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大学英语听力训练:黑洞00:00.00Unit 2 taxt A Black Holes00:03.04黑洞00:06.09What is a black hole?00:07.11 什么是黑洞呢?00:08.12Well,it”s difficult to answer this question,since the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate here.00:14.11喔,这个问题很难答复,由于我们通常用来描述一种科学现象的术语用在这里不适宜.00:20.09Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole00:22.73天文学家和科学家认为黑洞00:25.36is a region of space (not a thing )00:27.94是一个空间区域(不是一个物体),00:30.51into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape not even light.00:34.90物质会陷入其中,而没有物体可以从中逃逸出来.00:39.29So we can”t see a black hole.00:41.51-即使是光也不行,所以我们看不到黑洞.00:43.73A black hole exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter.00:48.42黑洞产生很强的引力,而它却没有物质.00:53.11It is only space-or so we think.00:55.59它只是空间-或者我们认为是这们.00:58.07How this happen?00:59.79这是怎么发生的呢?01:01.52The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point;01:05.74原理是一些星球的密度增长到特定的一个值时就会爆炸.01:09.96they collapse and sometimes a supernova occurs.01:13.27它们崩溃时会产生超新星.01:16.59From earth,a supernova looks like a very bright light in the sky01:20.21在地球上看上去,超新星就像天空中特别刺眼的灯,01:23.83which shines even in the daytime.01:26.15即使在白天也能看到其闪光.01:28.48Supernova were reported by astronomers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries01:32.45在17,18世纪,天文学家就有了关于超新星的记录,01:36.42Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.01:40.24有人认为圣诞星可能是一种超新星.01:44.07The collapse of a star may produce a White Dwarf or a neutron star01:48.60一颗星球崩溃可能产生一颗白矮星或一颗中子星01:53.14a star, whose matter is so dense01:58.60that it continually shrinks by the force of its own gravity.02:02.07-一种物质如此致密以致于它在自身引力下不断地收缩的星体.02:05.54But if the star is very large (much bigger than our sun)02:08.67但假如星球很大(比我们的太阳大得多),02:11.79this process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole results.02:15.97其收缩过程可能很猛烈,以至于产生了黑洞.02:20.15Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble,02:23.53假想一下地球收缩到弹球那么大,02:26.91but still having the same mass and a stronger gravitational pull,02:30.84但仍具有同样的质量和更大强的吸引力,02:34.78and you have some idea of the force of a black hole.02:38.20你就会对黑洞的力气有某种概念.02:41.62Any matter near the black hole is sucked in.02:45.16黑洞四周任何物质都会被吸进去,02:48.70It is impossible to say what happens inside a black hole.02:51.68根本不行能说出黑洞里面发生了什么.
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