manufacturers do not use a higher ratio per stage than 5:1, which means that speed reducers will be either 2 or 3 stage reduction. 大部分的齿轮制造商不会采用过高的传动比,每级传动比不超过5:1,这意味着将会是23级减速。(除小功率的蜗杆减速器或是扭矩臂和V带驱动器可能会使用)。There is a misconception that one can reduce the cost of the gearspeed reducer by using a 6 or 8 pole motor, but even an 8 pole motor on the higher speeds would require a reduction above 6:1 and a 2 stage unit would still be required.有一种误解以为减速器使用6或8极电机可以降低成本,但即使是8极电极能有更高的速度,且每级减速比超过6:1,这样仍然需要2级传动。大部分变速器的成本与低速轴的扭矩有关系。因此,只要确定了这一点,除了使用了4极电机以外使用其他任何电机相比之下都是没有任何经济优势可言的。 The motor manufacturers, because of size and volume, generally supply 4 pole motors at the lowest price, and as a rule therefore, a 4 pole motor is the best choice with a gearbox of the appropriate ratio to arrive at the desired conveyor shaft s由于受到规模和数量的限制,一般对电机制造商来说提供的4极电机的价格最低。因此作为选择电机的一条原则,为了达到要求的传动轴速度,4极电机是最佳选择了。 Where ball and roller bearings are used in the electric motors some manufacturers prefer 6 pole or even 8 pole speeds for motors over 1000 kW.电动机使用球轴承和滚子轴承的一些制造商喜欢6极甚至8极的转速,能给电机提供超过1000千瓦的功率。 3.1 选择单个或多个驱动器Having calculated the power required to drive the belt and having considered the belt tension and angle of contact, a decision can be taken on whether the belt should be fitted with single or multiple drive.在计算出驱动皮带所需功率和皮带张力和包角之后就可决定就带是否应装有一个或多个驱动器。 This decision is often influenced by other equipment installed in a plant and multiples of other smaller drives are often used.这一决定往往受安装在工厂的数倍于经常使用的小驱动器等设备的影响。 Drive size may also be determined by the nearest standard motor available. 驱动器的大小也可能由最近可用的标准电动机决定。如果一个驱动器离主要动力源有相当的距离,那么就要用一根长的电缆来连接电机和驱动器。这样一来,在选择我们使用的电机的数量和尺寸时电缆尺寸和变压器的成本就可能发挥一个很重要的作用。随着电机的启动,电动机的峰值电流可能是6相满载电流。一个电机或一组电机的运行电流与最后一个电机启动时的启动电流之间的联系对驱动器的选择会有很强的影响。3.2 低速轴的连接Drive from the reducer to the belt pulley shaft is either by flexible coupling from a drive pack mounted on a foundation next to the structure or by shaft mounted drive unit hanging on the pulley shaft.从减速器到皮带轮轴的传动一种是通过与安装在构架旁边的基础部件上的驱动装置的“弹性”耦合来实现,一种是通过挂在带轮轴上的驱动装置的轴来实现。驱动装置可以安装空心轴,通过摩擦锁合原理来驱动或是安装实心轴用一个刚性联轴器将其与输送机轴连接起来以实现驱动。附件中给出了一些典型的附属装置草图。(见附录A )。 4.1 起动方法驱动器的大小和保护装置的选择During start up of conveyor belts, a considerable mass is usually involved which requires acceleration, and to reduce the length of time that the motor draws starting current, a slip coupling is fitted between the drive motor and speed reducer. Alternatively, slip
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