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省农业大学附属- 七年级英语第三次月考试题 人教新目标版题号客观卷主观卷总分得分本试卷分第一卷和第二卷两局部。共6页,考试时间90分钟,总分值120分客观卷75分、听力20分二、对话理解,请听对话,根据其内容选择最正确答案,每组对话读两次。5分 6A、30 dollarsB、15 dollarsC、25 dollars 7A、Chicken and tomatoesB、Hamburgers and saladC、Chicken and salad 8A、BlackB、BrownC、Blue 9A、No, she doesntB、Yes, she does C、Yes, she is 10A、No, he doesntB、Yes, he doesC、Yes, it is三、语篇理解,根据所听内容,选出最正确答案。短文读两次5分 11Kate eats for breakfast.A、milk and hamburgersB、ice cream and saladC、vegetables 12Kate doesnt like .A、orange juiceB、ice creamC、salad 13David Beckham is .A、a studentB、a football starC、basketball star 14David Beckham eats for dinner.A、carrots and French friesB、milk and hamburgersC、lots of healthy food 15David Beckham likes better.A、saladB、basketballC、football四、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格,短文读三次5分Mrs Smiths shopping listThingsPricea hamburger2 dollars 16 1 dollarfruit17 dollars 18 a 9 dollarsa bag7 dollars 19 a 20 dollarsTotal(共):39 dollars、单项选择15分 21How much the trousers?A、areB、isC、do 22We have great socks very good prices.A、inB、atC、on 23We have yellow jackets only $20.A、atB、forC、in 24I think I play basketball .A、goodB、wellC、nice 25Do you like chicken dinner?A、onB、inC、for 26Does your cousin want computer game?A、playB、playingC、to play 27 Lucy eat healthy food?A、DoesB、DoC、Is 28I like hamburgers, I dont eat .A、but, theyB、and, themC、but, them 29We have skirt green and blue.A、forB、atC、in 30Lets some ice-cream.A、eatingB、eatC、to eat 31Do you have ?A、strawberriesB、strawberryC、strawberrys 32Where are her pencils? under the chair.A、ItsB、TheyreC、These are 33Are those your tapes? .A、Yes, those areB、No, it isntC、No, they arent 34 orange is on the table. A、AnB、AC、Some 35Lets play soccer. . A、Yes, it isB、Are you OK?C、That sounds boring、完形填空。10分Clerk:Can I help you?Jenny:Yes, please. Do you 36 black schoolbags?Clerk:Yes. We have black ones, red ones 37 blue ones.Jenny:How 38 are they?Clerk:Each of them is fifteen 39 .Jenny:Great! Well, I 40 a T-shirt. Can you tell me the prices of your T-shirts?Clerk:OK. Look! These red T-shirts 41 seven dollars. Do you 42 the color?Jenny:Yes, I do. How much are those yellow T-shirts 43 the table?Clerk:Fifteen dollars each. And 44 black T-shirts are twenty dollars.Jenny:OK! Ill 45 a red one. Thank you.Clerk:Youre welcome.36A、haveB、seeC、want37A、orB、butC、and38A、longB、manyC、much39A、dollarB、dollarsC、dollars40A、wantB、haveC、buy41A、amB、isC、are42A、findB、likeC、meet43A、forB、ofC、on44A、thisB、thatC、those45A、bringB、takeC、sell、阅读理解30分ABill likes hamburgers, eggs and oranges for breakfast. For lunch, he eats French fries, chicken and salad. For dessert(甜点), he likes ice cream. He doesnt like pears or bananas for dinner. He likes tomatoes, broccoli(菜花) and strawberries. Sandra has French fries, eggs, apples and bananas for breakfast. She doesnt like chicken for lunch. She eats hamburgers, salad and pears for lunch. For dinner, she has strawberries and broccoli. She likes ice cream for dessert.Bill and Sandra are healthy because they eat lots of(很多) healthy food.根据短文内容,选择正确答案10分 46What does Bill have for breakfast?A、French fries, chicken, apples and bananas.B、Hamburgers, tomatoes and oranges.C、Hamburgers, eggs and oranges. 47What does Bill like for dessert?A、Ice cream.B、Bananas.C、Apples. 48Bill doesnt like for dinner.A、tomatoesB、pearsC、strawberries 49Sandra has for lunch.A、chicken and pearsB、hamburgers, salad and pearsC、hamburgers, bananas and pears 50What does the word “because mean(单词 “because是什么意思)?A、然后B、所以C、因为BLook at the photo of my family. The man in black is my father. The woman(女人) in green is my mother. They are teachers. My father is an English teacher, and my mother is a math(数学) teacher.The girl in a yellow skirt is my sister. She is eight. I am twelve. I am a student. My name is Lin Like. You can see me. Im in a white shirt in the photo.根据短文内容,选择正确答案10分
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