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2022年GMAT阅读理解模拟试题Current feminist theory, in validating women”s own stories of their experience, has encouraged scholars of women”s history to view the use of women”s oral narratives as the methodology, next to the use of women”s written autobiography, that brings historians closest to the “reality“ of women”s lives. Such narratives, unlike most standard histories, represent experience from the perspective of women, affirm the importance of women”s contributions, and furnish present-day women with historical continuity that is essential to their identity, individually and collectively.Scholars of women”s history should, however, be as cautious about accepting oral narratives at face value as they already are about written memories. Oral narratives are no more likely than are written narratives to provide a disinterested commentary on events or people. Moreover, the stories people tell to explain themselves are shaped by narrative devices and storytelling conventions, as well as by other cultural and historical factors, in ways that the storytellers may be unaware of. The political rhetoric of a particular era, for example, may influence women”s interpretations of the significance of their experience. Thus a woman who views the Second World War as pivotal in increasing the social acceptance of women”s paid work outside the home may reach that conclusion partly and unwittingly because of wartime rhetoric encouraging a positive view of women”s participation in such work.文章概况:现在的一些理论鼓舞学者讨论口语的东西,由于口语的东西能够比写出来的东西让这些历史学家更加接近女性生活的真实状况。后面详述了一些这些口语的东西究竟是什么。其次段开头谈假如历史学家采纳口语的东西他们必需当心点。后面详细详述了口语和写出来的东西有什么区分会让我采纳口语的东西必需当心翼翼!Question #37. 218-01 (22979-!-item-!-188;#058#058#058&000218-07)According to the passage, each of the following is a difference between women”s oral narratives and most standard histories EXCEPT:(A) Women”s oral histories validate the significance of women”s achievements.(B) Women”s oral histories depict experience from the point of view of women.(C) Women”s oral histories acknowledge the influence of well-known women.(D) Women”s oral histories present today”s women with a sense of their historical relationship to women of the past.Women”s oral histories are crucial to the collective identity of today”s women.问以下那个不是口语和标准历史的区分,依据脉络这个区分应当是文章第一段的后办局部表达出来的,我们来看看 Such narratives, unlike most standard histories, represent experience from the perspective of women(对应B), affirm the importance of women”s contributions(对应A), and furnish present-day women with historical continuity that is essential to their identity(对应E), individually and collectively.还剩下C和D这两个选项原文似乎都没有读到过。C说成认出名的女人带来的影响 D说口语的东西还说什么和历史女性的关系,D说得更概括,越概括的选项原文越有可能提到,选C。至于D在什么地方表达出来的,说得都像佛了,这种选向很难对应原文一句话,而是把一些句子进展概括总结形成的选项,直接找到对英语力量要求教高,算了吧!放下!佛家三大苦,想不开,放不下,忘不了。GMAT要求我从来没想过,何谈想不开,我从来就没在乎过什么,何谈放不下,忘不了,我从来就没记住过什么,何谈忘不了!以上就是GMAT阅读理解模拟试题(1)的具体内容,考生可针对文中介绍的方法进展有针对性的备考。更多资讯、资料尽在新东方网GMAT频道。最终,新东方网GMAT频道预祝大家在GMAT考试中取得好成绩!
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