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美国留学 MBA专业PS范文(二) 留学美国申请MBA是很多学生的首选,对于美国MBA的申请,个人陈述起到了很大的作用,本文是加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)MBA申请个人陈述范文,附中文翻译及点评。 下面是一篇小编给大家找到的美国MBA申请文书的范例,喜欢能对大家有所帮助。Born into a peasant family isolated by high mountains, I have come a long way to be where I am. A senior manager now of a state-owned company that has grown into a medium-sized foreign trade business in China in only five years, I not only head one of my companys most important departments but also travel abroad from time to time on behalf of the company. Often hungry and cold as a child, I now enjoy a comfortable life, which I hope will still get significantly better after I receive advanced business training in a quality MBA program.In many ways, it is thanks to the childhood hardship that I have made my achievements. In trying to help alleviate the financial burden on my parents, I made my debut in the art of money-* at an age when American kids probably could not be hired to work. I still remember earning my first coin by buying fruits from one place and then selling them in another. Too little a profit it might seem, but it counted towards meeting the familys expenses the. But more importantly, the coin started me out in a business career that I now hope to translate into sizable fortunes.The hunger and humiliation that I endured as a conspicuously poor child, even by the standards of the poverty-stricken mountains, taught me the importance of success. Luckily, my parents, ignorant as they were, knew that the key t real success would lie in my education, and they toiled and moiled year in and year out to put that key into my hand, in a parental spirit and tradition that probably can only be found in China. Watching my parents working their backs off every day, I acquired the kind of determination, drive, and sense of responsibility not usually expected of Chinese women in China. With my parents unswerving support, I studied diligently and outperformed most of my classmates. For years, my academic report card was the main source of pride in my family.On the strength of my high scores in the National University Entrance Examinations, I entered I 1986 into the Beijing-based University of International Business and Economy, one of the nations leading higher-education institutions of its kind, to major in accounting in its Department of International Business Management. Brought up in an isolated community, I was convinced that my country, just as my family, could only achieve real and sustained prosperity by readily doing business with the outside world. Masking full use of every minute I had, I read a variety of books and journals related to my major, through which I broadened my vision and enriched my knowledge. My professional interests were focused mostly on accounting, finance, and international trade. As you can see from the transcripts, my undergraduate academic record was excellent, ranking me among the top three among the 140 students of my department. In recognition of my performance, the university awarded me a stream of scholarships and prizes.While my grades are outstanding, I am more distinguished by my publications, which demonstrate an insistent quest for real solutions to real problems. The International Business, a widely-read business journal in China, published a number of my articles. These include Reasons of the American Trade Deficit with China (Sept. 1, 1987), Exploration of the Stock-holding System Employed by the Big and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises (Mar. 29, 1988), and Prospects of the International Shipping Industry (May 5, 1988). In 1990, I worked as a coeditor to the Dictionary of Contemporary Accounting and Financial Management, which has since become a major professional reference book to many Chinese entrepreneurs, accountants, auditors and other professionals in the business community. My editing concentrated on six sections, Accounting, Auditing, Financial Management, International Finance, International taxation, Bonds and Real Estates.My solid education paid off in my ability to take on a variety of responsibilities in Chinas booming economy. After I obtained my Bachelors Degree in Economics in 1990, I first took up the job of an assistant to the funding manager at the China National Technical Import & Export Corporation, where I gradually developed into an experienced accounting professional. Upon a meticulous analysis of the companys financial statements, reports and other records, I found its financing policy skewed. It was borrowing billions of RMB with high interest rates while maintaining large bank deposits at low interest rates. Together with my supervisor, I rewrote the financing policy, saving the corporation approximately thirty million yuan. To maximize financing efficiency, I also developed an internal banking system that, by closely tracking the actual funding supply and demands of different departments and projects, made full use of the corporation fina
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