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接力版四年级上册单词&句子Lesson 1 Nice to meet you.单词:nice, meet, too, name, afternoon句子:1. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.2. Good afternoon.3. My name is . 4. This is Lesson 2 What is it?单词: sun, umbrella, plane, light(灯), moon, hat, eraser句子: What is it? Its a /an .Lesson 3 Where is the cat?单词: behind, schoolbag, cup, move句子: Where is the? It is behind/in/on/under the . Is it behind/in/on/under the ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Lesson 4 Put up your left hand.单词: blackboard, say, out, leader, round句子:1. Put up our left hand.2. Put you right hand on your head.3. Please go out.4. Are you the leader? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Lesson 5 The park is on your left.单词: park, street, turn, school, hospital, along句子: 1. -Excuse me. Where is the park? -Walk along Read Street. Turn right. The park is on your left. - Thank you. 2. Go to the door. Stop! Turn left. Walk to the blackboard. Stop! Turn round. Come here. Thank you.Lesson 6 I can see with my eyes. 单词: with, body, these, feet, right, eat, listen, write, part, 句子: 1. Parts of body: This is my nose/hair/mouth/left hand/right hand. These are my eyes/ears/feet.2. Go right. Go left. Down. Thats right. Now draw a nose on the dog. 3. I can see with my eyes. I can eat with my mouth. I can listen with my ears. I can write with my hand. I can walk with my feet.Lesson 7 This is my family.单词: family, father, mother, sister, brother, his, welcome, like, her句子: 1. This is my family. This is my father/ mother/sister/brother/me. 2. -Whos Stevens/his mother/father/brother/sister?- His mother/ father/ brother/sister is. 3. Welcome to my family. This is my father. Hes tall. Hes a doctor. This is my mother. Shes short. Shes a teacher. She likes her pupils.Lesson 8 Whats the weather like?单词: weather, sunny, cloudy, windy, rain, warm, cool, wear, shirt, cloud, wind, rainy句子: - Whats the weather like? - It is sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy today. - It is sunny and hot. I can wear my dress / It is windy and cold. / It is rainy and cool. It is warm and cloudy. I can wear my shirt.Revision 1单词:do, sentence句子:1. Its an ice cream. The cat is under the chair. Put up your left hand. These are apples. 2. Where is the ball? Its under the desk. 3. Where is the school? It is next to the park. 4. What is it? Its an umbrella. 5. What is it? Its a star. 6. Whats the weather like? Its windy and cool. 7. - Touch your face. Put your right hand on your head. Put your left hand on your nose. - - Look! I can do it.Lesson 9 What day is it today?单词: day, week, tomorrow, wet, dry句子:1. - What day is it today/tomorrow?- It is Sunday/ Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday. 2. -Whats the weather like on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday/Friday/Saturday? -It is hot and dry.Lesson 10 What is he?单词:worker, singer 句子: 1. -Who is he? He is Mr. Zhang. -What is he? He is a farmer. 2. Who has this? Miss Chen. She is a taxi driver. 3. Please go out. 4. Come here. 5. -What is she? Is she a worker? No, she isnt. -Is she a doctor? Yes, she is.Lesson 11 Please give me a banana.单词: give, milk, let, great, full, pass句子: 1. -Please give me a banana. OK. -Please give me some milk. OK. -Please give me a cake. Here you are. Thank you. -Im full. Lets play. Great. 2. Show/give/Pass me your book/an apple/the ball, please. Here you are. Thank you.Lesson 12 Its a small flower.单词: flower, young, dirty, clean, thin, fat句子: Its a small flower. Its a big flower. Shes a short girl. Shes a tall girl. Hes a old doctor. Hes a young doctor. Its a dirty dress. Its a clean dress. Look, its fat pig.Lesson 13 The dress is clean.单词: light(浅色的),boat, grass, skirt, dark(深色的)句子: The shirt is clean. Its a light blue. The dress is clean. Its dark yellow. The boat is small. Its brown. The grass is short. Its dark green. What colour is yellow and blue. Its green.Lesson 14 Is the cat fat or thin?单词: or, TV, picture, thirsty, radio, bowl句子: Is the cat fat or thin? Its fat. Is the boy hungry or thirsty? Hes thirsty. Is the girl tall or short? Shes tall. Is the water hot or cold? Its cold. Is a radio or a TV? Its a TV. Is it a pen or a pencil? Its a pen.Lesson 15 These are pigs.单词: pig, that, tiger, those, sock, balloon, fork, spoon, 句子: This is a cat. These are pigs. That is a tiger. Those are elephants. These are blue balloons. Those are red balloons.These are forks. Those are spoons. What are those? They are birds. Are these socks or shoes? They are shoes.L
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