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2022年中考英语复习:直接引语与间接引语2. 时态的变化 如主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态上要作相应变化: 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进展时 过去进展时 现在完成时 过去完成时 一般过去时 过去完成时 过去完成时 过去完成时(不变) 一般将来时 过去将来时 3. 指示代词、时间状语和地点状语,直接引语变间接引语时的变化 指示代词 this that these those 时间状语 now then today that day tonight that night this morning (week, month) that morning (week, month ) tomorrow the next day next week (month) the next week (month ) yesterday the day before last week (month) the week (month) before three days (a year ) ago three days (a year ) before 地点状语 here there 动词 come go 特殊提示:以上变化要依据说话的实际状况来定,不要机械地照搬。假设就在当地转述,here 就不必改为there;假如就在当天转述,yesterday,tomorrow 等时间状语也不必转变。直击考点 一、单项填空 1. My parents always tell me _ others lateat night. Theyre right. Its not polite. A. call B. not call C. to call D. not to call (06年 福州) 【答案】D 【解析】从答语“他们说得对,那是不礼貌的”可知,“My parents always tell me”意为“父母常叫我不要在夜里给别人打电话”。动词不定式是not to do,即tell sb. not to do sth. 。 2. This morning my mother asked me _. A. why he is not here B. how did my brother do it C. what time is it D. what Judy did over the weekend (06年 长春) 【答案】D 【解析】主句动词asked是过去式,间接引语应用与过去有关的时态,并用陈述语序,只有选项D符合要求。 3. They say there _ a new bridge across the river in two years. A. will have B. is going to be C. has (06年 武汉) 【答案】B 【解析】They say句是一般现在时,又因 in two years“两年之后”,间接引语要用一般将来时; there be 不行与have一起用,故答案是B。 4. Could you tell me _? Glad to help. A. if I have been to the Great Wall B. where did he study C. how I can get to the station D. whats your name (06年 锦州) 【答案】C 【解析】依据间接引语应当是陈述句语序,排解B、D选项,A意思不合规律。句中could是一种委婉语气,不要和过去时态联系在一起。 5. The students said they _ have a picnic together after the big test. A. would love to B. would love C. had love D. had love (06年 呼和浩特) 【答案】A 【解析】主句中的said是动词过去式,从after the big test可推断,间接引语应当用过去将来时; to have a picnic together是would love的宾语。 6. What did the head teacher say at themeeting? He said, “We _ be proud of working hard. We mustnt be lazy. ” A. must B. neednt C. may D. cant (06年 福州) 【答案】A 【解析】此题是一句直接引语,依据句意“我们应当以勤劳为荣,不应当懒散”,选择A。 7. Who can tell me _ at the meeting? A. what he said B. he said what C. what did he say D. how he said (06年 徐州) 【答案】A 【解析】依据间接引语对连接词和语序的要求,排解B、C选项; said是及物动词,what作宾语。 8. Will you please tell us _ before you came to our city? A. where do you work B. where did you work C. where you worked (06年 成都) 【答案】C 【解析】 从句应当是用陈述语序。 二、依据要求完成以下各题。 1. If you ask someone to help you carry a heavy box, what will you say? (06年 连云港) 【答案】Could you give/lend me a hand? 或:Could you help me,please? 【解析】由于恳求别人帮助,所以说话语气要委婉,使用could要比can更好。 2. My brother said he _ (let) me have the bike as soon as he had cleaned it. (用所给词的适当形式填空) (06年 无锡) 【答案】would let/ was going to let 【解析】as soon as引导的是时间状语从句,由于主句是过去式,所以从句由一般将来时转变为过去将来时。 3. She said to me, “Dont write the letter with a pencil. ” (改为间接引语) She told me _ with a pencil. (06年 广州) 【答案】not to write the letter 【解析】直接引语是否认祈使句,变为间接引语时,用not to do sth.作宾语补足语。
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