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English Around the World学案Step 1 Words1. native adj. 本土的,本国的,土生的 (+to)The giant panda is native to China. 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。 She was native to Taipei. 她原籍台北。n. 本地人,本国人Are you a native here, or just a visitor? 你是本地人, 或者只是游客? 2. base n基础,基地,基部The company has its base in New York and branch offices all over the world公司总部设在纽约,分支遍布全世界。vt. 以为根据【搭配】baseon把建立在上,以为根据be based on根据,建立在上Alice always bases her opinions on the facts爱丽丝的观点总是建立在事实的基础之上。 ,Her conclusion is based on scientific research她的结论是建立在科学研究的基础上的。【经典例题】The film was made _ the World War II.A. base onB. based onC. base inD. based in【答案】B3latter adj较后的,后面的,(两者中)后者的I find it hard to understand the latter part of his lecture我发现他的讲座后面部分很难理解。Did he walk or swim across the river?The latter seems unlikely他是趟过河,还是游过河?后者似乎不可能。【辨析】late,later,latter,lately1)late是形容词,表示“迟到的,晚的”。如:You are late again!你又迟到了。2)later可作形容词,是late的比较级,意为“更迟的,更后的”;也可作副词,意为“稍后,随后”,常与on连用。如:We will discuss this in detail in a later chapter. 我们将在以后的一章中对这一点作详细的探讨。Ill tell you later. 我以后再告诉你。3)latter最常用的含义是“两者中的(后者)”,常与the连用,固定搭配“the former,the latter”。如:Here are Tom and David; the latter is my brother. 这是汤姆和戴维;后者是我的兄弟。4)lately是副词,意为“近来,最近”。如:Have you been to Beijing lately?你最近去过北京吗?【经典例题】Did he go there by bike or on foot? The _ seems unlikely. A latter B late C later D lately【答案】A4. request1)n. 请求,要求的事情They made an urgent request for help after the big snowstorm暴风雪过后他们请求紧急援助。【搭配】at ones request=at the request of sb应某人的要求The teacher sang an English song at the request of his students那位老师应学生们的要求唱了一首英文歌。 make a request(for)请求Mr. Paine made a request that I should help him. 佩恩先生要求我帮助他。2) vt 请求,要求 request sb to doI requested him to come before ten. 我要求他十点以前来。Visitors are requestud not to take photos参观者被要求不能拍照。request 后接宾语从句时,从句的谓语动词要用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。此用法也适用于request作名词接同位语从句,说明要求的具体内容。如:He requested the police that they(should)go there at once他请求警察马上赶去那里。The secretary made a request that they should wait outside秘书要求他们在外面等候。【经典例题】Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.A will request B are requested C are requesting D request【答案】B5. command vt.1). 命令O2+thatI command that he go at once. 我命令他立即就去。 I command you to start at once. 我命令你立即动身。2). 指挥,统率;控制He was told to command his temper. 有人叫他控制脾气。3). 拥有,掌握n. 1) 命令CWho issued the command to fire? 谁下令开枪的?2). 控制,控制权;指挥,指挥权UHe has a hundred men under his command. 他指挥一百个人。3). 掌握;运用能力UShe has a good command of spoken English. 她的英语口语很熟练。6. recognize vt.1). 认出,识别;认识(+as)The policeman recognized her as a pickpocket. 警察认出她是个小偷。 He looked at the envelope and recognized Jennys handwriting immediately. 他看了看信封,马上认出是珍妮的笔迹。2.) 正式承认;认可,认定(+as)Many countries recognized the new government. 许多国家承认了新政府。【经典例题】Oh,its you,Xiao Ming! I _youIve just had my hair cut and Im wearing new glasses Adidnt recognize Bhavent noticedChadnt observed Ddont find【答案】AStep 2 Phrases1. come up走近,到来;被提出While we were talking,a stranger came up to us and asked for some money我们在交谈时,一个陌生人走近我们,向我们要钱。The problem came up at the meeting yesterday这个问题昨天在会上被提出来了。【易错】come up表示“被提出”时,主动形式表示被动含义,无需再使用被动形式。【联想】与come有关的短语come about 产生,发生 come out 出版, come up with 提出 come across 偶遇 come to 共计;涉及;达成【经典例题】Can you explain how it _ that you missed the morning classes?A came about B came to C came up D came across【答案】 A2. at present现在,目前Mother is busy preparing dinner at present妈妈现在正忙着做饭。I cant get in touch with him at present我现在无法和他取得联系。【联想】1)present n礼物,现在;2)adj出席,在场,当前的,现在的present意为 “出席,在场且作定语时,置于名词、代词之后;意为“当前的”且作定语时,置于名词之前。如:They are making a careful study of the present situation of the world他们正在仔细研究当前的世界局势。 。Everyone present at the meeting was strongly against the decision参加会议的每个人都强烈反对这项决定。3) vt. 赠送,呈献(with) They presented him with a bunch of flowers. 他们献给他一束鲜花4)presence n在场,出席I was surprised by the presence of so many people at the meeting. 这么多人出席会议使我感到吃惊。【经典例题】All the people _ at the party were his supporters.(2002北京)A. presentB. thankfulC. interestedD. important【答案】 A3. make use of 利用【用法】use前可用good,full,poor, little等词修饰。如:As a student,you must make full use of your spare time作为学生,你必须充分利用课余时间。 -Make good use of every chance to practise speaking English and your spoken English will be better soon充分利用每一次练习说英语的机会,那么,你的英语口语很快就会变好。【联想】与make有关的短语Make friends with 和交朋友 make fun of 取笑make a decision 作出决定 make a face/faces 扮鬼脸 make progress in 在取得进步【经典例题】Every minute must be made full use of _ spoken English.A to practice B practicing C practice D practised【答案】A4. such as例如,诸如此类,像这样的Ball games such as basketball and football are very excit
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