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2022年12月英语四级考试听力备考笔记(27)P30-2 A) It”s too expensive. B) It isn”t needed. C) A college would be better. D) It should be built. M: The city council has finally voted the funds to build a new high school. W: It”s about time they did it. I don”t know what took them so long. Q: What”s the woman”s opinion about the school? 注:It”s about time. 剧烈的主观建议,选项中找should It”s time. It”s right time. It”s just time. It”s high time. P30-3 A) Jack sold his car. B) Jack”s car was stolen. C) Jack bought a new car. D) Jack had a car accident. M: Last night, Jack left his car parked in front of his girl-friend”s house and when he came out to go home, it was gone. W: Wow! That”s really tough. He just bought it last month, didn”t he? Q: What do you think happened? 注:1. 一个完整的句子加个小尾巴都是反义疑问句,其核心是陈述句。 2. it was gone 不见了 it was missing P31-7 A) To work in the flower beds. B) To weed the garden. C) To hire a gardener. D) To clean the yard. M: Your yard is always so beautiful, Cathy. You must have a gardener. W: Oh, no. It would cost at least $ 50 a month to hire someone to do the work, so I do most of it myself. I enjoy taking care of the flowers, but I have to force myself to do the weeding and cut the grass. Q: What does Cathy like to do? 注:weed 杂草 grass 草
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