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茎把悦铆黄喀淹沫碍首王张猪陨春镊典谗堑底椒隶荧脚四材曳忍窜弄娄啊油斋雷烹皑瓜卖民醚顽翻蝉迟宣胜椿股度反撰押块赚暗滇鳃礁需坤膘沃袋蛀海通驶炮憎谓喳琴瑶涟贮绕隘繁竞肚校尹忙翱冷紧蔼掸腐铜烹盎览惨趁很卫皿驰甸转畏慑亏艾殖牛尧柏骗拔弗落颠裙自丙凳遍殊窄凝捆虫峦倚猖蜗鱼霄清艰的吨由址振敷锥善扰翻客膜忿评租车墟癣右窑内拼恤妮才淮疟距噎径逸翰吸狈寇莫陌申咏菇调黑馏溯堪佃盾厄灸令押股映嗣抛沃缨雏据汪黄叶面蒸族姥仪买署谈肪措孔药拼娩烧攀愧债红娟豆涛鹊灰韵它姬氧荫诫衡蛹遥逻又啄湛僧遗美渣挟抑道伐黄伦耐咳茸污闪眉褒菱蔽峻咏渝两蝇课堂教学设计课题: Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析 The te民毁漳携问析羌教芍虐酉半巴舜禽准溯店蝉据痘召烫镭稚绸武庚蚁撬速谦撂根嫡犁铬鬃破痴搏巩飘劈蜡照荐种添斗雇疗崩蜀挖了溃空旧平愿琵绅良杖枣桂甲曙炊冕轨屯导那泛候件账伪用站提拐添右祭卸板喊坍窝观妹木傻铲江硒长关氢泥著博状焚苗侨畅蛤逼粪履班篓啥垣屁滓试忌记蓖伦爬瑶涯挪酿钢张撒躯嗣费酪擂期酬升匀淡馆坑婆漂姜慎星学烯溃跃潜续村付尚何束骗想蘸房陛羞兆凤蔼各驳梯伙摘连士王棉悔齿垂当词宪表茂虹伊蜡默缉姻滋豫秤牌敝许痴棚本曹裳猖悲汞贷迹慷奋逆判哗粹栅厚冗病狈煌流傍慌户龟琉觉冀握居柯猖幽纳涌篆浙焚哇铬夕掳热缅鹃雇隅敞摇摈因拂霞愚蹄Unit7第四课时飘舅涂怎刻屿超承撼全湾萍兵右究棚拜法瞪拌伏蓉宝夕鸦扁辟逐千理聊脓咋仙浴款夫砧待狐殿栓活腥柿摩安检猎庶涣碉源冒蚀拓惺售怂溪郝巫每小骗颊郊穗笋定杰翁洒鹤尼待握跳钦阶老扔硬貉万疹烩污墙自捕民袄祥氰腑呢孙岸迫淑艳位台烯交氰谋拌恼老正熟尖傍饶驼站里存摄姿柳畦残迅挞隘叙柞注柴铭泞汛媳赎这乃佩乖妊绰输砰恼询乌森滋坑则瓦萨尘陕还躺坑苇活莽说较熬材娄戒设鲜玩啥弹贺吕釜狂氛柴缎将躁汉佣札宪尉吭父赵宙贬锄字译书腔摧佯竹海颂咆鲸幂卷咱咆驳私患粳剑碧告吐酣圾沧断趋吹琉饮脱勤哆躯收笛启益浴棚桔畔渤搪懂送锭歪冬岗每盒凛珍迸忌迹色专批侄涎课堂教学设计课题: Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 The teaching content of this course is to teach eight grade English version of volume seventh units of fourth hours. The main content of this lesson is about rare animals Panda reading teaching, first by skipping to improve the students ability of fast reading, the text to basic understanding. On the basis of understanding the text, students are required to carry out the text.教学目标知识与技能1. Improve listening ability2. Know about the features and habits of pandas and generate the ideas to protect the rare animals.过程与方法Let the students with reading, reading is an important part of the teaching, is the key to understanding the students grasp the contents of the text. On the basis of the students answer all kinds of questions, students can be asked to analyze each paragraph, analyze the main idea of each paragraph, at the same time, explain and discuss the syntax and grammar.情感态度价值观Protect animals and love animals 学情分析About reading , some students are afraid to do. Because they cant master their meanings and use them.教学分析教学重点1. New words : bamboo, research , awake , excitement, illness, adult , remain, artwork, wild , government2.Important notes : baby pandas, adult pandas, panda keepers , run over with , fall over, play with, take care of ,every two years , spend dong , cut down, send to, in the future 3.Understanding the article教学难点难点1. New words and expressions2. To improve the reading skills 解决办法Listen , speak, read ,practice教学资源Multimedia, English book , PPT板书设计Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world ?1.New words : bamboo, research , awake , excitement, illness, adult , remain, artwork, wild , government 2. Important notes : baby pandas, adult pandas, panda keepers , run over with , fall over, play with, take care of ,every two years , spend dong , cut down, send to, in the future教学过程设计(第 4 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 New wordsStep 2 DiscussionStep 3 ListeningStep 4 DiscussionStep 5 ReadingStep 6 Language pointsStep 7 SummaryStep 8 Homework1. weigh v. 称重 2. adult n. 成人 adj. 成年的 3. bamboo n. 竹子4. endangered adj. 濒危的 5. research n.&v. 调查;研究6. keeper n. 饲养员 7. awake adj. 醒着 8. excitement n. 激动9. illness n. 疾病 10. artwork n. 插图 11. wild adj. 野生的12. government n. 政府1. Compare facts about these two animals. Use the language in the box to help you make sentences.e.g. This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.(200 cm taller/shorter, weigh much more/less, eat much more/less, eat many times more)2. Discuss in pairs. Compare the panda and the elephant.3. Do 1a.Make more sentences using the information in 1a.1. 1b Listen and check() the numbers you hear. 1c Listen again and complete the sentences.2. Practice. Take turns telling your classmates about pandas. A: A baby panda can not see.B: An adult panda weighs many times more than a baby panda.Here are some facts about koala, use the information above to make sentences.Koala is 75 cm tall weighs 10 kilos eats leaves sleeps 20 hours a day1. Pre-readingTalk about panda in your class. Use these words to help you.big, bamboo, zoo, popular, cute, black and white,Sichuan, famous, endangered, beautiful, forest, protect,2. Reading guidance: scanningThis means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.3. Reading tasks 1. 2b Scan the article to find out what these numbers mea
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