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2022年小学三年级上册英语期末测试卷( )2. A.blue B.green C.bear( )3. A.pen B.it C.pencil( )4. A.eye B.pig C.foot( )5. A.bird B.duck C.orange( )6. A.bay B.black C.white()7. A.orange B.brown C.pen( )8. A.green B.crayon C.pen( )9 A.book B.ruler C.red( )10. A.hello B.dog C.duck二、给以下单词选择正确的汉字意思(20分) ( )1.coke A.蛋糕 B.可乐 C.你好 ( )2.rice A.食物 B.竞赛 C.米饭( )3.book A.书包 B.书 C.蓝色( )4.yellow A.蜡笔 B.蓝色 C.黄色( )5.red A.红色 B.橙色 C.鸭子( )6.see A.黑色 B.绿色 C.观察( )7.apple A.棕色 B.苹果 C.白色( ) 8.dog A.狗 B.杯子 C.鸭子( )9.pencil A.钢笔 B.铅笔盒 C.铅笔( )10.eraser A.尺子 B.橡皮 C.蜡笔三、单项选择(20分) ( )1.Its an_ . A.elephant B.bear C.monkey ( ) 2.Lets go to school._ A.Thank you. B.Bye C.ok ( ) 3.Whats your name?_ A.My namesMike B.This is Mike C.Nice to meet you Mike. ( ) 4.How are you?_ A.How are you. B.Im fine thank you. C.Hi ( ) 5.Good afternoon Chen Jie._ A.Good morning John. B.Goodbye John. C.Good afthernoon, John ( ) 6.Nice to meet you._ A.Nice to meet you. B.Nice to meet , you too C.Good morning ( ) 7.Show_ blue. A.I B.my C.me ( ) 8.Look at_ . A.me B.I C.my ( )9.I like milk._ A.me too B.Bye C.ok ( ) 10.How old are you?_ A.Im kate B.Im ten C.Im fine 四、情景交际(20分) ( )1.别人向你打招呼说他叫John,他应说 A.Hello,John B.Goodbye, John. C.Hi, Im John. ( ) 2.新的学期到了,你想知道同桌的名字,应说 A.Whats your name? B.Whos there C.My name is Lily ( ) 3.放学了,你要和教师说再见,你应说 A.Hello ,Mr Black. B.Goodbye.MrBlacck C.Im MrBlack ( ) 4.你看到了Amy,想问她最近怎么样,你应说 A.Whats your name? B.Nice to meet you. C.How are you Amy? ( ) 5.你初次见到某人很快乐,你应说 A.Nice to meet you. B.How are you? C.My name is xiaoming ( ) 6.妈妈问你想要什么,你告知她想要一些鱼时应说 A.I like fish B.Can I have some fish.please C.Id like some fish. ( ) 7.同学让你喝果汁时,他会说 A.Have some water B.Have some juice C.Id like some juice ( ) 8.你想问妈妈自己可以吃冰淇淋吗?应说 A.Can I have a coke? B.Can I have some icecream C.Id like some icecream. ( ) 9.你想跟别人说:“请给我拿这个,”你应说 A.Whice one , please? B.Eat the please. C.This one please. ( )10.你想让别人切蛋糕时,应说 A.Cut the cake B.Eat the cake. C.Have some cakes 五、我是小小诊断家(10分) ( )1.Have some waters. _ ( ) 2.Id likes some bread. _ ( ) 3.Can I has some coke, please? _ ( ) 4.You is welcome. _ ( ) 5.Eat some breads. _ 六、翻译以下句子(10分) 1. 我饿了_ 2. Here you are._ . 3. 你叫什么名字?_? 4. I have a crayon ._ 5. Nice to meet you . _.
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