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英语语法:最常见的10个介词用法错误 提高介词使用力量的方法是: 1. listen to spoken English as much as possible 尽可能多地听英语口语 2. test yourself on common prepositions 自我测试常用的介词 下面排列了10个常见的介词用法错误: 1) arrive at 还是 arrive in *When we arrived to Claudios house at通常用在详细的地点前:school学校、restaurant餐厅、airport机场、aunts house阿姨的家;而in通常用在城市或国家前面。 When we arrived at Claudios house 我们到达克劳迪奥的家 The train arrived at Shibuya station thirty seconds late. 火车延迟30秒到达涩谷车站。 On Friday, the president arrived in Poland. 总统于周五到达波兰。 The K-pop band arrived in Phnom Penh last week. 韩国流行乐队上周到达金边。 2) at night *We often go out in the night. in可以用在in the morning, in the afternoon, 和in the evening里,但是night前面需要用at。 We often go out at night. 我们常常在夜晚出门。 Krakow is beautiful at night. 夜晚的克拉科夫很美。 3) look for 还是 wait for *I was looking my glasses. *Giulia was waiting me at the bus stop. 假如你想表达查找,那么用look for或者search for;假如你想表达等待,那么用wait for。 I was looking for my glasses. 我在查找我的眼镜。 Tomis looking for a new job. 汤姆正在查找一份新工作。 Giulia was waiting for me at the bus stop. 茱莉亚正在车站等着我。 Lucy is waiting for her sister to finish class. 露西正在等她的妹妹放学。 4) for period of time *Ive been working here since five years for用在一段时间前面,比方:a few minutes/three months/twenty years。 since和详细的时间点连用,比方:this morning/September/the day we met。 Ive been working here for five years. 我已经在这里工作五年了。 She hasnt drunk coffee for years. 她好多年不喝咖啡了。 Shes been living in Yokohama since February. 她从二月起始终住在横滨。 I havent seen her since yesterday morning. 昨天早上之后,我就没再见到她。 5) in months and years *Its my birthday on July! in总是和年份或月份连用。 Its my birthday in July! 我的生日在7月。 Ola was born in 2004. 欧拉诞生在2004年。 6) live/work/study in cities and countries *I live at Tokyo. 在某个城市或国家居住、工作或学习用in,但住在某个详细的地址则用at,比方在一个特定的机构工作,或者是在某所大学学习。 I live in Tokyo. 我住在东京。 Roberta works in Sassari. 罗伯塔在萨萨里工作。 Hector studies in Canada. 赫克托尔在加拿大学习。 Ania lives at No.34, Green Street. 艾尼雅住在格林大街34号。 Ryosuke works for Toyota. 凉介在丰田工作。 Dara studies at Phnom Penh International University. 达拉在金边国际大学读书。 7) on days and dates *Its my birthday in Saturday! on和详细的星期几或日期连用: Its my birthday on Saturday! 我的生日在周六! Its my birthday on May 1st. (But remember: Its my birthday in May.)我的生日在五月一号。(但是要记住:我的生日在五月用 in。) 8) it depends on *It depends of what you want: Italian food or Chinese food. depend后面假如要加某人或某物,肯定要和on连用,不然只能说it depends。 It depends on what you want: Italian food or Chinese food. 这取决于你想吃什么:意大利菜还是中国菜。 Well go to either Disney World or the beach, depending on the weather. 我们要去迪士尼乐园或海滩,这要看天气。 What do you usually have for breakfast tea or coffee? It depends! 你早餐通常喝什么茶还是咖啡?看状况。 9) welcome to *Welcome in Peru! 欢送到某地用welcome to+地点,比方:a house/school/organization/city/country。 Welcome to Peru! 欢送来秘鲁! Welcome to Cagliari. 欢送来卡利亚里。 Welcome to Meiji University. 欢送来明治大学。 Welcome to the Plaza Hotel. We hope you enjoy your stay. 欢送来广场饭店,我们盼望你在此过得开心。 10) married to *Hes married with Kim. 与某人结婚要用married to或者get married to,也可以说marry sb.。 Hes married to Kim. 他和金结婚了。 Johns getting married to Sara next summer. 约翰明年夏天要和萨拉结婚。 Kate is marrying my old school friend. 凯特要和我的一个老校友结婚了。
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