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接触笔记1、Definingcontact airs n BAQUS/StanaAft he selecton ocontactparsurfaces,three ke ftorsmust be detemind whn catinga cotacrmulatio: hcntat dicretiztion;he trackig aroac; adthe signmt of “mae” a “lve” roes to the rspecive surface.1.1 the ontctdisetiztionABQU/Stadard offs tw contat discretization optins: aditionl“de-tosurface” dscretizaionan a tru“surfa-to-urfc” icretiation.1. Nodeto-urface ontct dscetizatoTadioal odetosrfce scretizatiohsthe following harcteristics:Tslaveodes e constrednot to enetate into the master surfae; hoever, thenods otater surace can,in pincpe, penetrae into the slave surfa e contact dectn s basedothe orma f the stersrfe. he only nformatin edd fo the sae surfcit locatioandsurfce ea assocaed it ech node; The dretion of theav suface normaadslv surae urvaureare not relevant.Ths, he slave sfcecan be defineds group f ode nod-asd srce d-turace dcrtiaton isavilal ven i a ne-ed surac is not usein te onat pair dionFig1 Ne-osuraccontact disrtiatio112uface-to-surae conct dsctzatioTooptze stresacrcy,ufe-to-srface diseiationcnides the shpeof both t slave and master ufces int regon of cntac costraits.Suaceto-surfae dscrization has t fllowngkeyaracterisi: Cott condtonsae enore n ava sene ver th slave suface,rather tan tscrt ints (such a atlavenodes,as in ecse of d-o-suface dicretition). erefore, sm penetratinbebsee iiviualodes;howvr,lage, undetected penetrtions o mtenode into th ve urface o no ocur with this dsceizationrface-t-ure disretiztion is ot appliable ifa de-bsed surface is ued inthe contapai finitio在某一种迭代步中,面对面的接触计算成本一般较点对面的接触的计算成本高,但多数状况下这个成本不会高诸多,只有在下列状况下才会让计算成本急剧增大:模型的绝大部分区域被涉及于接触中;当积极面比附属面网格划分还要精细时; ultiple las of hel e inlve n otac, uh tha he maste suraceofon cotactair ctas the slve rfaeo another contact ar.尽管如此,但点对面的接触需要耗费更多的迭代步才干达到数值稳定,从某种意义上来说,在一种分析步中,无法鉴定究竟是用点对面接触还是面对面接触计算成本低1.2 Contact trckig ppracheI ABAQSndad threaretw tackigaproches toaccnt fo he relae mion te twosurfaceforinga conact pai nmechal cntaimultons: Tinie-sliig tracing proach The small-sliding rackn approac1.3 ndamntal choics affctingth contct fomultioYour hoiceof contactdisretitio and tacingapoahave consderble imat on an alysis. In dditioto he qulies aleady discussed,certainobinaton of dsctition d acking aproaches hav theirown charcteritics anlimiaions asociae wth the. Thse caracteritics are smmarized al . Yshou also consir h soluton ctsssatd wth h vaioucontact formationsTle1Comparison of contact oulatin araristic1. 选择积极面和附属面的几种原则Analytc rid suraes andrigdeee-based suraces must always theer srfcAodebasd surfe cn act onl as a slave suce a alwys ues noe-trfae coc.Slave srfaes mut alay e attached to efoable odis or deforble odies defined igid. t surfes i aconctpircanot rigid sfaces ith h excptonof defomabl surface eined srigid一般来说,当定义两个基于单元的面作为解除对作用面时,当存在一种较小的面和一种较大的面时,一般将较小的面定义为附属面。当两个面大小接近时,选用较“硬”的面或单元划分笔记粗糙的面作为积极面。值得注意的是,“硬”的面不一定是材料弹性模量大的材料,例如当一种薄金属片和一种橡胶材料接触时,此时就应当将薄金属片所属的面定义为附属面。当两个面区域接近,“硬度”也接近时,此时往往需要反复尝试才干得到较好的成果。与点对面接触相比,面对面接触中积极面和附属面的选用,对计算成果的影响并不是很大。但是,当错误的将网格粗糙的面定义为附属面时,此时也许会引起计算成本的急剧增长。1.5定义接触对为了定义一种接触对,必须指定一对接触面或者一种自接触的面,一种ontat formulation。每一种接触对可以定义不同的作用面性质。15.1Dfiningcntactetwen two sparate surfesen aact airconains tw faes, te aser and se suace re t loed toinclue an of the smenodes and yu mt hoos whih surfae ill e th s andwhich will e the maer.AAQUS/tdard定义接触默认采用的是有限滑移、点对面接触。如果定义的是小滑移,默认的也吃采用点对面接触。1.5. 用对称的主从接触对提高接触模拟精度对于点对面接触,积极面上的节点很容易pnetrate到附属面上去,此时,提高附属面上单元的网格划分精度,有助于减少这样的刺入,提高运营速度。才外,让两个面都是基于单元定义时,可以用symmetrc mas-slae eho。To use ts method, eiewo contctpsusing thesam to rces, but witche oeso mater adsave urfceorthe wocotc pirsThis medcause ABAQU/Stndard to reat h urace as a mastersurface and, thus, nvlvs adtiol oputationl exnse beause contactseache musbecdcetwiceforthe e cotctpar. Teinra acu proided bythimthod must e cmparedto the ddiona omputaional ostAlof
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