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人教新起点六年级英语下学期连词成句专项课间习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. city, going, ferry, by, she, to, the, is (.)2. dirty, smoke, from, cars, the, makes, air (.)3. any, do, have, you, idea (?)4. the, fridge, are, in, tomatoes, the (.)5. sea works he at (.)6. you, new, do, a, have, pen pal7. in Sichuan, is, and, Leshan Giant Buddha, big, beautiful, (.)8. I, come, foot, on, to, school (.)9. go, he, us, can, with10. here, please, come (.)11. going, Where, you, are (.)12. is, there, rubbish, the, in, water (.)13. got, toys, you, what, have (?)14. is cat a police the office (.)15. great, these, are, photos, (.)16. they, big, family, make, a (.) 17. snowy, hat, Jenny, her, has, day, always, a, on (.)18. is on second the floor it (?)19. looks, it, like, a, mule (.)20. shoes My are 8 size (.)21. a ,are, four, there, in, year, seasons (.)22. timeisitwhatnow (?)23. great a museum what (!)24. the, how, is, river, long, (?)25. take, I, to, scarf, want, my, off, (.)26. you, living, do, my, room, like (?)27. looks, Your, and, sweater, nice, warm (.)28. is afraid Jim of father his (.)29. our, is, it, from, school, far (?)30. your festival is favourite what (?)31. hungry, and, I, wet, was (.)32. do, you, last, what, weekend, did (?)33. go, for, minutes, twelve, straight (.)页码 / 总页数
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