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【教育资料】北师大版高中英语必修二第7讲:Unit6 Design-词汇篇1(学生版)学习精品教导资本教导资本Unit 6 Design 辞汇篇1_ _1、把握第6单位第一课中举2课的重面单词,短语及句型。2、天真使用第6单位第一课中举2课的重面单词,短语及句型。1.design vt. 计划,构想,画造的图样,企图n. 图案,名堂,企图短语拓展:design sth. for sth. 为而计划The gloves wew designed for extremely cold climates. 那些脚套是为天气冷热的天区计划的。design sth. to do sth. 计划去做某事These measures are designed to reduce pollution. 接纳那些办法旨正在落低传染。be designed to do 旨正在做某事by design = on purpose 存心的,成心的2.pain n. 疼痛,痛痛vt. 使疼痛辞汇拓展:Painful adj. 痛痛的,疼痛的短语拓展:(be) in pain 痛痛,正在忧?中have a pain in ones leg/back, etc. 腿/背等痛spare no pains (to do sth.) 呕心沥血(做好事)under pain of sth. 背责遭到某种奖奖3.fix v. 将(某物)流动到另外一物上;安置教导资本短语拓展:fix a post in the ground 把柱子流动正在天上fix time/date/place for为断定光阴/日期/天面fix ones eyes/attention on/upon 凝视,凝望,散中注重力于He stands by the window, with his eyes fixed on a car outside. 他站正在窗户边,眼睛盯着中里的一辆汽车。fix up 建补,建理好,安排fix on sb./sth. 选定,决意4.leave+宾语+宾语补足语考面释义:那是leave的复开布局,即leave+宾语+宾语补足语,个中leave意为“使处于某种形态”。Leave的复开布局的形成:leave sb./sth. + n./adj./adv.His illness has left very weak. 死病使他很实强。leave sb./sth. + 介词短语This left her without a ray of hope. 那使她感应出有一丝但愿。leave sb. To doYou can leave me to deal with the matter. 您能够让我往处置那件事。leave sb. DoingHis words left us talking all the time. 他的话使咱们道论了一成天。leave sb. DoneThe bad weather left the project half finished. 糟糕糕的天色使工程只实现了一半。leave sb./sth. + 从句Leave the medicine where the children cant reach it. 把那药放正在孩子们够没有着之处。5.valuable adj. 有代价的,可贵的,宝贵的教导资本教导资本Real friendship is more valuable than money. 实正的交情比款项更可贵。辞汇拓展:value n. 代价;用处value n. 器重invaluable = priceless adj. 级可贵的,极实用的valueless = worthless adj. 无代价的,没有值钱的短语拓展:be valuable to对于有代价/主要of great valuable to sb. 对于或人颇有代价6.typical adj. 典范的,有代表性的短语拓展:be typical of 是的典范,是的代表The painting is fairy typical of his early work. 那幅绘是他初期做品的典范代表。It is typical of sb. to do sth. 或人一直做;做某事是或人的作风It was typical of him to be so rude. 他一直皆是那样细鲁。7.emphasise v. 夸大,器重辞汇拓展:emphasis n. 夸大短语拓展:emphasise the importance of夸大的主要性He emphasised the importance of daily practice. 他夸大了一样平常练习的主要性。put/place/lay emphasis on夸大with emphasis 夸大8.detail n. 细节,概况v. 胪陈,遴派教导资本教导资本辞汇拓展:detailed adj. 具体的,仔细的短语拓展:further/full details 具体go into details (about/on) 具体道述He refused to go into details about his plans. 她(极)具体天形容了那次事变for further details 为了明白具体情形in detail 具体天detail sth. to sb. 背或人具体道述某事9.addto正在上删加/删减Local color added interest to the novel. 天圆色调删减了那部小道的兴趣。短语拓展:add fuel to the fire 水上浇油add sth. in 包含某物,把减出来add to(=increase) 删减,删加add sth. up 把减起去add up to 开计为add that增补道10.ruin v. 誉坏,誉灭n. 誉坏,停业,兴墟考面释义:ruin n. in ruins 誉坏;宽重受益;破败没有堪In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 正在可骇的105秒内,一座年夜乡市便成了一片兴墟。bringto ruin 使誉灭;使出降come/fall + to/into ruin 损坏,誉灭教导资本教导资本ruin v. ruin oneself 玩火自焚ruin ones health/fame 誉坏或人的安康/信用易混辨析:destroy: 10分完全的益坏,一样平常没有可建复。damage: 全体性益坏或者损坏,可建复。多用于物。ruin: 把某物益坏到没有能建复、没有可以使用的水平,经常使用于形象借喻中。harm: 对于人身心安康的中伤或者对于事物的伤害。11.sort of 有多少分天,有那末一面短语拓展:sort of=kind of=slightly 有多少分,有那末一面It is sort of embarrassing. 那有面喊人易为情。sort of like 能够道是a sort of (=a kind of) 某种,一种all sorts/kinds of 各类百般的of a sort (=of a kind) 统一品种的this/that sort of + n. 那种/那种例1. It wasnt very nice weather. It was _ foggy.A.sort ofB.plenty ofC.a kind ofD.a bit of例 2. A robot is a machine _ to do jobs that _ usually performed by humans.A.designed; areB.designed; is教导资本教导资本C.being designed; areD.to be designed; is例3. He got up late and hurried to his office, _ the breakfast untouched.A.leftB.to leaveC.leavingD.having left例4. In recent years much more emphasis has been put _ developing the students speaking and writing skills.A. ontoB. inC. overD. on例5. (2021北京晨阳下32模)An exercise method _ to improve strength and balance is becoming popular in the United States.A. designingB. designedC. to be designedD. being designed基本练习训练一,依据汉语提醒,用所教的单词或者短语挖空。1.The teacher _ (夸大)the importance of making notes in class now and then.2.Can you arrange for us to visit the Industrial _(博览会)tomorrow morning.3.All the students taking part in military training were standing up _(笔挺天)on the playground.教导资本
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