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ISO讲义学员姓名: 年 级: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师:授课日期授课时段授课主题新北师大版必修二同步复习讲解教学目标1. 培养学生把握文章脉络和进行整体阅读的能力。2. 学会常用的高频短语和词汇用法。3. 培养和提高英语表达能力,并且能够运用所学知识解决实际问题。 教学重难点1. 本单元重点单词,(如effect ,addict, convenience)和重点短语(be addicted to, a variety of )的用法2. 扎实掌握常见短语的拓展用法并训练综合做题的能力教学内容Unit4 Avatars 识记课本词汇 1. to trick otherstrick vt. : to deceive someone in order to get something from them or to make them do something 欺骗,诈骗,哄骗trick sb. into doing sth. 欺骗某人做某事trick sb. out of sth. 从某人处骗走某物eg Id been tricked and I felt stupid. Gavin tricked me into giving him the money. The poor boy was tricked out of all the money he had.trick n. : 骗局,花招,诡计play a trick / tricks on sb. 捉弄eg You cant fool me with that old trick! I thought Tom was playing a trick on me.2. You can create your own image and a new personality.create v. : to invent or design something 发明; 创作eg Hes creating a whole new language of painting.拓展creator n.创造者creation n.创造,创造的作品creative adj.创造的,创作的,有创造性的creatively adv.(有)创造性地creativity n.创造性3. Yet, very few people knew that future avatars would have such a wide variety of forms and uses. a variety of :a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way 各种各样的eg The island offers such a widevarietyof scenery and wildlife.拓展vary v. 变化various adj.各种各样的varied adj. 各种各样的4. By the late 1990s, they had been used in web chats like instant messenger.instant adj. : 1) happening or produced immediately 即时的;立刻的,马上的 2) instant food, coffee etc is in the form of powder and prepared by adding hot water (食物、咖啡等)即食的,调制方便的eg I feel instant relief after treatment. instant coffee 速溶咖啡 instant soup速食汤 instant noodle 方便面instant n. a moment 片刻,顷刻;for an instant 一瞬间 (指动作持续的时间)in an instant 立即,马上(指动作不久将发生)eg It took only an instant for him to react. The pain disappeared in an instant. Jane paused for an instant and then stepped inside.the instant 一就表示“一就”的词汇:immediately, as soon as, on/upon doingEg She woke up the instant the phone rang.5.The use of avatars has also caused a few concerns. concern n. : a feeling of worry about something important 忧虑,担心(常与介词about / for / over连用),关切with concern 关切地show / express concern about / for对表示担心/关心concern vt. 与有关;让(某人)担忧;eg The boys poor health concerned his parents. Have you heard of the news which concerns our favourite star? 【拓展】concerned adj. 担心的,忧虑的;关注的,感兴趣的be concerned with 关心They were more concerned with how the other women had dressed than with what the speaker was saying. 6. However, other users view avatars in a more positive light. view vt. : to think about something or someone in a particular way 看,把视为view sb. / sth. as 把看作eg He views the whole thing as a joke.view n. : 1) what you think or believe about something观点,意见,看法,想法 2) the whole area that you can see from somewhere, especially when it is very beautiful or impressive风景,美景【拓展】1) come into view进入视野 eg Finally, the ship came into view.2) give a view of sth.使看到,使了解 eg The book will give you a general view of the World War.3) in ones view 据某人看来eg In my view, it was a waste of time.辨析view, sight, scene, sceneryview指从远处或高处看到的景色。sight指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光。scenescenery的一部分,多包括其中的人物及活动。scenery指某一国家或地区总的自然景色。7.Identify one sentence for each argument that states this general idea. argument n.论点,论据;争辩 argue v. 讨论;争论argue for/against sth. 据理力争/反对某事8.Firstly, talking online is no replacement for face-to-face contact replace vt. 取代;接替 replacement n. 替换物;更换 eg Well have to replace all the furniture that was damaged in the flood. Robot hands are a replacement for human hands. 9.communicating through a screen makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others. concentrate vi. 专注;集中注意力 concentrate on/upon 集中注意力eg I cant concentrate on my work when Im tired.10.In my opinion, friends should focus more on face-to-face communication. focus vi. 给予某物关注 n. the thing, person, situation etc that people pay special attention to焦点 focus on 关注 eg The focus of recent research has been on environmental problems. Focus your attention on your work.11. This is the best way to maintain healthy relationships. maintain vt. 保持,维持 eg Despite living in different countries, the two families havemaintained closelinks. 一、 单词填空(根据汉语提示填空,考查单词拼写10-20)1. You can create your own i (图像) and a new personality.2. Avatars let you express yourself and they give you lots of room for c (想像力).3. The avatar you choose says a lot a
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