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management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to the companys initial evaluation; 20, is responsible for company-wide employee time and attendance, poor management approaches and specific work on duty; .Class of business information (including changes in policies and regulations, national policies and other building materials industry) collection, maintenance of electronic equipment, network maintenance, and analysis of market information and reporting; 26, is responsible for arranging the Managers daily agenda; 27, responsible for coordinating the social relations of the company and the surrounding villages; 28, the company responsible for all the guest register, informing, guiding and other services, is responsible for the guest, visitor reception and accommodation arrangements; 29, responsible for proof of company-wide; 30, the company responsible for the third grade warehouse and material management, including storage procedures, materials distribution, inventory and materials inventory storage notice after using the Departments work; 31, is responsible for the management of health development and company-wide afforestation and beautification, sanitation management; 32, in charge of human resources management, including recruitment, employment, obtainment, classification, salary, promotion, transfer, dismissal, contract (including the labour contract and the expatriate staff training in drafting and signing of the agreement),水利水电单元工程施工质量评定表样表(2012版)中国水利水电第六工程局有限公司抚顺苏子河胜利水电站工程项目部二零一三年六月目 录第一部分 土石方工程单元工程质量验收评定表 169第二部分 混凝土工程单元工程质量验收评定表70175第三部分 提防工程单元工程质量验收评定表 176241第四部分 地基处理与基础工程单元工程质量验收评定表 242278第五部分 水工金属结构安装工程单元工程质量验收评定表 279281第六部分 水轮发电机组安装工程单元工程质量验收评定表 282284第七部分 水力机械辅助设备系统安装工程单元工程质量验收评定表 285287说 明本表样是根据中华人民共和国水利部2012版水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准土石方工程(SL631-2012)、水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准混凝土工程(SL632-2012)、水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准地基处理与基础工程(SL633-2012)、水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准堤防工程(SL634-2012)、水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准水工金属结构安装工程、(SL635-2012)水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准水轮发电机组安装工程、(SL636-2012)水利水电工程单元工程施工质量验收评定标准水力机械辅助设备系统安装工程(SL637-2012)等七项标准编制而成,各项目在使用过程中,应切实对照以上规范标准的要求,认真填写质量验收评定表格。特此说明 二零一三年五月renewal, modification, cancellation and other relevant procedures work, and periodically on the situation of human resources analysis; 33, responsible for the companys employees retirement fund management work; 34, responsible for the companys rooms, dormitories, dining hall sanitation management; 35, was responsible for organizing the voluntary work of the company; 36, is responsible for collection of training material and organize staff training and examinations; 37, according to company-related systems, issued to departments in recognition of or administrative punishment, personnel files, etc; 38, is responsible for the development of company holiday benefits programme and the distribution of benefits; 39, the company responsible for the toilet, garbage cleanup; 40, responsible for the rationalization of work to collect, compile and report; 41, are responsible for the necessary goods (including raw materials, equipment, spare parts and so on) application, review, approval and acceptance of the relevant procedures work. Charge function: 1, responsible for the guidance of departmental administration, logistic services; 2, the company responsible for the relevant activities of the organizations of the party building work; 3, responsible for the management of the company departments system implementation, operation, security, etc. Jurisdiction: 1, Corporate Office Regional Office; 2, doormen, restaurant, guest rooms, dormitories, correspondents room, meeting room, boiler room, toilets and other subordinate Office area; 3, the rules of other jurisdictions. Powers: 1, personnel management rights, the right of inspection, supervision and单元工程施工质量验收评定表(划分工序)表A.0.1-2单位工程名称单元工程量分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次工序编号工序质量验收评定等级123456 施工单位自评意见各工序施工质量全部合格,其中优良工序占 %,且主要工序达到 等级。单元质量等级评定为:(签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日监理单位复核意见经抽查并查验相关检验报告和检验资料,各工序施工质量全部合格,其中优良工序占 %,且主要工序达到 等级。单元质量等级评定为: (签字,加盖公章) 年 月 日注1:对重要隐蔽单元工程和关键部位单元工程的施工质量验收评定应有设计、建设等单位的代表签字,具体要求应满足SL176的规定。注2:本表所填“单元工程量”不作为施工单位工程量结算计量的依据。表土及土质岸坡清理施工质量标准表4.2.3单位工程名称工序编号分部工程名称施工单位单元工程名称、部位施工日期年 月 日 年 月 日项次检验项目质量标准检验方法检验数量检查(测)记录合格数合格率主控项目1表土清理树木、草皮、树根、乱石、坟墓以及各种建筑物全部清除;水井、泉眼、地道、坑窖等洞穴的处理符合设计要求 观察,查阅施工记录全数检查2不良土质的
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