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您的位置:英文荟萃网科技 .哈勃望远镜的10大神奇发现 点击:6025时间:2005-6-6难度: 来源: 国际在线 温馨提示: 1.6个小时掌握学英语的秘密点击进入 2.本站音频文件均可播放,如不能播放,请安装 realplayer播放器. 3.双击单词可弹出解释框. -1、这是一组哈勃望远镜拍摄下来的,遥远的超新星以及这些巨大的星体发生死亡爆炸的景象。上面一组照片显示出爆炸发生之前的各自的区域,下面一组显示的是爆炸的结果。1.A collection of Hubble Space Telescope images shows distant supernovas, the death explosions of massive stars. The top photos show each region before the explosion. The bottom row shows the explosions aftermaths2、美国国家航空航天局表示,哈勃的主要任务之一就是帮助天文学家测定宇宙的准确年龄。现在,它已经顺利地完成了任务,帮助天文学家将宇宙的年龄精确到130亿至140亿年之间。天文学家用哈勃观测到仙女星座和其它星群中的造父变星(如图),以确定宇宙的膨胀速度和宇宙的年龄。2.According to NASA, One of Hubbles key duties was to help astronomers determine a precise age for the universe. The telescope helped astronomers accomplish that goal, narrowing the universes age to 13 to 14 billion years old. Astronomers made observations of Cepheid variable stars pictured abovepulsating stars used to measure vast distancesin the Virgo and other clusters to establish the expansion rate and the universes age.3、美国国家航空航天局表示,哈勃给天文学家提供了一个“剪贴本”,里面全是一些有关于早期宇宙的快照。其中包括在探索纵深宇宙的过程中,一系列独一无二的资料图片:如“哈勃深空”(Hubble Deep Fields);“大天文台宇宙起源深空巡天”(Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey ,GOODS)和哈勃超深空(Hubble Ultra Deep Field, HUDF,如图示),这些观测资料向人们提供了以可见光可观测到的宇宙最深处的景象。3.According to NASA, Hubble provided astronomers with a scrapbook full of snapshots of the early universe including pictures of the deep universe in a series of unique observations: the Hubble Deep Fields, the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey, and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field pictured above. The observations provided the deepest views of the cosmos in visible, ultraviolet, and near-infrared light.4、一位画家描绘出的一颗外天体绕着恒星HD 209458的轨道运行。4.An artists conception shows an alien planet orbiting star HD 209458.5、哈勃望远镜拍摄下来的图象:M87一个巨大的椭圆星系。椭圆星系并不具有大多数星系具有的扁圆或是螺旋型的形状。5.A Hubble Space Telescope imageshows M87 lower right a giant elliptical galaxy. Elliptical galaxies do not take on the flat-disk or spiral shapes that most galaxies do.6、哈勃望远镜捕捉到的这张照片显示的是1999年1月23日伽马射线爆炸的景象。这是当时人们纪录过的最大规模的一次伽马射线爆炸。6.The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of a gamma ray explosion on January 23, 1999. At the time it was the most powerful explosion ever recorded.7、一组哈勃拍摄到的恒星状球体(类星体)的宿主星系的图片。7.A collection of Hubble space telescope images shows galaxies that host quasars.8、这是哈勃望远镜拍摄到的猎户星云中的原行星盘(proplyds,protoplanetary disks)。8.A Hubble Space Telescope image shows proplyds, or protoplanetary disks, in the Orion Nebula.9、哈勃望远镜拍摄到的这个画面上,一些清晰可见的黑色疤痕向人们揭示出,1994年7月份一颗命名为苏梅克-列维9号的彗星断裂成21个碎块撞击木星的情景,撞击产生的蘑菇形的火球在冲击到了木星的上空。9.Black scars reveal the aftermath of Jupiters impact with nearly two dozen chunks from comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994. The impacts sent towering mushroom-shaped fireballs of hot gas into the Jovian sky.10、在跳跃的颜色中烁烁发光的行星状星云(就像上面这颗)向人们描绘出垂死恒星的最后色彩。行星状星云实际上是一些即将消亡的恒星抛射出的气体外壳,在学术上与行星并没有什么关系。哈勃望远镜告诉人们,行星状星云就像雪花一样,没有任何两个是一样的。10.Glowing in vibrant colors, planetary nebulae, such as this one, represent the death rattles of dying stars. These nebulae, which are not technically related to planets, are gas clouds forced outward by a dying star. According to NASA, Hubbles keen eye disclosed that planetary nebulas are like snowflakes: no two are like. (编译:王高山)
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