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1. disaster 2.compelle3historca4 dsciplined 5.destrction 6.tput7ret 8.banne 9. rce . eternal 11.ivstment2. transr 13 jusify 4nonetheles.contritins16.acceleate 1. theate 1 hin of 2 ale uon 3 flmit 4. n fear of . slo down ct dwn 7 from headto foo 8 ce y 9. lst ut 0. syet 11. resie i ok + fog;we lg; brekfast + nch ;eica + care;oor + hotel; net + ctzen ;ciene +fcton; wok + alcohli Anthopoloy: the scintifistudof te umnc, especal of its rgis, delopment, uss n bliefsArheology: the studyo he ed emans otheancient tmes,h as houses, pts,ools, and weaponEcolo:the syo he relationsof plats, nmas, and peple to ch ter nd tother surroudGoog: th study f roks, ols,c. whih make u he Ert, ad feir chages durin hehiory f horldIdeogy: aset of ea tt an conomor pliialsyste is baedo Msiology:hestudy o the hitory ndtheor o musiPsychooy: theientificstuy of heid and ow it iflences behaviorSociolgy: the sintiicudy f th nareand eelpme of ocety a ocial behairZoly: tecieticsu o amals and thei aviour 1 colletividvidul2. consite cotradictory3. constrctive destrctive4 rational tiona5 moen rimitie6. aura synthetic7.nearbyistt8. ptiiic pessiiti. replcbl irrpaceae10smal enorus1 he wished us heth an successinthenew year.2 askedhow ewere getgalongit ur work. 3. Jc ato metht I woud be app toknthat i condition had impoed. 4. Rosesked Jack wether he was sre his othr wuld lie h ia. 5 He sked Joh ow onghe dben waiing or hem. 6. h sad I ned hae done all that mself 1. Th rikers rotestedto the police tht the hado right toart the. 2. epomied ththe would giv s hatee ssitanc we neede. 3. gred (tat)tha was t bet oluton to the olem. 4.y sistr attdtat itwasshe who ha roken th glas.5. e declareththementht he ad and would nevr oback ohis ord. 6 The ma issd tha we iv a exlanation w had hapn. 7. rs. ontcomplaied that o one shwed conern fothe eldely in thatcountry .The sales maager plaed tat he coult give ua definite answer bease h had not rceiedinsrcts fom is compny. (1) el (2) elmntal ()obtin () tubborn ()tasfrre (6) trsfomed () sbdued(8) expansio()rrelcale (10)exict () dynamc (2)vere (13)modere (14) elogicl (1) ratil 1. Thllage so closeto e borer hat the vlagerslive in constat fear f attcks rmthe enemy. 2. In onl tenty years counrywa trasforedinto an adaned ndustrialpor. 3. This companyhs evolved in oe of te mjo cheicl nufacturing basesin thi rgion. Gven th curn fnanialsituato, t s neitable that teU dolar ill be furth dealued. 5. hgovernmen all fsuggestins about theconol fwte polln produced very litlersponfom he cies. 6. The weathe showd o igs ofgettngbetteso the overnmtcalld uponus t get prepared frfoods.7.Atne time scintitsthough that heeasnohingsmaller tanan tomut now mos pople nw hatan to cists ofevensmllr prticles 8. The sdets were aller uh crne about t World u, pendin at lest wohours every daywatcin he ivetche n TV. 9 The dearent sorelostout becauseons were ve ha oome byan it could ntstar busness ontime. 10.We cnt ghre fo alk becau ee is anavy baether, whh is offlimi to tourists manbrigs liv in the realm ofnare. Tey arn on dwellers innaure, but lso trnsformes f t. With thedeveoent osociety an it economy, pepetend o becomlessdepdent onnature diectly, but niretly ther dpndene growuan bngs are cnctedwithna by lood ties.Nonecanieoutsdeatue oweve, thepreviou dnibace btwen man and natuehas own snsf bakn down. obems u as t puaio exploio, ecologia ibalance n thshtage ofnaual reorces hae become major factorskepg human society from bing furer deeopd. Profess Spikinols that te oly choeo huma eigi he wse organiationo prodtiond are fo Motr Nature MyUnderstdingofnvironentaPrtctionn nd thenentare cloy reatd. Man elieson the enironmenfo war,od ad helter. armn elationsipween manand oweer,manadtheenvirnmnt have nvrbeen nsuch bad terms as they re now.As socity de
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