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International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织(注解)monetary adj.fund n.conclude vt.aggregate vt.repayment n.amount vi.(to)amendment n.facility n.allocate vt.participant n.advent n.supplement n.reverse adj.subscription n.receivable adj.quota n.net adj.holding n.balance n. 单词金钱的;货币的,硬币的资金, 基金缔结, 议定总计达;总数有归还的款项总计, 等于改善, 改正便利, 工具分派, 安排参加者, 共享者(尤指不寻常的人或事)消失, 到来补遗, 补充相反的, 倒转的捐献, 订金可承受的配额, 限额净余的, 纯粹的持有, 全部物, 财产余额Phrases and ExpressionsInternational Monetary FundUS dollarCanadian dollarpounds sterlingDeutsche markBelgian francsFrench francsAustralian dollarMexican pesoArgentine pesoItalian lireDanish kronerNorwegian kronerSwedish kronorJapanese yenAustrian schillingSpanish pesetaNetherlands guilderFinnish markIrish poundSouth African randBrazilian cruzeiroVenezuelan bolivarMalaysian ringgit特amount toFund”s Articles of AgreementSpecial Drawing Right(SDR)enter into forceFund”s Special Drawing Accountin round figures 短语与词组国际货币基金组织美元加拿大元英镑德国马克比利时法郎法国法郎澳大利亚元墨西哥比索阿根廷比索意大利里拉丹麦克郎挪威克郎瑞典克郎日元奥地利先令西班牙比塞塔荷兰盾芬兰马克爱尔兰镑南非兰特巴西克鲁赛罗委内瑞拉博利瓦马来西亚林吉特总计, 等于国际货币基金组织协定条款特殊提款权实施国际货币基金组织特殊提款权账户以整数计算 Notes 1.An amendment to the Fund”s Articles of Agreement establishing a new facility based on Special Drawing Right(SDR) entered into force on 28 July 1969, and on 1 January 1970 SDR 3414 million were allocated to 104 participants in the Fund”s Special Drawing Account.一项对国际货币基金组织协定若干条款的修正案提出设立“特殊提款权“的新方案。该修正案于1969年7月28日生效,并于1970年1月1日安排了34.14亿单位“特殊提款权“给货币基金组织特殊提款权账户的104个成员国。 (1)An amendmententered into force句中,an amendment是主语,entered into force是谓语。 amendment n.formal revision of, addition to, or change, as in a bill or a constitution修正案,修正条款:对法案、宪法的正式修改、增补或转变 a statement of such a change修正案:对这种变化的声明 例:The 19th Amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote. 宪法的第十九条修正案给予了妇女的选举权 (2)establishing a new facility是动名词短语,作后置定语,修饰前面的amendment,意为“设立新方案“。 (3)based on Special Drawing Right(SDR)是过去分词短语,作后置定语,修饰前面的facility。 2.As of 31 December 1970, assets of the Fund included, in round figures, $ 4934.9 million in gold, $ 24485.9 million in various national currencies and $217.8 million in subscriptions receivable.到1970年12月31日为止,国际货币基金组织的资产,以整数计算,包括49.349亿美元的黄金,244.859亿美元的各国货币和各成员国缴纳的2.178亿美元的股金。 1.as of (= as from)自从;自起 例:as of today 从今日起 2.in gold用黄金 in prep.by means of以某种方式 例:paid in cash 以现金支付 3.in round figures已整数计算 (1)round adj.mthematics Expressed or designated as a whole number or integer; not fractional. 【数学】 整数的:用整数而不是分数表示的 (2)figure n.数字 figure n.write the number in words and in figures用文字和阿拉伯数字写出这个数 3.Each member must pay in gold 25 per cent of its subscription or 10 per cent of its net official gold and dollar holdings, whichever is less.每一成员国必需用黄金支付25%的股金,或用官方储藏净值和美元财产支付10%的股金,以较少的金额为支付标准。 (1)net official gold官方储藏净值 net adj.remaining after all deductions have been made, as for expenses纯的:扣除全部开支后剩下的,如开销 例:net profit 净利润 (2)dollar holdings美元财产 holding n.拥有的财产、土地、股票 (3)whichever pron.whatever one or ones无论哪个,无论哪些
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