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教学设计 教师姓名耿蕾所在学校扬中市第二高级中学设计题目An adventure in Afirca教学内容牛津高中英语 模块二 第二单元 Reading学生高一普通班的学生英语表达能力欠佳,知识面较窄,但是对于自然保护的话题应该有话可说,只是在表达上有待提高。教学目标知识目标:Enable the students to know more about Africa.Help the students to master some useful words and expressions.能力目标:Improve the students reading ability.Get the students to know how to read and write an informal letter.情感目标:Motivate the students to show their love for our nature and protect our nature.教学策略讲授法 讨论法 合作学习法PPT:运用图片及音乐调动学生的积极性,将旅游线直观呈现。黑板学法:问题学习法 目标学习法:让学生有目的的,带着问题阅读,培养学生不同的阅读及相应解决问题的能力。合作学习法:学生用英语讨论,在合作交际中一起完成任务Teaching important points:1. Develop the students reading ability.2. Help the students find out the traveling route.Teaching difficult points:1. How to help the students find out the traveling route.2. How to make the students understand the title “an adventure” well.3. How to encourage the students to express their own opinions by radiant thinking.教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计说明Step 1: Lead-in4展示给学生一些图片及有非洲特色的音乐,调动学生学习这篇文章的兴趣。根据老师所提供的信息及自身已有的知识,回答问题,积极参与到课堂中来。运用美丽的图片,增强学生对课文的阅读兴趣,并自然地引出本课的话题,与作者一起游历非洲。Step 2: Reading:1. Lead Ss to read new words of places in the passage which the Ss may not be familiar.2.skimmingPut the activities of the auther in correct order and show a map of the route.(2)scanningThen complete the following form about Tobys travelling plan.(3)careful reading by listeningFinish different exercise about different places according to the PPT.Finish a diagram about the word in the title: adventure, find some adjectives about their emotion.(4)Reading strategy:Use some questions to help ss to find the characteristics about the informal letter.What to pay attention to when reading an informal letter.5572通过不同形式的阅读练习引导学生阅读,并控制时间。比如说,精读的时候利用录音帮助控制学生的阅读速度。根据不同要求完成相应的阅读任务。该环节通过表面理解深层理解归纳总结这样四个步骤对全文作全面理解。Step 3: Discussion 10Discuss in groups of four about your trips: Route How to travel What to take Reasons for taking them Your emotions during the trip组织学生四人一组进行讨论就自己的外出游玩经历互相分享让学生进行小组讨论,该教学活动旨在提高学生用英语表达观点的能力,同时进行德育渗透,培养学生热爱自然,保护自然的意识。并通过小组讨论培养学生的合作意识。Step 5: Homework就课堂讨论的部分结合阅读策略写一封非正式的信函介绍自己的某一次旅行经历。1布置任务明确任务让学生课后能对本课时的内容及时进行巩固及升华。不仅能运用到课文中的词、短语及上课小组讨论的结果,还能实际练习非正式信函的写作。3
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