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课题:How do you study for a test?科目:英语教学对象:初三学生课时: 1一、教学内容分析In this unit, students learn to talk about how to study. Such topic is very useful to students. Its helpful to raise learning interest of all the students. Either more or less advanced students will benefit a lot.The first period mainly gives students listening and oral practice using the target language How do you study for a text? I study by doing二、教学目标(1) Knowledge ObjectsIn this unit, students learn to talk about how to study for a test and give advice to those who have difficulty in studying.(2) Ability ObjectsTo train students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using the target language.(3)Moral ObjectEveryone learns a different way. The best one is to do. That is, no pains, no gains.三、学习者特征分析学生经过一定时间的学习已经有了一定的语言基础知识,且本单元的话题“How to study”,源于实际的学习生活,因此学生的学习积极性会很高。通过本单元的学习,学会谈论学习生活中遇到的困惑和烦恼,并进行更深入的经验交流。有利于延伸和拓展知识范围,培养解决实际问题的能力。四、教学策略选择与设计使学生自然融于对话的意境中,将学习与家庭、学校、社会活动相结合,最大程度还原语言学习的本质化,从而在一种自然化的状态中就能完成对学生进行英语听、说、读、写等全方面能力的培养,所以本节课我采用的教学方法主要有:任务型教学法,多媒体辅助教学、情景教学法、自学与点拨相结合教学法、小组合作及个人表达相结教学法。五、教学重点及难点Teaching Key PointTo make students learn and grasp the key vocabulary words and the target language.Teaching Difficult PointTo train students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.To train students communicative competence. 六、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图1. 1.Greetings.2. 2.Ask some students about theirsummer holiday(Teacher shows a flashcard with the word Shanghai and asks one student.)3.Teacher shows the others and teaches the word “flashcard” to the students.1. 1.Answer the questions and talk about their holidays.2. 2.Review the new word.通过师生对于假期的对话,在轻松的氛围中为本课的学习掀开了序幕。1. 1.Teacher writes the pattern on the blackboard: - How do you study for an English test? - I study for a test by + V.-ing2. 2.Make a list of their answers on the blackboard. 3. 3.Teacher can teach the “vocabulary” and “pronunciation” at the right time.1. 1.Students can tell their ways freely with the pattern.2. 2.Studentsmakeconversations based on the pattern.( V. + by + V.-ing通过对问题的回答掌握句型的应用,为听力做铺垫。1. 1.Readthe instructions and the conversation to the class, and then ask students to makesimilar conversations.2. 2.Ask some pairs to present their conversations.3. 3.Small competition: group in four, make sentences using structure (verb + by/with gerund).1. 1.Students listen and write the letters for each one.Make similar conversation by oneself.2. 2.Work in pairs to present their conversations.3. 3.Work in groups.本环节通过group work这个活动,对本单元的基本句型进行练习,使学生能够脱口而出。七、教学评价设计教学评价表格:(A、优秀 B、良好 C、一般 D、需努力)日期课目内容合作探究语言表达学习态度整体效果自我评价小组评价教师评价八、板书设计Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Section AThe First Period1. Ways of studying:by working with Friendsby making flashcardsby reading the textbookby making vocabulary listsby listening to cassettesby asking the teacher for help2. Target languageA: How do you study for a test?B: I study by working with a group.
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