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新三高阶学习 Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一一、词汇学习equal v. 等于 A equal B与 相匹敌 None of us can equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.Mary is quite equal to John in brains.be equal to + n:与相匹敌 有能力做某事 to- 介词I am equal to running the company.翻译:他和我力气相等,但智力不等。 equality: n. 相等,平等 她说妇女必须要付出更多才能赢得经济上的平等。She says women must do more to_. 在某些国家黑人没有和白人同等的权利。In some countries black people _ white people . raise v. 募集;筹(款) raise money 筹款 raise price 提高价格 raise a horse饲养马 raise a family 供养家庭 raise wheat 种植小麦 raise an army 招募士兵 raise a shout 发出喊声辨析:rise vi. 上升;起立;高耸;增强n. 高地;出现;上升;增加arise vi. 出现;起立;上升填空:如果夫妻对待金钱的看法不一样,婚姻就会发生问题。Problems _in marriage because partners dont always see money from the same perspective. 当太阳升起,你会感受到脸上的温暖。_, you can feel the warmth on your face. 他们可能不得不提高价钱或牺牲利润。They may have to _or sacrifice profits. 二、课文讲解1、Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. 现在进行时和always 等频度副词的搭配表示说话人带有的情感色彩,其他还有:constantly, forever,continually, frequently, often, repeatedlyTom is always doing homework at home.The little boy is always making noises.one +n. or another 表示某种、这样或那样翻译:他为某种理由而没有出席会议。 出于这样或那样的原因,人们都被吸引到西方国家去了。_, people are attracted to western countries. 仍然有不少儿童由于这样那样的原因不能上学。There are still a lot of children_. manage to do=be able to dohave/make/see/leave/feel/hearsth. doneI have to get enough money to have my house repaired.have the room cleaned have my hair cut某人所遭受到的意外某种情况-主语必须是发出动作的人His wallet was stolen.-He had his wallet stolen.其他:have/make/see/leave/feel/hearsb. do have/make/see/leave/feel/hearsb. doing 2、The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.used to/would doused to:过去常常做,而现在不再发生的事情了He used to smoke every day.He would sit in front of the gate of his house for hours, waiting for his son.辨析:used to/be(get/become)used to doing/be used to do现在完成时时间状语:ever since/up to now/ so far/ in the last(past/latest) 20 years3、One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours! Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. however 用于口语,主要用于句首,作文中,最好用在句中、句尾,要用逗号/分号分隔开来He said that it was so; he was mistake, however.=He said that it was so; however, he was mistake.I know his story; however, I wouldnt like to tell you.I know his story; I, however, wouldnt like to tell you.however 可用nevertheless, nonetheless 替换start: 惊跳、惊奇The voice made him start.He stood up with a start.你真吓了我一跳。_ 注意:start to do/doing begin to do/doing continue to do/doing love/like/hate to do/doingbefore 才; 在之前;未来得及翻译:Nearly a week past before he could explain what had happened to him.It was long before he came back to his hometown.He hung up the phone before I could answer it.We solved the problem before it got worse.4、Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. Armed with a torch分词做状语时,一定要注意它和逻辑主语要呼应一致 Faced with/Facing the difficulties, we never give up. Dressed in black/ Dressing himself a black suit, he went to the funeral. Compared with Japan/ Comparing these two countries,.China/we may see5、In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.catch sight of 看见lose sight of 忘记,忽略hate the sight of 讨厌见到dread the sight of 害怕见到bear/stand the sight of 容忍见到at the sight of 一看见in sight 在视野中out of sight 看不见了填空:当我从商店里出来时,我在人群中看到了丹。As I came out of the shop, I_ Dan in the crowd. 我望着鸟儿愈飞愈高,直到看不见为止。I watched the bird fly higher and higher until I _it. 小学生们一看到他们的老师在院子里跳小舞步都笑起来了。The pupils laughed _ their teacher dancing a minuet in the yard. 她见到那辆旧汽车就讨厌。She _that old car. 那女孩害怕看到蛇。The girl _snakes. 我们在困难的时候,要看到成绩,要看到光明,要提高我们的勇气。In times of difficulty we_our achievements, must see the bright future and must pluck up our courage. recognized sb as 认出某人是 regard sb as, think of sb as, treat sb as(把某人对待为), have on sb as(把某人尊敬为)6、Whatever are you doing up here Bill ? asked the vicar in surprise.whatever: ever用来加强语气whatever/what whatever/however/whichever whoever/whomever wherever/where In- prep 表达惊奇,恐惧,失望或生气等感情色彩的名词搭配连用,在句中起状语的作用 in surprise; in astonishment; in alarm; in embarrassment; in ama
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