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Unit 18Inventions (2009兰州诊断)假设你是卜曼宜,你购买了一部某外国公司生产的手机,因有质量问题,要求该公司更换。请根据下列要点,用英文写一封电子邮件。要点:1问题:手机不响铃,不能发短信;该产品已售完,无法更换;型号新,无配件,无法维修。2要求:公司应尽快予以更换。注意:1词数为100左右;2参考词汇:配件spare part;3电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数)。Dear Sir,I am writing to you for the mobile phone of DephoneS250 I bought on 20th Apr. 2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, PR. China._Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely yours,Bu Manyi参考答案Dear Sir,I am writing to you for the mobile phone of DephoneS250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, PR. China. Ten days after that, it didnt ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. Later I went to the repairman. He said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. I was so desperate on hearing that. How can I wait that long? Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely yours,Bu Manyi.重点单词1_(n.)试;试验;审判2_(adj.) 以前的;先的3_(adv.) 不然;否则4_(n.) 专利;专利权;专利证答案1trial2.previous3.otherwise4.patent.词汇拓展1trial_(v.)尝试2aware_(n.)意识3connection_(v.)连结4possibility_(adj.)_(adv.)也许5creative_(v.)_(n.)创造6officer_(n.)_(adj.)官方的答案1try2.awareness3.connect4.possible; possibly5create; creation6.office; official.重点短语1keep _ of 保持联系;记录2_ all 毕竟;别忘了3_ and error 反复实验;不断摸索4now _ 既然;因为5be similar _ 与相似6break _ tears 大哭起来7be _ of 知道;意识到8get _ 陷进去;遇到困难9_ with. 像一样答案1track2.after3.trial4.that5.to6into7.aware8.stuck9.as.重点句型1You will never have to worry about having your bike stolen again.你永远不必担心自行车再次被偷。2This new invention will make it possible for people to do.这种新的发明使人们做成为可能。3the比较级;the比较级4now (that)引导原因状语从句.重点语法Review the Attributive Clause(复习定语从句).词汇聚焦He wasnt aware of the danger.他没有意识到危险。Is she aware that Im coming?她知道我要来吗?指点迷津aware后跟名词性从句时,一般在从句前不能用of,但在what从句前必须用of。Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously _ situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.A. aware ofB. worried aboutC. familiar with D. accustomed to解析:aware of“知道”。句意为:当你以特殊的方式写出自己的目标时,你能够知道自己在接近目标的位置。答案:A2otherwise conj. 否则;adv. 在其他方面;除此以外;不同地指点迷津otherwise用作连词,意为“否则,要不然”,相当于if not, or else,在使用时必须有上下文。另外otherwise可以用于虚拟语气句中,本身相当于一个条件状语从句。如:He wasnt treated in time. Otherwise he wouldnt have died.他未能得到及时治疗,否则就不会死。Lets hurry up, otherwise well be late again.The price is high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory.Listen to your parents. _ you will regret.A. Otherwise B. UnlessC. However D. Nevertheless解析:unless“除非”,however“无论如何”,nevertheless“尽管”,由句意“听你父母的话,不然你会后悔的”。可知用otherwise“否则,要不然的话”。答案:A3reject vt.抛开;丢掉;拒绝,抵制 n. 被拒绝或抛弃的人或物reject a gift/a possibility/an opinion/a suggestion拒绝接受一件礼物/一种可能性/一条意见/一项建议reject a request拒绝请求reject ones idealist view去掉唯心的观点rejects from an officers training course军官培训课程不合格者指点迷津考生常将reject与refuse混淆:refuse指拒绝别人的请求、帮助、邀请等,其后可跟不定式;reject不能用于拒绝别人的邀请或帮助,其后不能跟不定式。It made the young writer disappointed that several publishers _ his manuscript(原稿)A. took B. rejectedC. hated D. appreciated解析:从上文中的“disappointed”一词来看,青年作家的原稿应该是被几家出版社“拒绝”才合适,所以选项B符合题意。答案:B4compare vt. & vi. 比较,相比,比喻思维拓展compare A with B把A和B进行比较compare A to B把A比喻为Bcompared with/to.与相比(作插入性状语)beyond compare无与伦比的,不可及的compare notes对比笔记;交换意见He began to compare himself with the farmers.Young people are often compared to rising sun._ this _ that, and you will see which is better.A. Compare; to B. Compared; withC. Compared; to D. Compare; with解析:根据上下文结构可知,and前面应是一个祈使句,故compare应是原形构成祈使句。compare this with that是“把这个与那个相比较”;compare this to that“把这个比作那个”。根据题意,答案应选D。答案:D.短语突破Allowing for the train being late, we should be back by 1030.把火车晚点考虑在内我们应该在10点半之前回来。 指点迷津allow与hope后面的搭配刚好相反:It takes about an hour to get there, _ possible traffic delays.A. allowed for B. allowing forC. allowing D. allowed解析:该处需用现在分词作状语。allow for为固定搭配,意思是“考虑到;把计算在内”,而allow意思是“允许”。根据上下文的提示,选项B符合题意。答案:B2keep track of保持联系;时刻了解的动态,掌握的线索思维拓展follow sb.s/sth.s track循着某人/物的足迹cover ones track隐匿行踪lose track of失去的线索be on sb.s track追踪某人a mountain track山间小道a race track赛跑跑道in ones tracks就地,当场;突然间Its difficult to keep track of all the new ideas and developments in agriculture.He follows the tracks left
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