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云南小学英语小升初阅读理解练习题(及答案)一、阅读理解1阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确答案 Mother Kangaroo and a little white rabbit are neighbours. One day, they are going to the zoo together. But the zoo is far away from their homes. So they have to wait for the bus. A gust of wind(阵风) blows and the little white rabbit feels very cold. And he says to Mother Kangaroo, Mother Kangaroo, Im very cold. May I go into your pocket? Sure. Mother Kangaroo agrees. After getting on the bus, the little white rabbit doesnt come out. So Mother Kangaroo buys two tickets(票). Getting off the bus, the rabbit comes out from the pocket. Mother Kangaroo says to him, Here is your ticket. The rabbit says surprisedly, What? You bought a ticket for me? I am so small that the conductor cant see me. Mother Kangaroo says, Oh, no. We must be honest at any time. The rabbit feels very ashamed(羞愧的).(1)The Mother Kangaroo and the rabbit are going to the zoo . A.on footB.by catC.by bus(2)The rabbit goes into the Mother Kangaroos . A.clothesB.pocketC.coat(3)The rabbit doesnt when they get on the bus. A.come outB.come inC.come up(4)The conductor see the rabbit. A.canB.cantC.dont(5)The rabbit is at last. A.beautifulB.honestC.ashamed【答案】 (1)C(2)B(3)A(4)B(5)C 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了袋鼠妈妈和一只小白兔一起去动物园,他们得等公共汽车,小白兔感到很冷,他进入袋鼠口袋里,上车后,小白兔没有出来,下了公共汽车,袋鼠妈妈说:“这是你的票。我们必须随时诚实。”兔子感到很羞愧。 (1)根据 Mother Kangaroo and a little white rabbit are neighbours. One day, they are going to the zoo together. 可知袋鼠妈妈和一只小白兔去动物园,故答案为C. (2)根据 And he says to Mother Kangaroo, Mother Kangaroo, Im very cold. May I go into your pocket? Sure. Mother Kangaroo agrees. 可知兔子进了袋鼠妈妈的口袋,故答案为B. (3)根据 After getting on the bus, the little white rabbit doesnt come out. 可知兔子上公共汽车时没有出来,故答案为A. (4)根据 I am so small that the conductor cant see me.可知售票员看不见兔子,故答案为B. (5)根据 The rabbit feels very ashamed. 可知兔子感到很羞愧,故答案为C. 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择。 2阅读理解阅读理解 Mrs. Wilson likes to ask his husband to go shoppingwith her on Sundays. Her husband pays for the things that she buys. Now they arein a shop. “Look, Andy. Is it a nice hair clip?” Mrs. Wilsonasks his husband. “All right. And how much is it?” he answersand gives money to the shop assistant. When Mrs. Wilson asks him about something goodor bad, he often says “All right. And how much is it?” to her. At about 8 oclock p.m., Andy is tired and thirsty,and he wants to have a drink. Suddenly (突然地) hiswife looks up at moon and says, “Look, Andy. Is the moon so beautiful?” “All right. And how much is it?” his husbandanswers quickly. 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符(1)Mrs. Wilson likes to go shopping on Sundays. (2)Andy is Mrs. Wilsons husband. (3)Mrs. Wilson pays for all the things she buys. (4)Andy is hungry and wants to buy some food. (5)Mrs. Wilson wants Andy to buy the moon. 【答案】(1)1(2)1(3)0(4)0(5)0 【解析】【分析】大意: 威尔逊太太经常和她的丈夫星期天去购物,她丈夫为她买的东西付钱,经常说好吧。多少钱?”回到家,她的丈夫又累又渴,他想喝点东西,他的妻子抬头看着月亮说:“月亮真漂亮吗?”好吧。“多少钱?”她丈夫回答得很快。(1)句意: 威尔逊太太喜欢在星期天去购物。 根据 Mrs. Wilson likes to ask his husband to go shopping with her on Sundays. 可知威尔逊太太喜欢在星期天去购物, 故答案为正确。(2)句意: 安迪是威尔逊太太的丈夫。 根据 “Look, Andy. Is it a nice hair clip?” Mrs. Wilson asks his husband. 可知安迪是威尔逊太太的丈夫, 故答案为正确。(3)句意: 威尔逊太太付清了她买的所有的东西。 根据 Her husband pays for the things that she buys. Now they are in a shop. 可知威尔逊太太的丈夫付清了她买的所有的东西, 故答案为错误。(4)句意: 安迪饿了,想买点吃的。 根据 Andy is tired and thirsty, and he wants to have a drink. 可知安迪又累又渴,他想喝点东西, 故答案为错误。(5)句意: 威尔逊太太想让安迪买下月亮。 根据 Suddenly his wife looks up at moon and says, “Look, Andy. Is the moon so beautiful?” 可知威尔逊太太并不是想要买月亮, 故答案为错误。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。3阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容给下列图片排序It was very great last Saturday. I got up very early. Then I went shopping with my grandma. She bought me some ice-cream. That was so nice. I bought some interesting books for myself and bought some flowers for my mother. It was her birthday. In the afternoon, my father watched TV with me. The show was very funny. I had a great time last Saturday._【答案】3;1;2;4 【解析】【分析】大意:讲述主人公上周六的活动。图1,男孩在买花。图2,妈妈给主人公买了两只冰淇淋。图3,主人公买了有趣的书。图4,主人公爸爸看电视。(1)根据根据She bought me some ice-cream.可知,主人公妈妈先买冰淇淋;符合图2。故图2为1。(2)根据I bought some interesting books for myself and bought some flowers for my mother. 可知主人公再自己买有趣的书。符合图3。故图3为2。(3)根据I bought some interesting books for myself and bought some flowers for my mother. 可知,再然后主人公为妈妈买花。符
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