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21春社区服务离线作业一辅导答案1. 10% of the data was as unreliable.A) disobeyedB) disrespectedC) discardedD) disguised10% of the data was as unreliable.A) disobeyedB) disrespectedC) discardedD) disguised参考答案:C2. At their _ to the house the little boy ran away and hid.A. plungeB. appointmentC.At their _ to the house the little boy ran away and hid.A. plungeB. appointmentC. approachD.politeness参考答案:C3. _ care whether they have passed the entrance examination or not.A. Does he little_ care whether they have passed the entrance examination or not.A. Does he littleC. Little he doesB. Does little heD. Little does he参考答案:D4. Not for a(n) _ did I believed he had lied.A. timeB. ageC. periodD. instantNot for a(n) _ did I believed he had lied.A. timeB. ageC. periodD. instant参考答案:D5. Id be _ to resign if I were in your position.A) influencedB) effectedC) inclinedDId be _ to resign if I were in your position.A) influencedB) effectedC) inclinedD) related参考答案:C6. For his health, he undoubtedly needed a _ in his heart assoon as possible.A) sFor his health, he undoubtedly needed a _ in his heart assoon as possible.A) surgeonB) surgeryC) surfaceD) supplement参考答案:B7. The towns main _ are its beautiful mosque and ancientmarketplace.A) featurThe towns main _ are its beautiful mosque and ancientmarketplace.A) featuresB) standpointC) lifestyleD) venues参考答案:A8. He tried to fix my radio, but really _ it up.A) madeB) botchedC) coveredD) filledHe tried to fix my radio, but really _ it up.A) madeB) botchedC) coveredD) filled参考答案:B9. If he _giving up smoking, he can make it.A) sets the mind onB) sets his mind onC) hIf he _giving up smoking, he can make it.A) sets the mind onB) sets his mind onC) has a mindD) gives his mind to参考答案:B10. He sat there silent for some time, _ thought.A) having lost inB) be lost inC) losiHe sat there silent for some time, _ thought.A) having lost inB) be lost inC) losing inD) lost in参考答案:D11. The region has enormous _ for economic development but a lotof investment is nThe region has enormous _ for economic development but a lotof investment is needed to achieve this.A. capacityB. potentialC. possessionD. impact参考答案:B12. Please accept my _ apologies for not having informed you of the changesof textPlease accept my _ apologies for not having informed you of the changesof textbooks in advance.A) obsessiveB) specializedC) lifetimeD) heartfelt参考答案:D13. He was awarded a certificate of _ for his pianoplaying.A) gloryB) distinctC) praisHe was awarded a certificate of _ for his pianoplaying.A) gloryB) distinctC) praiseD) merit参考答案:D14. 社会工作的价值观包括:( )A、每个人都应该受到关怀和尊重B、人与人之间应该互助、理解和尊重C、相信每个人都有人类共同的需要,也有自己独特的需要和特征D、社会应该提供资源和服务,以满足人们的需求,免于饥寒、病苦、歧视等参考答案:ABCD15. 理想电流源内阻为0 ()此题为判断题(对,错)。参考答案:错误16. As a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchillAs a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchill .A) specialtyB) motivationC) competenceD) vision参考答案:D17. The protests were part of their _ against building developmentin this area.A) aThe protests were part of their _ against building developmentin this area.A) advertisingB) arrangementC) campaignD) consumption参考答案:C18. Come and sit by the fire; you look _ to the bone.A) cooledB) chokedC) chilledD) cCome and sit by the fire; you look _ to the bone.A) cooledB) chokedC) chilledD) compressed参考答案:C19. I had to _ myself to make sure I wasn t dreaming.A) punchB) pinchC) stressD) streI had to _ myself to make sure I wasn t dreaming.A) punchB) pinchC) stressD) stretch参考答案:B20. The prisoner has been _ of many privileges thataverage citizens enjoy.A) disturbThe prisoner has been _ of many privileges thataverage citizens enjoy.A) disturbedB) discardedC) deprivedD) disposed参考答案:C21. I don t really know who she _ with.A. hangs outB. hangs overC. hangs upD. hangsI don t really know who she _ with.A. hangs outB. hangs overC. hangs upD. hangs on参考答案:A22. Ecommerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentE-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentD)entrust参考答案:A23. The plants make unwelcoming smells to ( )(击退) their enemies.A、implyB、spellC、compelD、repThe plants make unwelcoming smells to ( )(击退) their enemies.A、implyB、spellC、compelD、repel参考答案:D24. He can only recall some( ) (零碎的) pictures of that accident now.A、fragmentary
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