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石榴和樱桃让女人拥有好气色女人要美丽,贫血可是不行的。女人补血,光靠药物是不能解决问题的。这个时候,补血的水果就要光荣登场啦!您知道补血的水果有哪些吗?怎样用水果补血您又了解吗?如果您的答案都是否定的,那就不妨一起来看看下面的两种补血水果吧!樱桃樱桃含有丰富的维他命C,而且富含铁和胡萝卜素,果酸、矿物质和钾的含量也很高,因此是最佳的益血养颜的滋养品,能有效抵抗黑色素的形成,使皮肤嫩白光滑,面色红润,并能促进角质层的形成。主要美容功效:补血理气,嫩白皮肤,保持肌肤弹性。樱桃可以缓解贫血:这首先是由生理特点决定的:青春期女孩生长发育旺盛,机体对铁的需求量大,加上月经来潮,容易发生缺铁性贫血;妊娠哺乳期妇女要供给胎儿或婴儿营养物质,对铁的需要量也大大提高。很多女性不喜欢吃肉食,造成营养不均衡,也是导致缺铁的一个重要原因。因此,多吃樱桃不仅可以缓解贫血,还能治疗由此带来的一系列妇科疾病。石榴石榴的营养特别丰富,含有多种人体所需的营养成分,果实中含有维生素C及B族维生素,有机酸、糖类、蛋白质、脂肪,以及钙、磷、钾等矿物质。据分析,石榴果实中含碳水化合物17%,水份79%,糖1317%,其中维生素C的含量比苹果高12倍,而脂肪、蛋白质的含量较少,果实以品鲜为主。红石榴中富含矿物质,并具有两大抗氧化成份-红石榴多酚和花青素,还含有亚麻油酸,维他命C、B6、E和叶酸。红石榴中含有的钙、镁、锌等矿物质萃取精华,能迅速补充肌肤所失水份,令肤质更为明亮柔润。医用价值娇艳欲滴的红石榴已经被证实具有很强的抗氧化作用。它含有一种叫鞣花酸的成分,可以使细胞免于环境中的污染、UV射线的危害,滋养细胞,减缓肌体的衰老。有研究表明,鞣花酸在防辐射方面比红酒和绿茶中含有的多酚更“厉害”。石榴汁含有多种氨基酸和微量元素,有助消化、抗胃溃疡、软化血管、降血脂和血糖,降低胆固醇等多种功能。可防止冠心病、高血压,可达到健胃提神、增强食欲、益寿延年之功效,对饮酒过量者,解酒有奇效。女人贫血可不是什么小问题,那可关乎着您是否会患上妇科病。所以说,女人千万不可以忽视了贫血的症状。快来吃吃补血的水果,让您时刻保持着容光焕发的姿态吧!Pomegranates and cherries make a woman has a good colorWoman to be beautiful, but not of anemia. Woman blood, drugs alone can not solve the problem. This time, the blood of the fruit must honor debut it! Do you know what the blood of the fruit it? How to use the fruits and understand your blood? If your answer is no, it may wish to take a look at both of the following blood fruit bar!CherryCherries are rich in vitamin C, and rich in iron and carotenoids, fruit acids, minerals and potassium content is also high, so is the beauty of the best benefits of blood nourishment, can effectively resist the formation of melanin, the skin tender white smooth, ruddy, and to promote the formation of the stratum corneum. www.cdfrog.cn www.biggdata.org www.novemgroup.cn www.cai-shen.cnThe main cosmetic effect: blood qi, white skin, maintain skin elasticity.Cherries can ease the anemia: This is primarily determined by the physical characteristics: strong growth and development of adolescent girls, the bodys demand for iron, coupled with menstrual cramps, prone to iron deficiency anemia; pregnant lactating women to be supplied to the fetus or infant nutrition material, iron requirements are greatly increased.Many women do not like to eat meat, causing nutritional imbalance, but also lead to a deficiency of the important reasons. Therefore, eat cherries can not only ease the anemia, but also treatment resulting series of gynecological diseases.www.xautoman.cn www.globessc.org.cn www.nhman.com.cn www.jdweixin.org www.ganaiwanqi.orgPomegranatePomegranate nutrition particularly rich, containing many essential nutrients, fruit contains vitamin C and B vitamins, organic acids, sugars, protein, fat, and calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals. According to analysis, the pomegranate fruit contains 17% carbohydrates, 79% water, sugar 13 to 17%, wherein the content of vitamin C than apples 1 to 2 times higher, and less fat content, protein, fruits with fresh products as the Lord.Pomegranate is rich in minerals and has two antioxidants - red pomegranate polyphenols and anthocyanins, also contains linoleic acid, vitamin C, B6, E and folic acid. Calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals Pomegranate extract contains, it can quickly replenish the loss of moisture, making the skin more bright and soft.Medical value www.chinapve.org www.stcsc.org www.0898hqvip.org www.lexinyiyuan.org www.99ytx.cn www.ediyhome.orgMouthwatering red pomegranate has been shown to have strong antioxidant effect. It contains a substance called ellagic acid composition, can make the cells from the environment pollution, UV rays harm, trophoblast cells, slow the aging body. Studies have shown that ellagic acid in terms of containing radiation than red wine and green tea polyphenols more severe.Pomegranate juice contains many amino acids and trace elements, helps digestion, anti-ulcer, soften blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and other features. Can prevent coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, can be achieved stomach refreshing, appetite, longevity of the efficacy of excessive drinking, hangover wonders.Woman anemia is not what a small problem, it may relate to the Do you suffer from gynecological diseases. So, a woman should never ignore the symptoms of anemia. Come and eat the blood of fruit, so you always maintain a radiant attitude it!
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