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非开挖专业词汇l 非开挖专业词汇汇总AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials美国公路和运输协会Abrasion: Removal of material due to a frictional contact. 磨损:由于一种摩擦性的接触导致表面损失。Abrasion and Scratch Resistance: Ability of a material to resist the infliction of damage in the form of scratches, grooves and other minor imperfections. 抗研磨性:是材料抵抗外部以划伤等形式施加的破坏的能力。ABS: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene; a form of thermoplastic. 丙烯腈共聚物:一种热塑性材料。AC: Asbestos Cement; a composite material used in pipe construction. 石棉水泥波纹板:石棉混凝土即一种用于管道结构的一种塑性材料Acceptance: By the owner of the work as being fully complete in accordance with the contract documents. 验收:甲方根据签订的合同对工程进行完成度核实工作。Adapter Ring: In microtunneling, a fabricated ring usually made from steel that serves to mate the microtunneling machine to the first pipe section. This ring is intended to create a waterproof seal between the machine and the spigot of the first joint. 垫圈:在微型隧道中,一个用来协调为隧道机械与顶管段街头之间的金属环,该环所带的密封圈能够起到顶管机械与第一个顶管套管段之间的透水性。Addenda: Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the execution of the agreement, which modify or interpret the contract documents, drawings and specifications, by addition, deletions, clarifications or corrections. 附录:先于协议所记录或者图解仪所获得数据对准确的资料、图纸和说明书等进行添加、删减、分类或者更正等的说明。Additive: A substance added in a small amount, usually to a fluid, for a special purpose such as to reduce friction, corrosion, etc. 添加剂:一种用来添加到流体中的一种物质,可以使得流体具有一些特殊的性质,例如降低流动摩擦、降低腐蚀性等。Admixture: Ingredients added during mixing; often in construction to aid workability of concrete, mortar or grout. 混凝土添加剂:在建筑中用来改变混凝土、粉煤灰,水泥浆的可使用性的一种混合物添加成分。Advance: The motion of the machine in a direction toward the face wall of the entrance pit. 超前:顶管机械在进入施工井之后就顶进方向上的预先顶进的位移量Advance rate: Speed of advance of a pipe jack or other trenchless installation through the ground, generally expressed as either millimeters per minute or meters per day. 顶进速率:顶管或者其他非开挖装置在穿越时用来表示单位时间内顶进的距离。Aerial sewer: An unburied sewer (generally sanitary type), supported on pedestals or bents to provide a suitable grade line. 架空污水管道:架立与基础上并通过一定弯曲实现匹配的管线走向的未掩埋的污水管道(通常是卫生所考虑的管道类型)Aerobic: Presence of unreacted or free oxygen (02). 需氧的:未反应的或游离氧的存在Aggressive Index (AI): Corrosion index established by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C-400; established as a criterion for determining the corrosive tendency of the water relative to asbestos-cement pipe; calculated from the pH, calcium hardness (H), and total alkalinity (A) by the formula AI = pH + log (A * H) 侵蚀指数:根据AWWA标准C-400确定腐蚀指数:制定于决定水接触的混凝土管腐蚀程度的标准,通过公式:AI = pH + log (A * H)来计算AI(PH值 H Ca硬度 A 总碱度) Aggressive: A property of water, which favors the corrosion of its conveying structure. 侵蚀性:流体的对流动结构侵蚀的特性Agreement: The written agreement between the owner and the contractor covering the work to be performed; the contract documents are attached to and made a part of the agreements. Also designated as the contract. 合同:业主和负责本项目的承包方之间达成的书面协议,承包合同是属于指定的协议部分内容Alkalinity: The capacity of water to neutralize acids; a measure of the buffer capacity of water. The major portion of alkalinity in natural waters is caused by (1) Hydroxide(氢氧化物), (2) Carbonates(碳酸盐), and (3) Bicarbonates(重碳酸盐). 碱度:流体中和酸性的能力,是衡量流体缓和能力的尺度,通常的天然水中的碱度主要是由氢氧化物、碳酸盐和重碳酸盐引起的Alumina: An oxide of aluminum present in clay. 矾土:含有氧化铝的粘土。AMP: Asset Management Plan; a structured approach for utilities to achieve long term defined service standards or an external bearing used to isolate the final drive from the thrusting force of the machine.(来自于机械的推力)资产管理计划(AMP):为实现长期业务标准作用的高效步骤或用于隔离来自于机械最终驱动推理的外部支撑Anaerobic: Able to live and grow where there is no oxygen 厌氧性的:能够在无氧的环境中生存或者生活Angle of Repose: The angle, which the sloping face of a bank of loose earth(软土), gravel(沙砾层), or other material(其它地层), makes with the horizontal(与水平线之间成的角度). 静止角:指软土、砂砾层等地层所在地层面与水平面的之间所称的夹角Annular filler: Material for grouting the annular space between the existing pipeline and the lining system.环形填充物:用于填充存在管道和孔壁之间的环状间隙的填充物质Annulus: Free space between the existing pipe and any lining. 环面:存在管道与孔壁之间的环状间隙Anode: (opposite of cathode) the electrode at which oxidation or corrosion occurs. 正极(负极):发生氧化和腐蚀的电极ANSI: American National Standards Institute, Inc. 美国国家标准化组织Apparent Tensile Strength: A value of tensile strength used for comparative purpose that is determined by tensile testing张力测试 pipe rings in accordance with ASTM D 2290. This differs from true tensile strength of the material due to a bending moment induced by the change in contour of the ring as it is tested. Apparent tensile strength may be at yield屈服, rupture断裂 or both. 表面抗拉强度(ASTM美国材料实验协会):Apparent Tensile Yield: The apparent tensile strength calculated for the yield condition. 表面拉伸屈服:计算屈服条件的表面拉伸强度Application for Payments: The form furnished by the engineer which is to be used by the contractor in requesting progress payments, and an affidavit of
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