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茶叶好处多 解渴又壮骨(中英文)Thirsty? You might want to consider a steaming cup of tea. In a survey of existing research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the authors report that not only does tea rehydrate and quench your thirst as well as water does, it comes with additional health benefits too.口渴吗?或许你该考虑沏壶茶,根据一片发布在欧洲权威医学杂志的文章称,茶水除了和白开水一样能解渴,同时还富含有有益健康的元素与物质。“Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water,” Dr. Carrie Ruxton, a nutritionist and the lead author of the study told the BBC. “Water is essentially replacing fluid. Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so its got two things going for it.”文章作者凯莉-鲁克斯顿博士告诉英国广播电台,“茶水不仅补充了因体液消耗流失的水分,其中所含有的抗氧化剂也一道被人体吸收,可以说是一举两得。”Those antioxidants specifically flavanoids can reduce damage done to cells through everyday living, so researchers believe these same compounds may help to ward off heart attacks and some types of cancer.茶叶中所具有抗氧化剂,特别是类黄酮这种元素,它有助于减少日常生活中对于细胞所造成的伤害,因此研究人员认为饮茶有利于减少心血管方面疾病发生的几率,同时还能提高对于某些癌症的抵抗力。They found clear evidence that drinking three to four cups of tea a day can cut the chances of having a heart attack. Some studies suggested tea consumption protected against cancer, although this effect was less clear- cut.科学家们倡导,每日饮上四杯茶,这样,罹患心脏病的风险将大大减少。另外有研究显示,茶有一定得抗癌性。Other health benefits seen included protection against tooth plaque and potentially tooth decay, plus bone strengthening.茶在其他方面也颇有益处,它有益于防止牙菌斑的生成和蛀牙的形成,还能使得骨骼更为强健。The researchers also addressed a myth about teas dehydrating effects. Although caffeine does remove water from your system, even a strong cup of tea or coffee, for that matter is introducing more water to your body than it may remove.研究者还指出了茶所具有的神奇的脱水效果。尽管茶叶中所含的咖啡因会使得身体出现脱水情况,但一杯浓茶使得身体所吸收的水分却远远大于脱水作用所消耗的水分。The British Nutrition Foundation recommends about 1.5 to 2 liters or about eight and a half cups of liquid a day, and the study showed that one to six tea drinks a day, including black tea, improved antioxidant intake. However, there is some evidence that tea can prevent the iron absorption from food, so those at risk for anemia should avoid a mug near mealtime.英国的营养协会所建议的每日饮水量在1.5到2升之间,而有研究表明,每日1到6杯的茶(包括红茶)将提高抗氧化剂的摄入量。不过,也有一些数据表明,过量的喝茶将造成人体不易从食物中吸收铁元素,因而造成贫血,故在用餐时间最好不要饮茶。
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