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改错题型基本情况 1.考查目的:不仅测试考生对于篇章的理解能力,同时测试考生对于词汇和语法的掌握以及拼写单词的能力。 2.考查形式:文章体裁以议论文和说明文为主,通常为220-250个词左右。 文章中有10行划线的句子,每行中有1个错误,每个错误1分,总共10分。 考试时间为15分钟。 3.注意事项: 划线的那一行必有错误,而且只有一个错误,同时没划线的句子中一定没有错误,不用过分关注。 不要持有怀疑一切的态度,因为其中只有语言方面的错误,不可能有标点符号和词汇拼写的错误。 有三种改错的方式,分别是改正(change a word)、删除(delete a word)、增添(add a word),其中改正的比例是最高的,需要留心检查。注意only a word,只能增加、删除和改正一个单词。 Example: Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods.1. time/times/period Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature as2. _ a school subject are valid for study of television. 3. _the_ 3.注意事项: 如果答题时出现拼写错误则不能够得分。 改错题是六级考试中的老题型,它与完形填空是二者选其一进行考查的,不会同时考到。 改错题中的错误都是同学们在写作中自己容易犯的错误,一般分为三大种类,分别是语法错误、词汇错误和语义错误,其中以语法错误为主。改错题中的常见错误一.语法错误: 1.平行结构错误:考搭配关系 Not only but also Both and Neithernor Eitheror 出现前面的词,后面搭配的词不见了(不可能紧接着不见,中间会故意插一个很长的成分) 前面的词出现以后,后面的词被换掉了 最常见的平行结构是and,both,than,or等 例如:One of these is informative, interesting and is easy to read 应该去掉is 改为:One of these is informative, interesting and easy to read 教授的工资比秘书高A professors salary is higher than a secretary. 应该是教授的工资比秘书的工资高A professors salary is higher than a secretarys Defining a problem is easier than provide a solution 应该把to provide 改为providing Defining a problem is easier than providing a solution 2.连接词,关系词错误:主要考查各种从句的引导词 Candles will later be replaced by lights, that could burn longer and brighter. 应该将that改成which Candles will later be replaced by lights, which could burn longer and brighter. It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to universities without any ideas of that they are going to do afterward. 应该把that改为what It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to universities without any ideas of what they are going to do afterward.3.非谓语动词:主要考查非谓语动词与谓语动词的混用2005年12月 If you have to send on, make sure it is one taking in a (S9) professional setting, rather than a holiday snap.应把taking改为taken非谓语动词作定语,表示被动关系应该用过去分词2000年1月 Consider the great need for improving many (78) aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources that are poured into the space exploration efforts. 应把consider改为considering 非谓语动词作状语 4.词性错误:主要体现为名词、形容词、副词的错误 应该首先通过词在句子中的位置来判断词性,然后判断正误,形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词或形容词。 例如:Complete different 应该改为Completely different2006年6月 Mass literacy is a relative new social goal. 应该把relative改为relatively2006年12月 Now what started in schools across the country is playing itself out on a nation stage and (71) is possibly having an impact on the reading habits of the American public. 应该把nation改为national 5.代词错误:往往是前后指代的内容不一致 In most places , the jungle top is so thick that this is impossible to see the stars or the sun. 把this改为it,作为形式主语 In most places , the jungle top is so thick that it is impossible to see the stars or the sun. 英文中表达“这是不可能的”应该用形式主语句型 The modern lighthouse also identities it in a code known to all shipping. 把it改为itself The modern lighthouse also identities itself in a code known to all shipping. 代词指代的内容为lighthouse本身 6.比较级和最高级错误:往往是一些比较级和最高级的常见用法 2003年12月 Elsewhere, rice experts in the Philippines are producing a plant with few (S9) stems and more seeds. 把few改为fewer Elsewhere, rice experts in the Philippines are producing a plant with fewer stems and more seeds. 7.一致性错误: 主要包括主谓一致和单复数一致两种 主谓一致: 常见的错误类型,主要表现为主语名词与谓语动词间隔较长,首尾不能相接等。 Business today ,whether it is running a little gas station or a bigger factory ,take good management. 把take改为takes,主语为business所以是单数 单复数不一致: 往往体现为有明确量词修饰名词,此时名词应该用复数形式。 In addition ,the paper instituted a content audit that evaluates the frequency and manner of representation of woman and people of color in photographs. 应该把woman改为women 因为women与后面的people用and连接 8.时态和语态错误: 整句话的时态必须保持一致: The entire familymother, father, children, even grandparentslive in a small house and working (S4) together to support each other. 应该把working改为work The entire familymother, father, children, even grandparentslive in a small house and work together to support each other. 注意被动语态的表达: 由于中文表达中不加“被”也可以表达被动,因此我们对于被动语态很不敏感。 In some parts, all the trees have cut down. 把have cut down改为 have been cut down 因为树是被砍倒的,要用被动语态。 二.词汇错误: 1.搭配错误: 重点考查英语中核心词汇的惯用搭配和常见词组、短语的使用。 例如:different from be responsible for be dependent on be independent of be similar to be hard on The English speaker has in his disposal a vocabulary and a set of grammatical rules. 应该把in改为at at one s disposal表示“由支配”的意思 2.易混词错误: 往往考查那些拼写和语义上相似,但是用法却不同的词汇 例如:considerable 相当大,相当多的 considerate 考虑周全的,体谅 A large amount of magazines 把amount改为number amount修饰不可数名词,number修饰可数名词
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