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Book 2 Module 2 课时学案 Period 4 Using LanguageGUIDED WRITING如何回信说明吸烟的危害【案例呈现】假如你是李明,你的朋友王刚在来信中说他们班有几个同学为了显示自己成熟或耍“酷”而吸烟,怀着好奇心,他也偷偷尝试了吸烟。请你写一封100词左右的回信,告诉王刚吸烟的危害并给出你的建议。注意:1. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数; 2. 参考词汇: 成熟的mature。Dear Wang Gang, Im sorry to learn that you and some of your classmates have begun to smoke. . Best wishes! Yours, Li Ming【写作指导】1. 审题与定调该篇作文格式为应用文书信。书信的主体部分为议论文,即吸烟的危害。通常用一般现在时表达。2. 确定主体内容书信主体部分围绕“吸烟的危害”展开,可以通过事实论证,如:吸烟对身体的危害,吸烟浪费金钱,吸烟会引起火灾等等,还可以通过数据说明,这样使论证更具有说服力。3. 审定篇章结构全文可按总分总结构布局,分三段:第一段:提出论点,即smoking is not cool but very dangerous。第二段:论证论点,阐述危害。第三段:提出自己的建议,即:放弃吸烟。 4. 常用表达词汇短语:吸烟危害:do great harm to health; lead to heart diseases / cancers; die from; be more harmful to students than to adults; be not only harmful to our health but also to our minds; be bad for; be addicted to; cause all kinds of diseases 建议及看法:shouldnt smoke .; suggest you should do .过渡词汇: in fact; first; second; whats more; whats worse; therefore; as a result; so; for example; such as; in my opinion; in a word相关词汇:smoker; non-smoker; heavy smoker; nicotine; cancer; cigarette; addict; crime; criminal句型:In fact, smoking is not cool but very dangerous.It is reported that .Once you are addicted to it, it is difficult to give it up.Whats more, smoking can cause .Youd better give it up. Dont touch .【范文赏析】Dear Wang Gang, Im sorry to learn that you and some of your classmates have begun to smoke. I think it is wrong to believe smoking is cool and makes you appear mature. In fact, smoking is not cool but very dangerous. First, smoking does great harm to health. Scientific research shows that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problems. It is reported that about 5 mil-lion people all over the world die from diseases related to smoking each year. Second, it is a waste of money to smoke. Some students even steal money to buy cigarettes. Once you are addicted to it, it is difficult to give it up. Whats more, smoking can cause fires easily, which may do great damage to your life and your surroundings. So give up smoking at once. Only in this way can you keep healthy longer. Best Wishes! Yours, Li Ming考点点拨 考例回顾1. As a result, cocaine users sometimes have heart attacks. (P15)He stopped taking drugs as a result of meeting the doctor. (P15)【考点】 as a result因此,结果,相当于so。as a result of作为的结果,由于,相当于because of。【考例1】 Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping.(2009全国卷II)A. as a result ofB. on top ofC. in front of D. in need of【点拨】 选A。as a result of作为的结果;on top of在之上;in front of在前面;in need of需要。根据句意“因为买了太多东西,Jenny差点误了飞机”可知选A。【考例2】 My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _, he could neither eat nor sleep.(江西2005)A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. otherwise 【点拨】 选A。据题意“我”的朋友因得了一种怪病,导致了他既不能吃又不能睡的结果,故选A。after all 毕竟;any way任何办法;otherwise要不然。2. Instead of smoking, make a phone call, take a short walk, talk with a friend. (P19)【考点】 instead of意为“代替”,是短语介词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词等。instead副词,单独使用,意为“作为代替”。【考例】 The young man couldnt afford a new car. _, he bought a used one.(天津2011)A. Besides B. Otherwise C. Instead D. Still【点拨】 选C。句意为“那个年轻人买不起一辆新车,而是买了辆二手车。” instead代替,符合句意。besides此外;otherwise否则;still仍旧。3. Develop new interests: . (P19)【考点】 develop动词,意为“发展;开展”。【考例】 As the story _, the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered.(安徽2011)A. begins B. happens C. ends D. develops【点拨】 选D。句意为“随着故事情节的发展,那个陌生人物的真相被慢慢地发现了。” develop发展,符合句意。begin开始;happen发生;end结束。READING TASKSStop Smoking Now We Can Help!Read the text (P19) carefully and fill in the blanks.PartsMain ideasDetailsPart 1Local 1. _helping people to stop smoking in the USParticipants learn to 2. _ smoking triggers and try to 3. _ in the future when they will stop smoking.Part 2Four Ds of the California Smok-ers Helpline 4. _: Look at your watch and wait for a couple of minutes. 5. _: Whatever you are doing when you want to smoke, do something else! Drink water: If you drink water, you reduce the need to have something in your mouth. 6. _.Part 3Some other ideas about giving up smoking 7. _. Set a date when youre going to stop. Keep 8. _. Develop new interests. READING TASKS1. organisations 2. recognise 3. set a date 4. Delay 5. Distraction 6. Deep breathing 7. Make a plan 8. busy
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