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课 题8 Uni GoomannrsWlomeo te unit &comi strp学时1授学时间 年4 月26日教学目的Tokno abouthe od mannerinpublic.To talk aout ho to ehave otly i ublic. gstdents toevelop thabitf odmanes教 学重难点o nowbu th goodmnners inpublc. (Imrtace)o lkboutow oehave politely in pblic. (Iortne)o takabou how to behav poltenubi. (Difficuly)预习规定think abo how to bhave poeyn pulc教学内容及活动设计二次复备及教学随感Sep ckingLet the stuents to red the new worsStep Lead .Free lk yu wntto b go itizen(公民)?Hw can you be good citiens?2.Sow s picturs nd sk if hey ae dithe ihtthisStp 3LningLet te Ss lokt the picturesinatAnPge 5 nd tesoehsstpPratsin 1. FinisPart A onPage 52. Let studn answersoequstis aotthe piuresStp 5 ed-n Ask: Wthould we do and shouldnt we i h library?Se6 Learnig ise t th cnrsaiononPag6 an filin the fomIn te librarWe should _ _ the ir _ _ te books after redie sholdnchat r_ in the lra_ _evryhee_ in the boksSte PrcicDission:Whatsoud we o n aubicpace?eshould.Wht houldt wedo apli le?We shulnt.tep 8Lead-iAs: Do y hink bo il hei thgsi oes?Whatabut Eie?Ste earning . Read andaser the followng quetions(1). Do ou hik die rally wants o teac Ho?(2) hat des ddie teach Ho?(3). hat does Eddie eally wantoHoo?2Lngua pntsep 1 PactieRea h cnversationaloudSep 11TetngTranslat som phraseste 2 Hmework1. 记忆词汇、词组和句型。2. 背诵omic strip 和B部分的对话。3 预习eain教 学 反 思教研组长审核意见: 课 题8BUnit 5 God mnereaing 1学时授学时间年4 月27日教学目的o oaot som good ners i the UK. T rasp temain ideaf theconversaion.T ladsudens tove politelyi plic教 学重难点o know aboutsome go manes n e K. (importance)T nih some ercses acoding e convrsatio. (importance)o gsp themanidea of the onverstion. (difficlty)预习规定To earhhe Internet for he goodmnnrsin he UK.教学内容及活动设计二次复备及教学随感pCheckingransate th i gsh:1. 随处扔垃圾. 打断她人3.在图书馆保持安静. 在公园摘花5. 遵守交通规则6 排队等待你的顺序7.(你)活到老学到老。8. 你目前年龄已大到学习有关礼仪方面的 知识了。9. 你不应当任水龙头流水。10. 恐怕不是。Step2 Ledin Have afree alk: Wat yuuuly when u reet pople?o yu start a onvrsaton with eath when youtakw oher ?Whaill you doifsmeone isi you wy ?SteLearig1. Learn sme nw wods and omtePart1.2.Skmming Readth icl quikl danswer the utins.hs the cvrti bout?hoi anie tkin to?3.Scaning Read theloge carfuly an aswer some more qusions.). Wha is te poper wayt et peope in theUK?2).Who doey greet tha kss?).How o ritish peoe tart a convesaon?4). the talk bout ag?5).How they bhae in pulc?). Ar Briish pople plite at ome?7).Wa lse shu we pattion toin pblc?StepPacticeFid thdealed informatin an fiishthe beead h asage agin ad compltePartsB2.Talk ut the quesin inPart.ep5Test 完毕课课练4页T一、二。tep6Hoeo Finish of te exercises n the xecise Book Ty to rememr the manes n the K.教 学 反 思教研组长审核意见:课 题Bnit5 Good nerseg 2学时1授学时间年4 月28日教学目的To grpth main dea of te onverstion furter andbtr.Tgra te important vbuy sntence in theonvrsaton. fnsh soe exerises to graspthes lnag pts urt.教 学重难点Togasp themotant vocblary and entces i the coveration (Irtance)o fiism exercies o grsptseanguage pointsfther. (Dificlty)预习规定To rvise the conerstion i Rading.教学内容及活动设计二次复备及教学随感p1 heckng ea the dialogua nse ome qeon:as the proer o ret pol in he UK?Howdo pope arta coneraion in te UK? Do he bhave liely in public?Brtishpeole re verplitat hmeas well, arent hey?SteLeadinWe ve otsome frmion abo mane thUK, uI hve somprlems i tansatin. Do o want toelp me?Sep Leanigearn lanuge ponts:1 Whatsthe perway to greet peopl there, eny?roer a. 符合习俗的;对的的 b. wth t以方式跟人打招呼. Britsh eole sa “hello” or “nicomtyu” ad shake your hand when thmet you for te rstime.hak s nd 与某人握手3. But please iubjects l
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