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2015 仁爱 八上 Unit 3,Topics (1,2) 自编试题一.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读2遍。(5分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读2遍。(5分)( )6. A. Country music.B. Pop music.C. Pop music and rock music.( )7. A. Just so-so.B. Yes, Id love.C. Sure. Goahead!( )8. A. Violin.B. Classical music.C. At the concert.( )9. A. Because its sweet.B. Because its noisy.C. Because its wonderful.( )10. A. I can play soccer.B. I can perform ballet.C. I can play the piano.三.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Traveling.B. Reading.C. Cooking.( )12. A. Because its beautiful.B. Because its clean.C. Because its clever.( )13. A. She used to watch TV at home.B. She used to go swimming.C. She used to go to themovies.( )14. A. Doing sports.B. Reading novels.C. Traveling.( )15. A. Flying kites.B. Listening to music.C. Playing games.四.听短文,用1到2个词完成表格。短文读三遍。(5分)NameUsed toNowSteveA movie fan16.AfanKangkang17.ReadingListening to musicLi Lei18.19.JackCollecting coins20.Collecting五.单项选择。(15分)( )1.Whos singing in the garden?Itbe Mr. Brown. Hepractices singing attime. A.mustB. cantC. need D. may( )2. Why _ go out for a walk after supper?A. dontB. didntC. notD. doesnt( )3. Hobbies can _ us happiness, friendship andhealth, so we should have hobbies.A./spanB. takeC. tookD. bring( )4. I _ draw, but now I am fond of it.A. wasnt use toB. didnt use toC. am not use toD. dont use to( )5. Would you mind _?Not at all.A. provide help for usB. provide us with helpC. providing help for usD. providing us for help( )6. His mother taught him _ and read.A./spanB. writingC. to/spanD. writes( )7. Whats your hobby, please?I _ dancing.A. am fond ofB. enjoyC. preferD. A, B and C( )8. _ Li Lei _ play computer games?No, he _.A. Did; use to; didntB. Did; used to; didntC. Does; use to; doesntD. Does; used to; doesnt( )9. The music _ beautiful.A. looksB. feelsC. hearsD. sounds( )10. Jane, can you play _ baseball?No, I cant. But I can play _ violin.A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /D. the; /( )11. Could I _ your violin?Sorry, I _ it to Li Lei yesterday.A. borrow; borrowedB. lend; lentC. borrow; lentD. lend; borrowed( )12. What do you do _?I practice _ English.A. everyday; everydayB. everyday; every dayC. every day; everydayD. every day; every day( )13. There is going to _ a football match(比赛)the day after tomorrow.A. haveB. has C. hostD. be( )14.I watched the NBA game last night. _ amazing game it was! A.What a B.How an C.Whatan D.What( )15. Im busy. I cantgo shopping with you tomorrow._A. Id love to.B. Wonderful!C. What a pity!D. Go ahead!六完形填空。(15分)Planting flowers is my favorite hobby because I can learn something new from it.I bought a flower pot (盆) and some flower seeds (种子) last week. Then I 16some seeds in the pot. After a few days, 17happened. But I didnt give up watering. Another ten days later, I saw the young plants 18. I felt very 19because I could grow something.Just like growing flowers, we can also plant happiness. Our life is 20an empty (空的) pot. We have lots of things to do, but we 21do them. That means we lose many things. 22are
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