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第11课 我会说一点儿汉语Review: buy somethingFor example:您要买什么?What do you want to buy?我要买一张光盘。 I want to buy a piece of CD. 一张光盘多少钱?How much is a piece of CD?Today we are going to learn something new. We will learn how to ask the time, hail a taxi. We will pay special attention to how Chinese people respond to compliments.Telling time:These words are used to tell time in Chinese: 点(钟),刻,分。For example:八点二十五分。In Chinese, people tell time in this way:8: 00 八点(钟)(the 钟in 点钟can be omitted.)8: 05 八点(O)五分 (when 分is a number less than ten, O can be added before it.)8: 10 八点十分8: 12 八点十二(分)(when分is more than10, 分may be omitted.)8: 15 八点十五(分) or 八点一刻8:30 八点三十(分)or 八点半8:45 八点四十五(分)or 八点三刻 or 差一刻九点The order of expressions of time and date is :年+月+日+星期+上午/下午/晚上+钟点2013年5月17日星期五上午十点Furthermore, 分钟can be used to indicate minute, like 您还有五分钟(you still have five minutes). However, 分钟indicates a period of time rather than a time for something to be done or happen.Dialogue 1. Linna hail a taxi. She is talking with the driver.Linna: 师傅,我去语言学院。请问现在几点?Driver:差一刻八点。您会说汉语啊!Linna:我会说一点儿汉语。我是学生,现在回学院上课。Driver:你们几点上课?Linna::八点上课。师傅,我们八点能到吗?Driver::能到,您的汉语很好。Linna: 哪里,我的汉语不太好。您会不会说英语?Driver:我不会说英语。我也喜欢外语,常常在家学点儿英语。Linna: 谁教您英语?Driver:我孙女儿。Linna:真有意思。她今年几岁?Driver:六岁。我的岁数太大了,学英语不容易。Linna: 您今年多大岁数?Driver:我今年五十二。语言学院到了。现在差五分八点,您还有五分钟。Linna:谢谢,给您钱。Driver:您给我二十,我找您五块。OK?Linna:您会说英语!Driver:我也会一点儿。拜拜。Linna :拜拜。 讲解:1.师傅 a respectable form of address for workers and people in service trades. It can be used to address taxi and bus drivers, ticket sellers cooks and hotel staff. While 师父, with the same pronounce with师傅,is used to address someone that have teach you something or your teacher. And you can put a family name before 师傅,like 王师傅,康师傅。师父can not.2复习时间问答。3.哪里is actually an interrogative pronoun with the same meaning of “哪儿”。But here it has a negative connotation. It is often used to express modesty when responding to praise. We can also use 是吗to express doubt. Whether we use a word expressing negation or doubt, the purpose Is to show a person accepts other peoples compliments with modesty. In Chinese culture, this is regarded as an appropriate response.4.回return,孙女儿granddaughter,到arrive,英语English,岁数year of age,拜拜bye bye .Dialogue 2.Libo: 陈老师,马大为今天不能来上课。Teacher Chen: 他为什么不能来上课?Libo:昨天是星期日,他上午去商场买东西,下午去朋友家玩儿。他晚上十一点半回学院,十二点写汉字,两点钟睡觉。现在他还没有起床。Teacher Chen:他应该来上课。Libo:老师,我能不能问您一个问题?Teacher Chen:可以。Libo:我们为什么八点上课?讲解:1.能、会、可以、应该sentences with the optative verbs:Optative verbs such as 能、会、可以、应该 are often placed before verbs to express ability, possibility, or willingness. Sometimes 要 can also be used as these meanings. Optative verbs such as 会,能,and 可以 indicate the ability to do something and can be translated into ”can , be able to”.It should be noted, though, that 会 emphasizes skills acquired through learning, while 能,可以 express the possession of skills in general.For example: 他会说汉语。 我们八点能到。 你可以进来。 他应该来上课。Note:1.in a sentence with an optative verb, the affirmative-negative form is formed by juxtaposing the affirmative and negative forms of the optative verb, that is opv不opv.你会不会说汉语? 你能不能上课?2.the negative form of 能 and 可以 is usually 不能。不可以 is only used to express prohibition. For example, 不可以吸烟。 If the answer to the question 你可以不可以介绍一下你们系? Is negative, it should be 我不能介绍我们系。 One cannot say 我不可以介绍我们系。3.to answer briefly, one may use only the optative verb. For example:你会说汉语吗? 不会。4.some optative verbs are also general verbs. For example: 他会英语。Grammer:1. 连动句。Sentences with serial verb phrases :to indicate purposeIn a sentence with a verbal predicate, the subject may take two consecutive verbs or verb phrases. The order of these verb phrases is fixed. In the sentences with serial verb phrases introduced in this lesson, the second verb indicates the purpose of the action denoted by the first verb.S+V1O+V2O我回学院上课。他去朋友家玩儿。2. 双宾语动词谓语句。Sentences with double objects:教、问Verbs such as 教 and 问 can take double objects, for example:他孙女儿教他英语。他问我一个问题。老师教你们中国文化。Chinese Characters:The enclosure structure :1. four side 回2. left-top-right enclosure 问3. top-left enclosure 应4. top-right enclosure 可 司第12课 我全身都不舒服Review: telling time.10:03 十点零三分10: 25 十点二十五(分)5:45 五点四十五(分) 五点三刻 差一刻六点能会可以应该Today, we are going to learn to describe health problems to a doctor. You will also learn to express volition, necessity, and learn a new way of asking questions.Dialogue 1力波: 大为,你每天都六点起床去锻炼,现在九点一刻,你怎么还不起床?大为:我头疼。力波:你嗓子怎么了?大为:我嗓子也疼。力波:我想,你应该去医院看病。大为:我身体没问题,不用去看病。我要睡觉,不想去医院。力波:你不去看病,明天你还不能上课。大为:好吧,我去医院。现在去还是下午去?力波:当然现在去,我跟你一起去。今天天气很冷,你要多穿点衣服。 Words: 全身all over the body,舒服comfortable,锻炼to have physical training,疼painful,嗓子throat,想to think, to want ,看病to see a doctor,身体body, health,吧a modal particle,冷cold,穿to wear。
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