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课堂教学设计1. lead-in为了给学生争取到更多的语言表达机会,培养了听说技能,调动了学生参加语言学习活动的积极性,采用free talk形式进行warming up 热身活动,以学生熟悉的篮球为话题,为篮球的历史做铺垫,帮助他们形成积极向上的情感及树立学好英语的自信心。T: Do you often have sports?S: Yes.T: Which do you like best ?S: Basketball, volleyball, football.T: What is Yaoming ?S: He is a basketball player.T: OK. Thank you .T:What do you know about Yaoming?S : .由于学生在八年级英语课本中已了解有关Yaoming的简历,也是学生崇拜的偶像。故导入话题 basketball时,学生有浓厚的兴趣。观看课件,开始学习与篮球有关的单词,basket metal hoop shoot backboard court shoot以及短语divide.into. separate .from . in history;播放录像,观看NBA 片段,柏林奥运会开幕式录像,创设真实的情境,导入的话题联系实际生活,因而很快地激起了学生的表达欲望和学习热情。每个学生都敢于参与,课堂气氛非常活跃。迅速转入本课的话题讨论之中。以开放讨论的形式设置以下问题:Have you ever played basketball? If yes, describe it . If not, please imagine what it will be like.设计这项活动的目的是为每个学生营造一种充分表达自己观点和充分发挥想象力的民主、和谐的课堂教学氛围,同时通过这种相互沟通的开放式讨论,学生能间接获取有关 basketball的一些信息,为正式阅读做好了铺垫。2.教学重难点分散 Show the Ss some pictures and ask them to say and imagine something about basketball . And say why.经过开放式讨论,每个学生对basketball 活动 规则有了一定的了解。学生把头脑中的想象和现实联系起来,要求学生说出各个图片在篮球比赛中的作用。经过开放讨论后再把他们带入到一种真实的学习情境中,他们感到非常的轻松,且有强烈的表达欲望。提问: What is the hoop used for ? 时,学生们很快能回答。接着问: Why is it so popular in the world ? 时,学生们也能正确作答。尽管这项活动在不到几分钟的时间内就完成了,但同学从中找到了一种完成任务的成就感,并在这种轻松、愉快的情境中体验了自身发现和解决问题的欢乐,继续提问:Do you want to learn more about basketball? 引导学生进入重要教学环节。3. Reading skills这部分所要达到的教学目的就是使学生整体了解课文内容,通过语篇教学来掌握课本知识,并通过完成课堂设置的有关课文中语言知识方面的一系列Task-based activities(任务驱动型活动)来体验和运用语言。问题设置,自主探究,激活思维。根据学生实际水平,分层次,分阶段设置问题,训练和培养学生的阅读速度和能力,进行课文整体教学,问题设置采用循序渐进的方式 。Activity 1(fast reading)Read and answer the following questions.1.Write the who of the article _2. Write the what of the article _3. Write the when of the article _4 Write the where of the article _.Keys :1.Dr Naismith 2.basketball3.in 1891 4.CanadaActivity 2本课内容为篮球的发展演变过程,围绕篮球在国际合作、交流中的重要性,树立良好的情感态度和价值观,作为阅读开头表达作业,设计如下5个问题:1.Do you dream of becoming famous basketball players?2.What is NBA?3.Why do so many people like basketball ?4.Why were Berlin Olympics important for basketball ?5.Who invented basketball ?Activity 3(careful reading)为了帮助学生回答这5 个问题,有绘出如下主要情节脉络图,让学生小组讨论、合作完成, 黑体字部分为学生活动填空。这样,只用几个问题,几根线条,不多几个单词就使文章结构、人物关系印入学生脑海,留下深刻的印象。Activity 4听说读写综合技能训练要求:1. With your partners you are to read and summarize each paragraph in this reading .First one student reads a paragraph to the other student. You can help each other out with the hard words. It is very important to listen carefully!2. The student that did not read the paragraph must write a one or two sentence summary of the paragraph .You can discuss the summary and help each other with the wording and the spelling .It is important to write the most important things. Remember, you are summarizing the paragraph.3. The student that summarized the first paragraph reads and the other student listens. Then the listener writes the summary .The group continues reading, taking turns reading and summarizing. Remember the teacher is looking for just the facts .Fill in work sheet below as your cooperative group completes the activity.Paragraph#1Summary_Paragraph#2Summary_Paragraph#3Summary_Paragraph#4Summary_Paragraph#5Summary_Paragraph1 : Basketball is enjoyed for fun and exercise.Paragraph2: Basketball has been played in parks, schools and factories in China.Paragraph3: Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith .Parageaph4: Dr Naismith taught people how to play the new game.Paragraph5: The first basketball game in history was played on December 21st .1891.4. Working cooperatively, write a summary of all the paragraphs. Remember ,just the facts_5. If you could only use 20 words or less to summarize this reading ,what would you say? Write your summary below._以上设计遵循了任务型教学的新理念,学生们在这些活动中注意力非常集中,积极主动,他们不仅获得相当的成就感,且在生动的应用活动中理解了所学的知识,并通过体验和运用语言促进了语言知识、交际技能与情感体验的衔接。4.教学重难点讲解(见课件形象设计)1)divide.into separate.fromDivide.into.: form into smaller parts分成若干较小的部分,例如:The house was divided into flats.那房屋被割成数套房间。2) separate . from.Separate.from.:使分开分开,隔开,例如:(1)England is separated from France by the Channel.英国和法国被英吉利海峡隔开。(2)The land was separated into small fields.那块地被分割为小块田地。3)invent: to think of or make sth for the first ,or design sth that didnt exist before.发明. for
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