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牛津译林江苏专版2011高考英语一轮复习巩固提升模块8 Unit 3The world of colours and light. 单词拼写1. The salesman refused to b over the price.2. The experts are e every part of the island.3. Because of his illness, he lost his a .4. His reading covers a wide r of subjects.5. Tom a reading classic novels and dreams of being a writer. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空stick to/have an appetite for/cut off/have a go/out of range1. Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree?No,it is _.2. I once _ at becoming a doctor but quickly gave up.3. The electricity _ for several days during Wenchuan earthquake.4. One of my two sisters _ science,while the other appreciates sports very much.5. The theory he _ proved to be right later. 完成句子1. 汤姆屡试屡败。最终,他陷入了绝望中。Tom tried and tried but failed again and again. Finally, he _ _ _ _.2. 地震后, 那里的人们不得不从头开始,重建家园。After the earthquake, people there had to _ _ _, rebuilding their houses. 3. 那个女人正同小贩讨价还价。The woman was _ _the pedlar.4. 据报道, 那个组织向地震受害者分发了食物和衣服。It is reported that the organization _food and clothes _the earthquake victims. 5. 我想预定7月5日飞往伦敦的机票。 Id like to _ _ _to London for July 5th. 单项填空请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. Most people admit _ the fact that it is not easy to _ the famous university. A. know; admitB. knowing; be admitted toC. know; to admitD. to know; admitted2. She _ the cake and gave each of us a piece. A. cut offB. cut throughC. cut upD. cut out3. All of the things there are inexpensive, with prices _ from $1 to $10. A. ranged B. rangeC. to rangeD. ranging 4. The man hadnt had anything for three days, so he ate what he could find. That is to say, _ .A. appetite comes with eatingB. a good appetite is a good sauceC. a wolfish appetiteD. jump with sb.s appetite5. She _ her hand in the river to find out how cold it was. A. droppedB. drippedC. dippedD. drew6. Of the making of good books there is no end; neither _ any end to their influence mans lives. A. there isB. there areC. is thereD. are there7. The two sides reached an agreement smoothly by _ after an hour. A. negotiatingB. arguingC. quarrellingD. ighting 8. The world is _ seven continents and four oceans.A. made up ofB. made out ofC. made fromD. made in 9. The boy _ himself to football and often arrived home late. A. abandonedB. lostC. leftD. stopped 10. Ill pay a visit to Hongkong. Would you mind keeping an eye on my house?Not at all. _ .A. Id rather notB. Id be happyC. Ive no timeD. Id like to11. The dog _ the door because it wanted to go in.A. scratchedB. watchedC. rubbedD. grasped12. I would be grateful if you would _ receipt of this letter.A. admitB. acknowledgeC. acceptD. inform13. Only under special circumstances _ to take those tests.A. are freshmen permittedB. freshmen are permittedC. permitted are freshmenD. are permitted freshmen14. Some people would like to do shopping on Sunday since they expect to pick up wonderful _ in the market.A. batteriesB. bargainsC. basketsD. barrels15. Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow _ I forget.A. thoughB. so thatC. in caseD. until. 阅读理解请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Vancouver Park BoardNews ReleaseKits Beach Pool Turns 30-Celebration on July 16th July 13, 2009 (No. 37) -Kitsilano Pool turned thirty this month and staff are marking the occasion with a birthday cake and prizes for pool patrons(老主顾).NoonThursday, July 16thKitsilano Pool2305 Cornwall AvenueThis popular summer destination, located on English Bay in Kitsilano Beach Park, is heated and offers easy access “beach entry” for children. Vancouvers largest draw and fill salt water pool first opened at the waters edge in 1931 and became an instant success. It was replaced in 1979 by a state of the art oceanside tank (about 150 meters at its outer most edge). When the new pool opened, it was the largest saltwater pool in North America and cost $2.2 million to build. It is still the only salt water pool in Vancouver. July 17, 2009 (No. 38)-The Vancouver Park Board is asking residents to help care for Vancouvers street trees this summer by watering trees adjacent to (next to) their property. Warm, dry weather can be especially damaging to newly planted trees which are still establishing their root systems. Trees planted within the last four years-many of which have “new tree” tags attached-would benefit most by watering at this time.Residents can help by watering street trees with at least 12 to 20 litres of water (five to 10 minutes with a slow running hosepipe) twice per week over the roots. Regional
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