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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑Jane,Eyre,英文简介|简介 英文 简爱,长篇小说,一部具有自传颜色的作品,下面是我给大家整理的Jane Eyre 英文简介,供大家参阅! Jane Eyre 简介 Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre) is the British writer Charlotte Brontes novel, is a biographical works. The work tells the story of a young woman who grew up as an orphan in the pursuit of freedom and dignity in all kinds of hardship, adhere to the self, and finally get the story of happiness. The novel shows the heroic ups and downs of love and romance, praising the exclusion of all the old customs and prejudices, the success of shaping a dare to resist, dare to fight for freedom and equality of womens image. Jane Eyre 内容简介 Jane Eyre is an orphan, she was born in a poor priest family. Soon the parents died one after another. Young Jane foster care in uncle and parents home. After the death of his uncle, Mr. Reed, Jane lived a decade of discrimination and abuse. Aunt regarded her as a thorn in the eyes, and her and her children isolated, since then, her confrontation with her aunt more open and resolute, Jane was sent to the Rover orphanage. Orphanage discipline is tough, hard life, the president is a cold hypocrite. Jane Eyre continues to be physically and physically devastated in the orphanage. Due to poor living conditions, the orphanage often has children to die, her best friend Helen died of tuberculosis. Helen died after the orphanage has made a big improvement. Jane has been educated in the new environment for six years and has been teaching in this school for two years. As Miss Tan Boer left, Jane Eli tired of the orphanage in the life, advertised to seek the tutors career. The butler of the Sanfield Manor hired her. The manor of the manor Rochester often travels outside, and her student is a girl of less than 10 years old, Adelaara, and Rochester is her protector. One day at dusk, Jane loves to go out for a walk, and meet the owner who has just returned from abroad. This is the first time they meet. Later, she found her master is a character melancholy, moody man, her attitude is good and bad. The whole house is empty and sometimes hear a creepy strange laughter. One day Jane was awakened by his laughter in his sleep and found that Rochesters room was burning, Jane Eve awakened him and helped him with the fire. After Rochester comes back there is a regular banquet. In a banquet to a man named Ingmar beautiful lady gallant, Jane love was called into the living room, but by Blanche mother and daughter of the cold, she endured humiliation, left the living room. At this point, she has fallen in love with Rochester. In fact, Rochester has also fallen in love with Jane, he just wanted to try Jane love love for their own. When he marries Jane Eyre, she promised him. On the eve of the wedding, Jane loves to see an abominable woman in the hazy, wearing her wedding dress in front of the mirror. The next day, when the wedding in the church quietly, suddenly someone to prove: Mr. Rochester 15 years ago has been married. His wife was originally that was locked in the third floor of the chamber of the crazy woman. The law hindered their love and plunged them into deep pain. In a desolate night, Jane Eli left Rochester. On the way to find a new way of life, Jane Ephre meal, begging along the way, surviving, and finally in the Ze room by the priest St. John shelter, and in a local primary school to teach. Soon, Jane loved that his uncle died and left her a legacy, but also found that St. John is her cousin, Jane love decided to separate the property. St. John is a fanatical believer, intended to travel to India. He asked Jane to marry him and go with him to India, but the reason is simply Jane love to be a missionary wife. Jane loves to refuse him and decided to look at Rochester again. She returned to the Thornfield manor, that house has become a ruin, crazy woman set fire after the fall of death, Rochester also injured disabled. Jane Eyre found him and was shocked, and finally married him, got his ideal happy life. Jane Eyre 艺术特色 A lot of use of psychological description is a major feature of this novel. The book is thoughtful, the plot ups and downs, to the reader to create a gloomy atmosphere, but not from a middle class family background. The author also describes the Quotes of the hero between the sincere love and natural scenery, rich and strong feelings. In the landscape depiction, the author of the artists aesthetic point of view to appreciate, with the painter to grasp the light and shadow harmony. The colorful scenery is fine and vivid. Jane love in the content structure has the following characteristics: First, the structure of Jane Eyre is a Divine Comedy style of art. Janes love has gone through the purification of the hen of the hell (Gateshard and Rover), and finally the arrival of a great real world (with Rochester and the birth of a symbol of newborn) Next generation). Second, the author used to render the atmosphere, nightma
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