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小学英语小课题展示教案PEP小学英语6年级下册Unit 1 Part A Lets learn第一课时新版PEP六年级下册Unit1 Part A Lets learn & Do a survey and report教学设计【教材分析】本课是新版PEP六下第一单元A部分的单词学习课,主要学习older-younger taller- shorter longer-shorter三对形容词的比较级,以及How tall are you?Im 1.61 metres. Im taller/shorter than you.等重点句型的学习和操练,教材给出的场景是同学和老师之间对于年龄、身高、衣服长短之间的比较,同时还有一个调查任务。学生在三下、五上学期已经学习了这些形容词的原级,以及How old are you?等句型,所以在本课学习中,以旧带新的学习方法将会效果明显。通过old引出older,通过How old are you?引出How tall are you?并正确回答。通过听、说、读、写来锻炼交际用语和相关词汇,发展学生的交际能力,以便在现实生活中应用。同时为形容词比较级的进一步学习打下基础。【教学目标】维度目标语言技能1.能运用比较级单词进行比较。2.能运用How tall are you?询问身高,并做出正确回答。3.能运用本课知识应用到阅读理解之中。4.能运用本课内容做小调查并汇报。5.能将比较级内容用在写作中,描述他人与自己的比较。语言知识1.older/younger taller/shorter longer/shorter三对形容词比较级单词2.How tall are you?Im 1.61 metres.对于身高的询问与正确回答。3.Im taller/shorter than you.等比较句型。情感态度:能认识到人与人之间的不同并珍惜友谊,与朋友之间求同存异,相互支持,相互依赖。学习策略学会在学习新知识时使用以旧带新法,找到知识之间的逻辑顺序,形成知识体系。文化意识了解英语中的长度单位以及小数的认读。【教学重难点】项目内容重点1.older/younger taller/shorter longer/shorter三对形容词比较级单词。2.How tall are you?Im 1.61 metres. 对于身高的询问与正确回答。3.能用比较级进行比较。难点1.小数的英语读法和单位的英语读法。2.能够在真实语境中熟练运用,并运用在写作中。【教学准备】 教学PPT课件,学生随堂学习材料。【教学设计】教学步骤教学活动目标达成Step1 Warming upFreetalk : Greeting Introduce ourselves “age height hobbies” Talk about the age. “How old are you? When is your birthday?”(板书:How old are you? Im)Step2 Presentation and Practice1. What can you see ? what are they like ?choose the word and discribe them. 通过两幅男人照片引出old young ,然后加入更老的和更年轻的男人照片,启发学生领悟oldolder ;youngyounger 紧跟上出现例句 “Steven is older than Max. Tom is younger than Jack”学生操练句子,掌握“than”的使用。(板书 olderyounger) Practice:Try to make more sentences with your friends.2. How tall are you? How old are you?How tall are you? 利用板书变化,帮助学生知识迁移。 学习用英语表示身高。1.61米1 point 61 metres。 Practice: Chain game “How tall are you? Immetres.” PPT图片刘翔和杨幂的合影 How tall is he/she?介绍身高引出tallshort,然后通过刘翔姚明合影引出姚明talltaller;Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang.;通过杨幂郭敬明合影引出郭敬明shortshorter ;Guo Jingming is shorter than Yang Mi. (板书 tallershorter) Practice: Line up from shorter to taller.3. What can you see? What colour are they? Which one is long/short? 先出现两把尺子 What colour is it? Which ruler is long/short?引出longshort,进而出现更长和更多,引出longlonger shortshorter (板书 longershorter) Practice; Try to make sentences. 利用自己的文具。4. Lets review Try to read the new word: older younger taller shorter longer shorter 1.61meters than. Work in pairs:“Make a dialogue according to Lets learn and act it out.1.【知识目标】完成older/younger的学习。【能力目标】能运用比较级单词older/younger进行比较。【学习策略】使用以旧代新法,找到知识之间的逻辑顺序,形成知识体系。2.【知识目标】How tall are you?Im 1.61 metres.对于身高的询问与正确回答。完成taller/shorter的学习。【文化渗透】了解英语中的长度单位以及小数的认读。【能力目标】能运用How tall are you?询问身高,并做出正确回答。能运用比较级单词taller/shorter进行比较。3.【知识目标】完成longer/shorter的学习。【能力目标】能运用比较级单词longer/shorter进行比较。Step3 Consolidation and Extention1. Look at these pictures and try to say a sentence.2. Can you choose? 阅读理解.3. Do a survey and report 4. Write a composition about your friend. 填空式作文,使用比较级.5. 展示和总结:朋友之间的重要性,相互取长补短,相互依赖。【能力目标】能运用本课内容做小调查并汇报。能将比较级内容用在阅读、写作中,描述他人与自己的比较。【情感目标】能认识到人与人之间的不同并珍惜友谊,与朋友之间求同存异,相互支持,相互依赖。Step4 Homework1.Make more sentences with your friends.利用比较级知识与朋友们造更多的句子。2.Write a composition about your friends.完成一篇关于朋友的写作。
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