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校园开学季:大学新生变身脉客As soon as Liang Jincheng wakes up every morning, he logs in to his account and chats with his new friends. 每早,梁金成(音译)只要一起床便会登陆和新朋友们谈天。Offline, the 19-year-old freshman-to-be of Hunan University of Science and Technology finds real-life communication with strangers difficult, and he is clumsy and awkward. He used to worry about whether he would be lonely when he was thrown into college life.而在现实生活中,这位马上成为湖南科技大学大一新生的19岁男孩发觉与生疏人沟通非常困难。他表现得既笨拙又为难。他过去经常担忧一旦被“抛“进大学校门,自己是否会变得很孤独。So Liang made sure he had a head start. He spent the summer vacation building his social network at the university he will enter in September. Thanks to his early preparation, he has got acquainted with several other freshmen-to-be in the group. He has already made plans with them for basketball matches during orientation week.所以梁金成要确保自己抢占先机。他整个暑假都在建立自己的大学社交网络,以应对9月份的开学。由于早有预备,他在群里已和几位准大一新生混熟了。他已跟他们打算好要在新生训练周期间进展篮球竞赛。Many youngsters become social butterflies in the summer vacation before going to college. For many this is the first time they will leave sweet home and childhood friends to deal with roommates and classmates on their own. Anxiety about finding new friends is understandable.许多年轻人在跨入大学前的暑假期间便化身为社交达人。对许多人来说,这是他们第一次离开温馨甜美的家,告辞儿时的伙伴们,去独立处理与室友和同学之间的关系。这种找寻新朋友所产生的焦虑是可以理解的。A report by MyCOS suggests that interpersonal relationships are the second biggest problem experienced by freshmen. The report looked at 14,066 students of the 2022 Class and 20,385 students of the 2022 Class during the first semester of their freshman year. Respectively 41.3 percent and 38.2 percent of the respondents were worried about socializing and what others thought about them.麦可思数据有限公司公布的一份报告显示,人际关系是大一新生们所遭受的其次大难题。该报告调查了14,066名2022级学生以及20,385名2022级同学,了解他们在大一上学期的生活状况。这两个年级的受访者中,分别有41.3%和38.2%的人对社交活动以及别人如何对待自己表示担忧。Besides potential buddies in the same grade, these online socialites are eager to get to know college seniors. Apparently, they can advise which textbooks to buy for a particular course and how to apply for a particular school club.除了可能成为好友的同年级同学外,这些网络社交达人们也很渴望结识大学学长们。明显,上什么课该买什么书以及如何申请参加某个学校社团,这些他们都可以给出建议。It”s also tempting to think that a good relationship with VIPs in the Student Union and school clubs may help you to get a head start in these groups.同时,与学生会以及学生社团里的“大人物“们建立良好关系,或许会帮你在这些组织里抢占先机。Liang wants to work at the Student Union at college. Among a number of groups for the 2022 Class, he chose the one set up by the Union. The administrators of the group are all leaders in the union.梁金成想去校学生会工作。在几个2022级的群中,他选择了一个由校学生会建立的群。这个群的治理员都是学生会里的学生干部。Liang can consult them about the work at the union. If he is lucky, he may also win favor from some big figures even before the interviews are held.梁金成可以向他们询问一些学生会里的工作事宜。假如幸运的话,他或许会在面试选拔前就获得某些学生会“大人物“的青睐。“Of course, I hope that I can get bonus points in the interviews because of my good relationship with the interviewers,“ Liang admitted. “A soldier should sharpen his sword before stepping onto the battlefield.“我固然盼望可以凭借与面试官的良好关系,而在面试中获得一些加分,“梁金成坦白地讲,“临阵磨枪,不快也光嘛。“Chen Yingyi, a counselor at Shenzhen University, has found that more and more college students are intentionally managing their social lives, and feels this is inappropriate. “Without critical thinking, young people are easily influenced by some unhealthy ideas, such as exaggerated role of guanxi, or social connections,“ he said.来自深圳大学的辅导员陈应毅(音译)发觉越来越多的学生有意经营自己的社交生活。他觉得这样不是很适宜。他说:“由于缺乏批判性思维,年轻人很简单受不良思想的影响,比方说过于夸张拉”关系”的重要性。Liu Xidan, 19, will be a sophomore majoring in business administration at Northeast Normal University next semester. In her opinion, nepotism in the workplace has crept onto campus. She believes this is partly to blame for the craze among freshmen-to-be for chumming up to “influential“ upperclassmen.来自东北师范大学工商治理系的刘希丹(音译)下学期就升入大二了。她觉得,职场中的裙带关系已经静静地潜入到校园之中。她信任该现象的局部缘由要归咎于大学新生过度热衷于巴结那些“有影响力的“高年级学长。Liu said: “The leaders of student organizations prefer those who are polite and obedient to those who are competent.“刘希丹说:“学生组织的头儿们喜爱那些彬彬有礼,唯命是从而并非那些有力量的人。“However, counselor Yang Min at Shanghai International Studies University emphasizes that an employee”s ability is still the primary concern. “Your work performance will be under spotlight,“ she warned students. “If you make a mistake, people will belittle your competency, even if you are not that incapable.“而来自上海外国语大学的辅导员杨敏(音译)强调说,学生会成员的工作力量仍旧是首要考虑的条件。“你的工作表现将受到大家的监视,“她提示自己的学生们:“假如你犯错,即使你并非无能,人们也会轻视你的力量。“Yang advises students to shake off “worldly wisdom“ during college years and enjoy campus life. She said: “Find several genuine friends in an honest way. Don”t make friends without the intention of keeping them. Friends indeed can be friends in need after graduation.“杨敏建议学生在大学期间摆脱世故,好好享受校园生活。她说:“去用真诚来觅得三五知己。假如你不想做长期朋友,就不要轻易交朋友。真正的朋友能够在你毕业后会为你排忧解难。“
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