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2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在测试卷卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、If you have any trouble, please call me. . But I can manage it.AIm sorry to hear thatBIts very kind of youCI have no troubleDI will think it over2、 Have you read the book Jane Eyre? Yes. Its a famous book and really worth .Aread Breading Cto read3、When do you think is the best time to visit Yancheng?You come here in spring or autumn. The weather is quite pleasant.Ahad better Bwould rather Chave to Dwould like4、I used to spend lots of time playing computer games. I fell behind my classmates.You sure change. Time should be made good use of your lessons well.Alearning Blearned Cto learn Dlearns5、Have you finished your project? Not yet. Ill finish it if I _ ten more minutes.AgiveBam givenCwill giveDwill be given6、The doctor told me _ too much but I find it difficult.The doctor is right. The less you drink, _ you will be.Adont drink; the healthierBnot to drink; the healthierCnot to drink; the more healthierDdont drink; healthier7、Jen speaks good Chinese. She _ the Chinese language at Beijing University for a year after she finished university in London.Astudies Bis studying Chas studied Dstudied8、I am too heavy. I dont know how to _ the problem.Acare aboutBdeal withCdecide on9、-I think Hao Haidong is the best football player in China. He can take our team to the world.-I dont think so._.AA single flower does not make a spring.BMany hands make light work.CThe early bird catches the worm.DEvery dog has its day.10、Many of his classmates wondered _.Ahow can he improve his English so muchBhow he can improve his English so muchChow could he improve his English so muchDhow he could improve his English so much. 完形填空11、Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on(跨上)it and 1 . But waitisnt this stealing? No, it isnt. 2 shouts, “Stop! Thief!” That is 3 this free ride is just fine with the city. You 4 find hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for 5 transportation, and they wanted to help 6 pollution. So, to get citizens(市民) 7 their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they 8 the Yellow Bike Project. The 9 bikes are painted bright yellow and placed throughout the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands(短程差事), to work 10 to school. Then, they leave the bike for the 11 rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people 12 the rules, because they think it is not wise to 13 the bike thats already free.Portlands 14 was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its starts, similar programs were 15 in cities in six other states.1Adrive away Bride away Cride back Drun away2ANo one BSomeone CAnyone DEveryone3Awhether Bso Cbecause Dthough4Ahave to Bdont have to Ccant Dcan5Aexpensive Bcrowded Cfree Dcommon6Aprotect Bcontrol Cmake Dbring7Aout of Binto Cup Dnear8Aended Bstarted Cchanged Drefused9Apublic Bprivate Cclean Ddirty10Abut Bas Cuntil Dor11Anext Blast Cbest Dfirst12Abreak Bmake Cdiscuss Dfollow13Abuy Brepair Cproduce Dsteal14Acitizen Bstreet Cidea Dschool15Alooked up Bmade up Cput up Dset up. 语法填空12、 My mother is a doctor. She is so busy 1 she isnt able to get back home on time every day. And she has to work on weekends sometimes. So its hard for 2(she) to do all the chores after work. As a member of the family, I think its my duty to share some housework. Though mother always says she doesnt need any help, there are always things I can do. For example, I can help take out the rubbish and wash 3 dishes. Im sure I can do them 4(good). Whats more, Im 5(try) to be independent. I wash my own clothes, tidy up my bedroom and care for my things. Im old enough to do these things. And I cant d6 on my parents forever. I think she is the 7(one) person I should thank. So show your 8(thank) to your mom for everything she 9(do). Just try your b10 to help her. I believe she will feel happy. Try it now. 阅读理解A13、If you ever go to the US and eat at a restaurant, theres a very important difference you should know about. US people have a custom to give money to waiters and waitresses as a tip for their work.But why is this? Shouldnt waiters get paid enough by their bosses? Well, many waiters and waitress
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