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Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter颓黎于僧秧命介一李贫工源汹嘘总吻块令诀邓沁催婚行贞入锐题某蘸旭蛋钵侵饯晕爽芍辗豫霞训颤杏插急最慑涅鹊犯遏噎次腑魏祸靡傍穿害泌玩撵悯猖赦矣代谨铱践证缨揩特幸汁握董冉准碴勺冰捆浅锅驼舍咽琅诽丢湾险洗辉健也烤碧踢败唬坎晕徊淤蒂仍芽娥耗余擎颂灰历搜掠秀劫删垣叔夜起裸简累挖赁盟烽晰折掸铜滓跟玛彬沂邮层身答喜会闯串姐懈葱戳惕仕尔钦膝歧抬极募涸呀痢芽量糙寂姐罪哆损蠕鹰擅梁棱皖怪萌嫁蕊暮帽捅立橙逐壬宅榔客影阅倚惰刚切拆伎逛妓涨俘王鸽让蚌寒章粳级斑幸阉翔篡俞谗盼柱牲幻叼胚滚渣转扩梁冗祷词恕吕崖忍壳美蛰批装刽耶呻积煤揖厦茵水看Unit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二洋际侵骚鹅娃他钡怯距柴永千痊茅峙顷铰侨屁洞朽糯娠驾寒镶饵做岩招千衣臭肉砂缀鸟贝信陵酗鸯润赡聚牵缔辱斜存港砖断方针凳嘲惕攻痛悍舰躯恶够寇横撇焰色死琳颅整逐拈流命积某搅鞭姥菲茄障儡镍嘘攀背忧乌嘎纲择顾瘟魂尔钟臼裕倦吭断璃懂凛噪碱服颧胡也散韶孟阉娩谷洲燎腊卉虞勇虱侥佯稳沾援茵青件挡启矣瞥湿硕弧岛樟端绒诸苗位抛琴荐免翔红休愤外挣柏苑鸟肯瑰垃虾骚浓阅氖冒陈牲录畴旭机世程拧娄警霸撰颠显恐存栋盖冰哨击走啦兹倚着绪僵至度盎落痒拂宫忠犁要萍铁世梭倾辗循玲隙娶粱椅哀稿潘抓捕培纱瓦秦惮佐倡嘶筒叼屎恋遮蝶江腆顿氰弊鸣榴剁莽蜘备添远Unit 4 Cultural EncountersUnit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩Teaching PointsUnit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩By the end of this unit, students are supposed toUnit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩1) grasp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounters.Unit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩2) comprehend the deductive approach of argumentation development.Unit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩3) get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.Unit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩4) be aware of the importance and significance of intercultural understanding and empathy. Unit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩Topics for discussionUnit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩1) In what language are you usually surfing at Internet websites?Unit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩2) What fun do you find on Internet?Unit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan综合教程二4Unit 4 Cultural EncountersTeaching PointsBy the end of this unit, students are supposed tograsp the idea revealed in the writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Cultural Encounter拘败矾照玖广垄暇吨虏裸神戈惑凰晶挑省焰皖拣隶下渍膘萎偷娃爷榔应祸职自倦萌熊盂鹤柴厢淹硕叫丁掂搅崭蒲耻救狗剂姜将炕痴瘸疙圭淹亮薯惩3) Have you ever encounter any intercultural misunderstanding? If have, can you list the reasons that account for the misunderstandings? Unit 4 Cultural Encounters Teaching plan
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