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随身听手册-325.txt和英俊的男人握握手,和深刻的男人谈谈心,和成功的男人多交流,和普通的男人过日子。Lesson 2500:03.58impressive00:05.02给人深刻印象的00:06.45She serves as an impressive reminder of the great ships of the past.00:09.73它有力地提醒着人们不要忘记过去那些不平凡的帆船。00:13.01One day he saw Lincoln -a tall,shambling man,00:15.88有一天他看见了林肯-一个脚步踉跄的高个子,00:18.76long,bony,gawky,but tremendously impressive.00:21.79又瘦又长,行动笨拙,但给人以极其深刻的印象。00:24.82The minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made an impressive speech.00:28.09外交部长作了一次演说,给人留下了极其深刻的印象。00:31.37steamship00:32.81蒸汽轮船00:34.25Before they were replaced by steamships,00:36.62在被蒸汽轮船取代之前,00:39.00sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark00:41.18“卡蒂萨克号”这样的帆船00:43.36were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia.00:46.59被用于从中国运荼叶,澳大利亚运羊毛。00:49.82Steamships are larege non-military ships driven by steam power.00:53.04蒸汽轮船是用蒸汽驱动的非军用轮船。00:56.27The designer put a steamship model on the desk and asked the assistants to approach.00:59.95设计师把一个蒸汽轮船的模型放在桌上,招呼助手们走近。01:03.63vessel01:04.91轮船,大木船01:06.19He drifted about the house like a rudderless vessel in a rocky stream.01:09.51他在房子周围转来转去,像一艘没有舵的小船在布满礁石的河流中飘荡。01:12.83A French naval vessel is in the harbor.01:15.10一艘法国军舰泊在港口。01:17.37era01:18.69时期,时代01:20.01It marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails01:22.90它标志着帆船这一伟大传统的终结和一个新纪元的开始。01:25.79and the begining of a new ear.01:29.84The handshake between President Nixon and Premier Zhou Enlai01:33.81尼克松总统与周恩来总理在握手标志着中美关系新纪元的开始。01:37.78marked a new era in the relations between China and the United States.01:44.72To get a complet story of missile development in the space-age era,01:48.00要了解宇航时代导弹发展的整体情况,01:51.28we must go back to World War II.01:53.55我们得追溯到第二次世界大战时期。01:55.83Java01:57.41爪哇01:58.99The first of the two ships to reach Java after the face had begun02:02.16比赛开始后,“塞姆皮雷号”率先抵达爪哇岛,02:05.34was the Thermopylae but on the Indian Ocean,02:08.22但在印度洋上,“卡蒂萨克号”驶到了前面。02:11.11the Cutty Sark took the lead.02:15.24rudder02:16.52舵02:17.80In August,she was struck by a very heavy storm during which her rudder was torn away.02:21.92八月份“卡蒂萨克号”遭到了一场特大风暴的袭击,失去了一只舵。02:26.05The sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass02:29.13水手上船如果没有舵和罗盘,02:32.22never knows where he may be cast.02:34.58将永远不知道自已驶向何方02:36.94Both our engines and rudder have got out of control.02:39.92我们的引擎和舵都失灵了。02:42.90roll02:44.22颠簸,摇摆02:45.54The Ctty Sark rolled from side to side and it because impossible to steer her.02:49.31“卡蒂萨克号”左右摇晃,无法操纵。02:53.09By dawn,the weather had calmed and cleared,02:55.87到天亮的时候,天气已经放晴,风暴也已停止,02:58.65but the ship still rolled in havey swells.03:01.03但是这条船仍在汹涌的波涛中翻滚。03:03.41Keefer screamed with pain and rolled on the ground.03:05.98吉弗疼得尖声叫喊,在地上打滚。03:08.55steer03:09.87掌握方向03:11.19The oiler steered and the little loat made good way.03:14.27加油工掌着舵,小船快速前进。03:17.36Yet he went on trying to steer the ship of their duel life.03:20.08可他仍然试图驾驶他们两个人生活的航船。03:22.81temporary03:24.25临时的03:25.69A temporary rudder was made on board from spare planks03:28.61船员用备用的木板在船上赶制了一只应急用的舵,03:31.54and it was fitted with great difficulty.03:33.83并克服重重困难将它安装就位。03:36.11To each passenger his seat was his temporary home.03:38.68对每一位旅客来说,座位就好比一个临时的家。03:41.26The land sale was merely a temporary expedient for dealing with a immediate need.03:45.53出售土地不过是应急的权益之计。03:49.80plank03:51.38大块木板03:52.96This small bridge is made of thick planks.03:55.39这座小桥是用厚厚的木板搭起来的。03:57.82fit03:59.14安装04:00.46Were fitting new locks on the door.04:02.53我们正在往门上安装新锁。04:04.61He has the upper floor and ramps are fitted everywhere for his convenience.04:07.84他住在上面一层,为了他的方便着想,到处设有坡道。04:11.06Equator04:12.49赤道04:13.91After crossing the Equator,04:15.65穿越赤道后,04:17.38the captain called in at a port to have a new rudder fitted.04:20.17船长将船停靠在一个港口,装了一只新舵。04:22.95The Equator is a great circle midway between the North and South Poles.04:26.37赤道圈是一个位于南北极当中的大圆周。04:29.79A person who lives at the Equator04:31.92住在赤道的人04:34.05is in accelerated motion due to the earths rotation.04:36.88由于地球自转的缘故做加速运动。04:39.72delay04:41.09耽误04:42.46Even this was remarkable,considering that she had had so many delays.04:45.84但考虑到路上的多次耽搁,这已经很了不起了。04:49.23Whats the delay?04:50.86还磨蹭什么呀?04:52.49Anyone finding the wallet is requested to bring it without delay to the Town Hall.04:56.18拾到钱夹者请立即送至镇政府。Lesson 2605:03.52influence05:04.99影响05:06.47No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.05:09.20没有人能逃脱广告的影响。05:11.93Do not imagine that I want to influence you.05:14.50不要认为我想左右你。05:17.07The same reasons which influenced me then will influence me now.05:
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