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2022年考博英语-南昌大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, _ that he paid me back to following week.问题1选项A.on conditionB.on purposeC.on occasionD.only if【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。on condition “只要,以为条件” ;on purpose “有目的的”;on occasion “有时,偶尔”;only if “只要就”。句意:他问我借些钱,我同意借给他,前提是他(必须)下周还我。选项A符合题意。2. 单选题This medicine is very effective. It can dangerous diseases.问题1选项A.deal withB.cureC.improveD.treat【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。deal with “处理;涉及”;cure “治疗”;improve “提高”; treat “治疗,对待”。cure 通常强调结果,指治愈某种疾病或某人的疾病;而 treat 则通常强调过程,指对病人进行诊断和治疗,但不含治好的意思。此处并没有明确这种药能治愈危险的疾病,因此选项A符合题意。句意:这种药很有效果,能够处理很多危险疾病。3. 单选题The football club will new members the first week next month.问题1选项A.subscribeB.absorbC.registerD.recruit【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。Subscribe “签署”;absorb “吸收;吸引”; register “登记”;recruit “征募”。句意:下个月第一周这个足球俱乐部会招募新成员。选项D符合题意。4. 单选题In order to repair barns, build fence, grow crop and care for animals, a farmer must indeed be _.问题1选项A.restlessB.ceaselessC.availableD.versatile【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。restless “焦躁不安的”;ceaseless “不断的”;available “可获得的”;versatile “多才多艺的”。句意:为了修复谷仓,建造栅栏,种植作物和照顾动物,农民需要学会各种技能。选项D符合题意。5. 单选题Animals that could not themselves to the changed environment perished and those that could survived.问题1选项A.conformB.adaptC.modifyD.conform【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。conform “使遵守,使一致”;adapt “适应”;modify “修改”;conform “符合,遵照”。句意:不能适应环境变化的动物灭绝了,而那些能适应的存活了下来。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题These days, Jenny has consumed a lot and has a whole of bills waiting to be paid.问题1选项A.stackB.pileC.numberD.sequence【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。a stack of bills “一堆账单”。句意:这些天,珍妮买了很多东西,有大堆账单等着支付。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题The manager lost his when he found that his secretary was half hour late for work.问题1选项A.mannerB.moodC.temperD.passion【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。lose ones temper “发脾气”。句意:发现他的秘书上班迟到半小时,经理发了脾气。选项C符合题意。8. 翻译题Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that there is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider.【答案】有实际才干的人鄙薄书本;头脑简单的人羡慕书本;只有聪明人才会运用书本。因为书籍本身并不教人如何运用,运用之道,乃在书外,且高于书本,唯有通过观察才能学到。读书时不可存心与作者辩难,不可以轻信盲从,也不可寻章摘句,作为谈资,而须权衡与琢磨。9. 单选题While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded the nurse Florence Nightingale.问题1选项A.in favor ofB.in honor ofC.in line withD.in place of【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。in favor of “支持,赞同”;in honor of “为纪念”;in line with “符合,与一致”;in place of “替代”。句意:在伦敦,我们参观了为纪念护士南丁格尔而创立的医院。选项B符合题意。10. 单选题That part of the city has long been for its street violence and disorder.问题1选项A.notoriousB.famousC.illegalD.responsible【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。Notorious “臭名昭著的”;famous “著名的”;illegal “非法的”;responsible “负责的”。句意:该市那个地区由于街头暴力和无秩序而长时间臭名昭著。选项A符合题意。11. 单选题A joke or two always up a lecture, I think.问题1选项A.raiseB.loosenC.livenD.inspire【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。raise “提高”;loosen “放松;松开”;liven “使高兴”,liven up “使有生气”;inspire “激发,鼓舞”。根据关键词a lecture,可知是liven up 符合题意。句意:我认为一两个笑话可以使课堂更有生气。选项C符合题意。12. 翻译题世界发展还很不平衡、贫穷和饥荒仍然在一些落后地区肆虐。环境污染、毒品走私、跨国犯罪、严重传染性疾病等跨国问题日益突出。人类实现和平和共同发展的理想还任重道远。【答案】The benefit of development spread rather unevenly in the world as poverty and hunger ravage no a few countries. Many cross-boundary problems such as environmental pollution, drug trafficking, transnational crimes and deadly communicable disease have become more salient. All this has made our road toward universal peace and common development a bumpy and challenging one.13. 单选题Iceland lies far north in the Atlantic, with its northern most tip actually the Arctic Circle.问题1选项A.touchedB.touchingC.being touchedD.touches【答案】B【解析】考查非谓语动词。根据前半部分内容可知句子已经有谓语部分,因此空格处不可能再出现谓语形式,因此可知只能选择非谓语动词。再判断出Iceland与 Arctic Circle是主动关系,因此选项B符合题意。句意:冰岛位于大西洋北部,最北端与北极圈相接。14. 单选题An astonishing fact that the murderer of the general manager was his own brother.问题1选项A.came outB.found outC.exposedD.came to light【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。Come out “出现;出版”;find out “找出”;expose “揭露,揭发”;come to light “暴露,真相大白”。句意:一个惊人的事实被揭露:杀害总经理的凶手竟然是他的兄弟。选项C符合题意。15. 单选题Our service operates 36 libraries throughout the country while six libraries specially serve the countryside.问题1选项A.shiftingB.driftingC.rotatingD.mobile【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。shifting “不断移动的”;drifting “漂移的”;rotating “旋转的”;mobile “可移动的”。句意:全国有36个图书馆,有6个移动图书馆专门为农村服务。选项D符合题意。16. 单选题After that shock, his friends and family often advise him not t
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