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2022年高中英语Unit3AHealthyLifeUsinglanguagePart One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language (HIV/ AIDS; ARE YOU AT RISK?)AimsTo read about HIV and AIDSTo speak and write about rules to be followed at a party ProceduresI. Warming up by discussingThe Red Ribbon symbol is used internationally to represent the fight against AIDS.“特制红领带”为全球抗击艾滋病的象征符号。Morning class! Have you ever heard of HIV? What does it stand for?HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is a retrovirus that infects the human immune system. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.Then how do people get HIV?People can get HIV several ways: Unprotected sex Babies can get it from their mothers when they are born Breast feeding Getting blood (a blood transfusion) Sharing needles II. Reading for facts about HIV/ AIDS1. Turn to page 22. Scan the text for information to answer the questions below.What is HIV?How does HIV affect human beings?How is HIV spread?What can be done to make one safe from HIV?What are some of the untrue statements about HIV?2. Reading and underliningNext you are to go over the text HIV/ AIDS; ARE YOU AT RISK? Jot down all the useful expressions into your note book. Expressions from ARE YOU AT RISK?A small living thing, cause disease, weaken/ damage a persons immune system, fight disease, havein ones blood, develop AIDS, be spread through blood, make sexual fluids during sex, bee infected, carry the virus, get inside the body, through broken skin, by injection, find a cure for, protect oneself, make sure that, stay safe, inject drugs, sharewith, stay on, injectinto, use a condom, preventing, pass fromto, have sex, a sexual partner, bee infected, have HIV, carry HIV, look perfectly healthy, progress to, look sick, have sex with, be infected with, risk getting the virus, kiss someone with AIDS, visit someone in his home, get the disease from blood or sexual fluid, lose ones friends, for the same reason, no evidence of III. Listening and ticking answersTurn to page 23 and listen to a dialogue between Tina and Sara talking about going to a disco. Tick the things Sara is worried about and plete Tinas sentences. IV. Closing down by speaking and writingDiscuss in pairs and make up a list of rules to be followed at a party where some of the people are a few years older than you.How to behave yourself at a party?1. Be Polite The Big Word here is courtesy. Courtesy is a unique modity; priceless to receive yet it costs nothing to give. The simple rule is, be polite to everybody. 2. R - E - S - P - E - C - T, find out what it means to me. Respecting someones opinion is more than just acknowledging their right to have one. Usually someone elses opinion is just as valid as yours, whether you want to admit it or not. If you want people to take your opinions seriously, take theirs seriously. Respecting other peoples privacy is at least as important in an SCA Group as it is in the real world. While some of us dont mind sharing the details of their personal lives with the group, some of us are more private. Respect that. This doesnt mean that you cant or shouldnt ask personal questions, but if someone doesnt want to answer or doesnt want to go into detail, leave it there. Personal respect is a bit tricky, as it tends to mean different things to different people. For most people it can mean something as simple as avoiding unwanted intrusions into their personal space (whateverthehell that means). Simply put; dont crowd, dont impose yourself, dont presume. This does not mean that you cant ask to tag along with someone to an event, or drop by someones house unannounced, but please be aware that the other person may have plans or whatever that you know nothing about and arent really any of your business anyway. So if they say no when asked or just dont have time to chat, do not take it personally. Of course, the other side of the coin is being able to say no or Im busy or I have other plans and say it politely. If you do, you have the right to expect the other person to respect you enough to let you be about your business. If they dont, tell them so. Politely. Respecting other peoples motives: People behave the way they do for a lot of reasons. When questions of someones motives arise, and they will, try to give them the benefit of the doubt; they probably believe that what theyre doing is for everyones benefit, not just their own. They may be wrong, they may even be right, but they probably dont have a dark ulterior motive. My last word on respect is this: Consider every person worthy of your respect, until and unless they prove by word or deed to be otherwise (and even then, thats no excuse for rude behavior on your part). 3. Open Hailing Frequencies The key to solving any interpersonal problems that may arise is munication. If you dont like somethin
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