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八境台讲解词欢迎各位贵宾的到来,我是赣州市博物馆的讲解员,我们眼前所看到的这座楼台就是八境台,它位于赣州老城区东北隅的古城墙上,发源于南岭山脉的章江与发源于武夷山脉的贡江,就在台下汇合为赣江。站在这里,我们可以了解到我们赣州“赣”的由来。同时,赣江贯穿我们江西省全境,又是我国长江第二大支流,因此,我们江西省简称为“赣”。登上此台,赣州八景一览无遗,犹如身临其境,故名八境台。八境台始建于北宋嘉祐年间(1056-1063),此台建成时,建造此台的地方官孔宗瀚(孔子的第46代孙)曾将登台所见绘成赣州八境图。在离任赣州去胶州任太守时,在去胶州的路上,与当时的大文豪苏东坡相遇,请苏东坡按图题诗八首。十七年后,绍圣元年(1094),苏东坡被贬岭南时路过赣州,他游览了赣州的旖旎风光,并登临八境台后,深感原诗“未能道其万一”,遂补作后续一篇。1984年重建时,改建为高28米的三层仿古建筑。随着历史的变迁,赣州宋代八景已淡然无存,到了清代赣县县长张照乘父子俩为我们赣州又提了新的赣州八景,大家请看这两边的八幅画,我们先从这边看起,第一幅是“三台鼎峙”,第二幅是“二水环流”,第三幅是“玉岩夜月”,第四幅是“宝盖朝云”,第五幅是“雁塔文峰”,第六幅是“马崖禅影”,第七幅是“天竺晴岚”,第八幅是“储潭晓镜”,这八景现在都还存在。现在请各位贵宾随我登上八境台最高层,饱览一下我们赣州城外的山水田园之美和城内亭台楼阁之秀吧。 赣州古城墙讲解词在1996年被国务院公布为第三批全国重点文物保护单位,全长3664米,宽约6米,平均高度约6.5米。东晋永和五年(349),南康郡太守高琰始筑土城墙,五代卢光稠扩东、南、西三隅,增设五门,并在南部城墙上修筑了拜将台。宋嘉祐年间(1056-1063)郡守孔宗瀚开始用砖石修筑城墙。此后,经南宋、元、明、清、民国历代不断修缮加固。清咸丰年间(1851-1861),清军为防太平军攻城,依城墙构筑了八境台、西津门、镇南门、小南门、东门五座炮城,现尚存八境台、西津门两座炮城。赣州古城墙现仍保留有城门、马面、警铺、弩台、雉堞等军事设施,尤为珍贵的是,在墙体上还保存了北宋至民国各代数以万计的铭文城砖,品种有521种,在这里,等于是一部活的史书记载着赣州城的发展兴衰。这在全国的古城墙中极为罕见。我现在带领大家看一下我们目前发现最早的一块铭文砖,就是这一块,上面写的是 “熙宁二年”,也就是公元1069年,距今约900多年的历史了。赣州古城墙是我国唯一保存到现在的宋代砖城,对研究我国古代城市建设、发展具有十分重要的历史价值。Commentary of Bajing TerraceDistinguished guests,Welcome to Ganzhou, I am your tour guide from Ganzhou municipal museum. Now the building in front of us is Bajng Pavilion. It is situated on the ancient city wall in the northeastern corner of the old quarter of Ganzhou City. The Zhangjiang River starting from Nanling Mountains and the Gongjiang River originating from Wuyi Mountains met just beside the pavilion and formed the Ganjiang River. Standing here, we can know the origin of “Gan” of Ganzhou. And the Ganjiang River, which is the second largest branch of the Yellow River, runs across Jiangxi Province, thus, Jiangxi Province is shortly named “Gan”. From here, visitors can enjoy a whole view of the eight scenic spots and feel like visiting them actually in person, thats why it was named Bajing Terrace.The construction of the Terrace dates back to the Jiayou Years (1056-1063) of the Northern Song Dynasty. Upon its completion, Kong Zhonghan, the local official in charge of the construction of the Terrace, got into the terrace and made a painting named Eight Scenes of Ganzhou and asked Su Tungpo, a noted writer and calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty to make eight poems according to his painting. During the first year of Zezong in the Song Dynasty (1094), Su Tungpo was demoted to Lingnan. When he passed Ganzhou, he stepped into the Terrace. After appreciating the beautiful scenery of Ganzhou, he realized that his poems had barely described its beauty. So he made a follow-up poem. In 1984, it was rebuilt as a three-story, 28-meter high building imitating the architectural style of the Song Dynasty.As the time went by, the eight scenic spots of Song Dynasty in Ganzhou gradually disappeared. But in Qing Dynasty, Zhang Zhaocheng, the head of Gan County, proposed eight new scenes of Ganzhou. Now lets look at the pictures of the eight scenes of Ganzhou on the two sides. First, lets start from this side. The first scene is Three Terraces Confronting Each Other, the second one is Two Circulating Rivers, the third one is Jade Rock and Moon at Night, the fourth one is “ the Misty Clouds in Baogai Peak”,the fifth one is “the Wild Goose Pagoda of Wenfeng”, the sixth one is “Zen Shadow in Mazuyan”, the seventh one is “Serene Mist around Tianzhu Temple”, the eighth one is “Bright Mirror in Chutan”. The eight new scenes are reserved till now.Now please follow me up to the top floor, so we can appreciate the beauty of the pastoral landscapes outside the city and the elegance of the buildings in the city.
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