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AbstractEuphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in global culture. It plays an important part in our daily communication. As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemism has aroused wide interest among many linguists and scholars from different perspectives. Euphemism is deeply rooted in every aspect of life and is developed with the advancement of society. English euphemism is a mirror of Western culture and social psychology. It has a distinct culture color from the moment it was born. Euphemism undoubtedly reflects the inner relationship among the cultural tradition, social values and the form of language. This essay first briefly introduces the characteristics of the euphemism, namely, universality, indirectness, nationalism and regionalism. The functions of euphemism on politics and war are to disguise the serious social problems, to cover political scandals, to distort the facts and to present a false picture of peace. The communicative functions of euphemism are to avoid embarrassment, ease the situation or behave politely.Key words:euphemism; function; disguise; avoidance; religious; polite 中文摘要委婉语是一种常见的全球语言现象。它是我们日常沟通的重要组成部分。作为英语不可或缺的的一部分,英语委婉已引起许多语言学家和学者的广泛关注。委婉扎根于社会生活的各个方面,并与社会发展同步。英语委婉语是西方文化与社会心理的反映。从它诞生时就有独特的文化色彩。委婉无疑反映了文化传统之间的内在关系,社会价值观念和语言形式。本文首先简要介绍了委婉的特点:普遍性,间接性,民族性和区域性。委婉语在政治和战争中使用是为了掩盖严重的社会问题、政治丑闻、歪曲事实、提出和平假象。委婉语在交谈中使用是为了避免尴尬,缓和局势和表现得得体。关键词:委婉;功能;掩饰;避讳;宗教;得体Chapter One Introduction1. Introduction:Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in the global culture. It plays an important part in our daily communication. As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemism has aroused wide interest among linguists and scholars from different perspectives. Euphemism, a universal language phenomenon, has special communicative functions in social life. A good knowledge of euphemism would help improve the effect of social communication.The word “euphemism” comes from Greek, “eu” means good or well, the root “pheme “means speech, and -ism is a noun suffix, which means the result, so it literally means speaking well of, good speech or words of good omen.1.1 The Definition of Euphemism:Euphemism has been defined differently in different books. There are some definitions cited as follows:(1) Euphemism is substitution of mild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh or direct one. (Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1982, 7th edition)(2) Euphemism is substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.” (Websters New collegiate Dictionary 1973)(3) Euphemism is a polite word or expression that people use when they are talking about something which they or other people find unpleasant or embarrassing, such as death or sex. (Collins, 1987)(4) Euphemism is used as an alternative to an expression, in order to avoid possible loss of face: either ones own face or, through giving offense, that of the audience, or of some third party. (Allan & Burridge, 1991)All the definitions above share the same point, that is, to give a better sounding name, to soften the shock of reality or, sometimes, to cover up dreadful facts. There are some things in life that should not be stated bluntly or truthfully. There are times when it is necessary, even wise, not to “call a spade a spade” but to use some better-sounding name. These harsh, blunt, unpleasant, or offensive things that we have to deliberately avoid mentioning directly for fear of hurting other peoples feeling. And what are the better-sounding names? The “gilded words”, as H.L. calls them.1.2 The Important Role of Euphemism:As a figure of speech, euphemism plays an important part in communication. Robert Burchfield, for many years the editor of The Oxford English Dictionary, once observed that “a language without euphemisms would be a defective instrument of communication” (qtd. In Cullen Murphy the E Word, 2000)”. Enright, D.J., the famous English critic of literature, once said, “Without euphemisms, the world comes to a halt because frication and resentments would rise among people.” This remark illustrates that euphemism plays an important role in the maintenance of social relations and interpersonal relationships. Euphemism is a common phenomenon of all languages and a mirror of social psychology. It is so widely used in our daily life that it has aroused peoples interest.Chapter Two the Characteristics of Euphemism2. The Characteristics of Euphemism:2.1 UniversalityAlmost all cultures seem to have certain notions or things that people try to avoid mentioning directly. That is, nearly every culture has its own taboos. When such a notion or thing has to be referred to, people would like to substitute a different term or phrase that sounds better. “So we have euphemism in
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