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徐州市职业学校2017-2018学年度第二学期就业班期末试卷高二英语本试卷分两局部,第一局部语言基础知识与基本技能,总分值45分;第二局部语言综合 运用,总分值55分;共计100分。考试时间90分钟。请按要求将答案写在答题纸上。在规定以外地方答题,视作无效。第一局部:基础知识与基本技能(共45题;每题1分,总分值45分)第一节总结规律,从方框内找出各小题划线局部的音标:(共5小题;每题1分,总分值5 分)A./z/B./ei/C. /d/D. / tj /E. /A/()1.livedarrivedhappenedjoined()2.butcuprunsun()3.childrenchairmatchChina()4.cakefacegameface()5.alwaystoysfactoriesbodies第二节交际对话:(共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分)(A)在II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的句子(B)从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,完成对 话。III()6. Could I use your bike for one day?A. Pm glad you think so.()7. Whats the problem, John?B. I came across an old friend.()8. Why are you late?C. rm afraid not.( )9. Pm leaving fbr Japan tomorrow.D. I lost my key.()10. I think you look very nice in the red jacket.E. Have a good trip.A. Yes, that would be great.B. Youre welcome.C. This is Lily speaking.D. Would you like me to give her a message?E. Do you know when she will be back?Lily: Hello! 11 Is Sue there?Billy: Im sorry, Lily. Sue isnt in right now.Lily:12Billy: Im not quite sure. Probably sometime tonight. J3Lily: Yes, that would be great. Please ask her if I can get notes from todays math class. I missed class to go to the doctors.Billy: OK. Shall I have her call you back?Lily:14Billy: Docs she have your number?Lily: Yes. Thanks so much.Billy:15 Bye.第三节 图文理解。根据所给图片、句子或对话中的信息从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项:(共10小题:每题1分,总分值10分)CALL NOWWhere will you visit according to the poster?A. ThailandB.JapanC. Toronto16. If you want to, you can surf (he above website page.A. study abroadB. look for a jobC. hunt wild animalsQUESTIONNAIREA. Do you come from China ?*Yes No How old are you?Fifteen and under Sixteen and above What does the word QUESTIONNAIRE mean in Chinese according to the table?A.问题C.问话B.问卷SundayRainyMondaySunnyTuesdayDrizzlyWednesdayWindyYour class plans to have a picnic next week, you may advise having it on.A. SundayB. ThursdayC. MondayJim: Ive had a lot of trouble getting through to you. Your call centre wouldnt put me through.Clerk: Fm sorry. Weve been very busy this morning. Please explain the problem, and Ill see what I can do.17. From the conversation above, we know Jim has the problem about.A. the phoneB. callingC. centerW: Oh, dear, there,re so many students here! Lets stand in line.M: What do wc have for lunch?18. This conversation may take place.A. in the libraryB. in the dining hall C. at homeM: It is a bit warm out today.W: Warm? You can fry eggs on the street.19. What docs the woman mean?A. The food should be kept warm. B. It is warm outside. C. Its extremely hot outW: Excuse me, sir. May I have a word with you?M: Sure. What can I do for you?W: Its about the slippery floor. People will fall and get injured.M: Youre right. Ill put a warning sign after mopping the floor.20. The dialogue is about.A. safetyB. friendshipC. weatherPeter works for a restaurant. He prepares food, using various cooking styles, such asboiling, steaming, roasting and baking.21. From the information in the box, we know Peter is a (an).A. cookB. actorC. waiterI put on the coat, took an umbrella and left the house at 8:00 a.m. It was raining heavily.At 8:30 I arrived at my office and was ready to start working.22. It took the personto get to his office.A.an hour B. half an hourC.one and a half hour第四节 词汇与语法:(共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分)23. Sue, whats your plan fbr the coming weekend?-Ive decided to see a film.go with me ?A. Why not youB. Why notB. May youD. Why do youIt,s said that a foreign English teacher will teach us English next term.Wow! Wc can practice our oral English better.A. What an exciting newsB. What exciting newsC. How excited the news isD. How exciting news- Why are you in such a hurry, John?Therean NBA basketball game in five minutes.A. will haveB. will beC. is going to haveD. are going to be- Is there anything serious with me, doctor?No.some medicine and youfine.A. Taking, areB. Take, areC. Taking, will beD. Take, will beThe boys arcplaying halls.A. keen inB. crazy about C. fond for D. likeYou were brave enough to quarrel with him at the meeting yesterday.-Well. Now I regretthat.A. to doB. doingC. to have doneD. to be doing- Does Jimmy always go to school by bus?No, rather thanon a crowded bus, he always prefersa bike.A. ride, rideB. riding, rideC. ride, to rideD. to ride, riding- Where did Toni go last summer?-Hehave a chance to visit Hong Kong Disneyland last summer.A. was enough lucky toB. was lucky enough toC. was to enough luckyD. was lucky to enough- What is the new trend here in winter?-The new trend here isin the cold.A. working inB. working atC. working outD. working onLook at Lily! Sheher homework and is arranging her schoolbag.A. is doingB. will doC. has doneD. had don
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