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中南民族大学来华留学生入学申请表APPLICATION FORM FOR STUDY/RESEARCHAT SOUTH-CENTRAL UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES相片3*4 cm1. 姓/Family name:_名/Given name: _2. 国籍/Nationality _3. 性别/ Sex: _4. 护照号码: Passport NO. _5. 出生日期(DATE OF BIRTH): _YEAR_MONTH 6. 宗教/Religion_7. 出生地/Place Of Birth _8. 婚否/Marital Status _9. 职业和单位Occupation (If a student, give name of your institution)_10. 学习经历(Educational Experiences) _11. 汉语熟悉程度(The Chinese Language Proficiency)A. 汉语口语(THE SPOKEN CHINESE PROFICIENCY)很好/excellent 好/good 一般fair 不会/beginningB. 汉字(the Chinese characters)很好/excellent 好/good 一般fair 不会/beginningC. 你曾经学过多长时间汉语(How long have you learned Chinese )200学时以上/200-up class hours50-200学时/ 50-200 class hours50学时以下/Less than 50 class hoursD. 汉语水平考试等级(The Chinese proficiency test/HSK)_级/BAND 考过,没有级/Yes, but no grades 没有考过/No12. 来校学习专业(Field of study at our university)_13. 来华学习计划(Plan of study in China )本科生(Bachelors degree candidate ) ;硕士生(Masters degree candidate ) ;普通进修生(Generals degree candidate ) ;高级进修生(Seniors degree candidate ) ; 请在所选的项目方框内打“”(Please indicate with a cross in the bracket)14. 拟学习时间(Preferred dates to begin study at our university)自FROM_年YEAR_月MONTH 至TO_年YEAR_月MONTH15. 经济来源 (anticipated source or financial support). 团体资助/Organization 家庭资助/Family 个人支付/individual :_16. 通讯地址 .本国住址(Home, address in your country):_Telephone: _E-mail: _ B.中国住址及邮政编码(Home, address in China)_17. 推荐人姓名,联系地址(Name of faculty advisor)._18. 申请人签字: 日期:Signature:_ Date:_
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