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2022年理工类考试辅导:完形填空题答题技巧 8测试的内容是拼写和词形,特殊是一些意义也比拟接近的词,这类词为数不多,所以,完形填空中这类空格占分比重也较小,常见的这类词有:acceptexcept,adaptadopt,angel一angle,badbedbesidebesides,clashcrashelLiSh,commentcommand,diedue,duskdusteffectaffecteffon,fellowfoIlow,formalformer,glassgrass,ideajdeal,laterlatelatter,majormayor,impressexpress,possibleprinciple,quietquite,risearisarouse,sentcent,SOWsew,stealsteel,throughthou曲一thorough,weatherwhether等。如下题中的题1、4、5、8和10:Having passed what I considered the wont obstacle,our spirits1We made towards the left of the cliff,where the going was better,though2steeperHere we found3snow,as most 0f it seemed to have been40ff the mountainWe could not see the mountains in the5because clouds were forming all round usAbout l oclock a storm came up suddenlyWe6its apporach but we were concentrating on cutting steps,and before we had time7anything,we were8by snowWe could not move up or down andhad t0 wait motionless,getting910my hood,my nose and cheeks were frostbitten and I11 ahand out 0fmy glove to warlTl them1AroseBraisedCaroseDaroused2AquiteBfairlyCratherDhardly3AfewBa fewC1ittleDa little4AbrewnBbrownCblewnDblown5AdistanceBinstanceCinstantDdistant6Amay not have noticedBhad to noticeCmust have noticedDought to have noticed7At0 makeBfor makingCto doDfor doing8AblindedBboundedCbindedDbound9AMore cold and more coldBcolder and colderCmore frozen and more frozenDfrozen and frozen10AIn spite ofBInspire 0fCIn case 0fDDespite ofl IAdared not t0 bringBdared not bringCdared not to takeDdared not take(参考答案:1A,2c,3c,4D,5A,6D,7c,8A,9B,10D,11D)
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